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5 Types of Glass Vases for the Home

3 minutes
To decorate interiors, you can resort to different types of glass vases. Here, we show you 5. The meaning they convey will depend on the type of design.
5 Types of Glass Vases for the Home
Last update: 07 January, 2021

A very interesting way of decorating interiors is with certain resources that are visually attractive. Therefore, we’re going to look at 5 types of glass vases for the home and the different aesthetic possibilities they offer.

If you take into account the function that a decorative object has, it goes much further than filling the space – it collaborates with the overall aesthetic, contributes with a specific color, produces content and it changes the atmosphere with its appearance.

In this sense, it’s important to know what exists, what their meanings are, and how you can work with them. In this way, you can achieve a more welcoming interior where tranquility, peace and the correct relationship of all the elements reign.

1. The cylindrical shape- admiration for the past

One of the most common shapes is cylindrical. For centuries, cylindrical glass vases have been used to decorate the house. They are versatile and functional and can contain flowers, plants, or colored sand.

From point of view of its surface, from the base to the top it maintains a straight uniform line that doesn’t vary, forming a unique and vertical block.

Obviously, there are different sizes and some are more slender than others in relation to height. Some types are wide and you can see a clear profile style.

The cylinder generates stability, verticality, and consistency.

2. The spherical vase – boldness

If you want boldness in a vase, then a spherical one is the most suitable. It will stand out depending on its dimensions. Let’s look at some of its most outstanding qualities:

  •  It shows width and robustness by being larger than other vases. It has a greater capacity and therefore can be used for different purposes – you can even make a miniature landscape inside it.
  • Generally speaking, it generates dynamism and energy due to the curved lines. It’s clearly different from the previous model and it adds to the ambiance of a cheerful home.
  •  It’s attractive wherever it’s placed. You can’t miss its shape, which makes it an interesting piece.
  • As for the colors, there are different types of glass, from green to yellow and blue; these are suitable for hallways.

3. Recycled glass vases – a modern trend

Recycled glass vases are becoming increasingly popular for home decoration. They are common, not only because of their formal image but also because of their contribution to protecting the environment.

For example, many of the bottles that we throw into green recycling containers are reused to make this type of vase. A new life is given to the product to such an extent that it acquires another completely different functionality.

There are many different shapes, some with irregular lines and extravagant designs; it all depends on the master craftsman who has worked with the material.

Some figure

4. Demijohns

You’ve probably heard this term on more than one occasion but might not be sure what it is. Throughout history, demijohns have been used as containers to transport all types of liquids and oils.

Today, they have another use as a decorative element for the home. They are usually quite heavy and of considerable size; for this reason, you can put them on the floor or a strong surface.

They usually have a narrow neck and some are of esparto grass or have rope covering the surface; however, those that are completely clear are also very common.

5. Tall convex glass vases

If you’re looking for a unique and different design you can choose a convex glass vase. They’re eye-catching and work well with other basic and functional resources.

They usually have a wide base, can be placed on the floor or a table, and can be set out in height in a simple, stylized manner with the curved lines of the profile converging towards the interior. This is considered another of the most significant types of glass vases on the market.

A very interesting way of decorating interiors is with certain resources that are visually attractive. Therefore, we’re going to look at 5 types of glass vases for the home and the different aesthetic possibilities they offer.

If you take into account the function that a decorative object has, it goes much further than filling the space – it collaborates with the overall aesthetic, contributes with a specific color, produces content and it changes the atmosphere with its appearance.

In this sense, it’s important to know what exists, what their meanings are, and how you can work with them. In this way, you can achieve a more welcoming interior where tranquility, peace and the correct relationship of all the elements reign.

1. The cylindrical shape- admiration for the past

One of the most common shapes is cylindrical. For centuries, cylindrical glass vases have been used to decorate the house. They are versatile and functional and can contain flowers, plants, or colored sand.

From point of view of its surface, from the base to the top it maintains a straight uniform line that doesn’t vary, forming a unique and vertical block.

Obviously, there are different sizes and some are more slender than others in relation to height. Some types are wide and you can see a clear profile style.

The cylinder generates stability, verticality, and consistency.

2. The spherical vase – boldness

If you want boldness in a vase, then a spherical one is the most suitable. It will stand out depending on its dimensions. Let’s look at some of its most outstanding qualities:

  •  It shows width and robustness by being larger than other vases. It has a greater capacity and therefore can be used for different purposes – you can even make a miniature landscape inside it.
  • Generally speaking, it generates dynamism and energy due to the curved lines. It’s clearly different from the previous model and it adds to the ambiance of a cheerful home.
  •  It’s attractive wherever it’s placed. You can’t miss its shape, which makes it an interesting piece.
  • As for the colors, there are different types of glass, from green to yellow and blue; these are suitable for hallways.

3. Recycled glass vases – a modern trend

Recycled glass vases are becoming increasingly popular for home decoration. They are common, not only because of their formal image but also because of their contribution to protecting the environment.

For example, many of the bottles that we throw into green recycling containers are reused to make this type of vase. A new life is given to the product to such an extent that it acquires another completely different functionality.

There are many different shapes, some with irregular lines and extravagant designs; it all depends on the master craftsman who has worked with the material.

Some figure

4. Demijohns

You’ve probably heard this term on more than one occasion but might not be sure what it is. Throughout history, demijohns have been used as containers to transport all types of liquids and oils.

Today, they have another use as a decorative element for the home. They are usually quite heavy and of considerable size; for this reason, you can put them on the floor or a strong surface.

They usually have a narrow neck and some are of esparto grass or have rope covering the surface; however, those that are completely clear are also very common.

5. Tall convex glass vases

If you’re looking for a unique and different design you can choose a convex glass vase. They’re eye-catching and work well with other basic and functional resources.

They usually have a wide base, can be placed on the floor or a table, and can be set out in height in a simple, stylized manner with the curved lines of the profile converging towards the interior. This is considered another of the most significant types of glass vases on the market.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Zaccaria, Donatella: Manual de decoración con vidrio, El Drac, 2004.