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Tires: Use Old Car Tires to Personalize your Backyard

4 minutes
With old car tires, you can make all kinds of crafts and even backyard furniture for your home. If you're into DIY and recycling, tires can be an interesting element for you. You have several ideas to choose from!
Tires: Use Old Car Tires to Personalize your Backyard
Last update: 20 February, 2019

Changed your car tires and don’t know what to do with the old ones? You can use them to decorate your backyard and it’ll look super original! Personalize your outdoors and recycle what you’re not using anymore. In our post today, we’ll show you our ideas.

You can use car tires for many projects and even for backyard furniture for your home. If you like DIY and recycling, car tires have a lot to offer you.

Car tires make up a large portion of landfill waste because they take so long to decompose. So, instead, we can use them at home, or more specifically, in our backyards. Check out our DIY ideas for recycling tires in all kinds of ways.

1. Tire chairs and coffee tables

If you want to make a place to sit down in the shade of a tree or pergola to enjoy the outdoors, consider car tires. Glue on some rope on the outside part of the tires and after, put in a circular cushion on the top; now, you have a seat!

You can also take a truck or bus tire and put a cushion in the center, turning it into a giant poof; it’d be perfect for resting, reading your favorite book or enjoying a nice glass of something.

Some figure

If you want to make a coffee table, follow the same steps but instead of a cushion, place a wooden board that’s lined with easy-to-clean fabric. You could use it to set down bottles, glasses or anything. Additionally, it’d be easy to wash when dirty or stained. You could also attach a tire on top of another and top off the stack with a sheet of glass to make a coffee table to complete the set.

2. Tire planters

You can make planters out of anything that you can get your hands on… even car tires! Paint the outsides in different colors: yellow, green, orange, blue. Place them in a secure spot and fill them with dirt. After, plant your favorite plants and flowers, which will really enjoy plenty of space to grow. Tires could even be a great option for planting a small garden.

If you can find several tires, have fun with decor and create a pyramid structure. For example, place three tires on the ground then stack on another two and top them off with the last one. Leave enough space in each one for adding earth and flowers. It’ll look great!

3. Hanging garden car tires

If you don’t have too much space in your backyard, or if you just have a balcony or patio, use the car tires on the wall. It’s easy. You just need to hang them and fill their inner part with earth. Then plant your favorite flowers.

Don’t forget to punch in small holes before hanging them to allow for proper drainage.

4. Make animal statues with tires

If you think about it, you can even use tires to make animal statues if you want a truly unique backyard. For example, use two tires to make a turtle: keep one intact for the body (which you can, of course, fill with dirt and plants).

Cut the second tire into four equal parts for the arms and legs. You can also use a painted plastic bottle for the head. Just think about how cute it’ll look with a blossoming shell in the spring!

5. Children’s rocker

What about making a rocker with a tire fulcrum and a board? It’s so easy and your children will love it. After cutting your tire in half, wash and paint it however you want. Then, attach a wooden board that has a sturdy rope attached to the end for gripping.

Afterwards, you just need to decorate it: you can use bottle caps as eyes and a nose to make a friendly face.

Some figure

6. Totem poles

If you have a free spot in your backyard along with some old tires, paint them different colors and stack them. They can create a truly original and symbolical decor piece.

With car tires, you can make all kinds of projects for your backyard or any other part of your home as well. You just have to let your imagination loose and make the most of such a strong material. However, don’t forget to clean and disinfect it carefully before starting your projects… It’s been who-knows-where before!

Changed your car tires and don’t know what to do with the old ones? You can use them to decorate your backyard and it’ll look super original! Personalize your outdoors and recycle what you’re not using anymore. In our post today, we’ll show you our ideas.

You can use car tires for many projects and even for backyard furniture for your home. If you like DIY and recycling, car tires have a lot to offer you.

Car tires make up a large portion of landfill waste because they take so long to decompose. So, instead, we can use them at home, or more specifically, in our backyards. Check out our DIY ideas for recycling tires in all kinds of ways.

1. Tire chairs and coffee tables

If you want to make a place to sit down in the shade of a tree or pergola to enjoy the outdoors, consider car tires. Glue on some rope on the outside part of the tires and after, put in a circular cushion on the top; now, you have a seat!

You can also take a truck or bus tire and put a cushion in the center, turning it into a giant poof; it’d be perfect for resting, reading your favorite book or enjoying a nice glass of something.

Some figure

If you want to make a coffee table, follow the same steps but instead of a cushion, place a wooden board that’s lined with easy-to-clean fabric. You could use it to set down bottles, glasses or anything. Additionally, it’d be easy to wash when dirty or stained. You could also attach a tire on top of another and top off the stack with a sheet of glass to make a coffee table to complete the set.

2. Tire planters

You can make planters out of anything that you can get your hands on… even car tires! Paint the outsides in different colors: yellow, green, orange, blue. Place them in a secure spot and fill them with dirt. After, plant your favorite plants and flowers, which will really enjoy plenty of space to grow. Tires could even be a great option for planting a small garden.

If you can find several tires, have fun with decor and create a pyramid structure. For example, place three tires on the ground then stack on another two and top them off with the last one. Leave enough space in each one for adding earth and flowers. It’ll look great!

3. Hanging garden car tires

If you don’t have too much space in your backyard, or if you just have a balcony or patio, use the car tires on the wall. It’s easy. You just need to hang them and fill their inner part with earth. Then plant your favorite flowers.

Don’t forget to punch in small holes before hanging them to allow for proper drainage.

4. Make animal statues with tires

If you think about it, you can even use tires to make animal statues if you want a truly unique backyard. For example, use two tires to make a turtle: keep one intact for the body (which you can, of course, fill with dirt and plants).

Cut the second tire into four equal parts for the arms and legs. You can also use a painted plastic bottle for the head. Just think about how cute it’ll look with a blossoming shell in the spring!

5. Children’s rocker

What about making a rocker with a tire fulcrum and a board? It’s so easy and your children will love it. After cutting your tire in half, wash and paint it however you want. Then, attach a wooden board that has a sturdy rope attached to the end for gripping.

Afterwards, you just need to decorate it: you can use bottle caps as eyes and a nose to make a friendly face.

Some figure

6. Totem poles

If you have a free spot in your backyard along with some old tires, paint them different colors and stack them. They can create a truly original and symbolical decor piece.

With car tires, you can make all kinds of projects for your backyard or any other part of your home as well. You just have to let your imagination loose and make the most of such a strong material. However, don’t forget to clean and disinfect it carefully before starting your projects… It’s been who-knows-where before!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • AA. VV.: Crear espacios para niños, CEAC, 2017.