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Tips on How to Soundproof Your Home

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Noise is one of the main problems people face in their houses, whether noise from outside or other rooms.
Tips on How to Soundproof Your Home
Last update: 16 March, 2019

Noise is common in most homes. Some of it comes from outside–from cars or people passing by your window. There’s also the noise that comes from within, especially in apartments. We’ve all had to listen to our neighbors shouting, moving furniture, or flushing the toilet. This might make you want to soundproof your home.

Noise is annoying when you’re at home. This is even truer if it is frequent and starts interrupting your sleep and causing problems like headaches and stress. But if you follow our tips on how to soundproof your home, you can eliminate the problem. We won’t make you wait any longer–here they are!

Tips on how to soundproof your home

1. Install windows with an air pocket

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A lot of outside noise comes in through your windows. It’s worth considering installing high-quality windows that can block noise. If you live in an especially noisy area, you should install some double-pane windows with an air pocket.

These windows are generally more expensive than conventional ones, but they’re high-quality and highly effective, so they’re definitely worth the money. You should also think about the type of window you’re installing. Sliding windows let much more noise in than ones that you push or pull open.

2. False ceilings

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If a lot of the noise comes from above (upstairs neighbors, bedrooms, etc), you can install false ceilings. There are several types and they’re generally easy to install, and pretty cheap. This is a super effective solution because you can fill the space between with sound-dampening material like acoustic foam or polyurethane.

This simple solution will put a stop to hearing people walk around, shouting, or moving furniture above you. But don’t let it get to this point without talking to them and letting them know first. You don’t want to go as far as installing false ceilings if your neighbors stop when you tell them they’re noisy!

3. Fabrics are your best friends with soundproofing

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Up to this point, we’ve only mentioned soundproof options that involve doing work on your home. There are also some other options that are much simpler and cheaper. You might have even done one of them already without realizing it.

Fabrics are perfect for absorbing and dampening sound. Something as simple as hanging a wide, thick rug on your wall can be super effective. Curtains also do that, they’re just not quite as good at it. Wide couches and bookshelves along the wall can also do this.

So, our advice is to use decoration as a way to soundproof your home. It’s a great way to give your home a new look at the same time as you shield it from outside noise. For example, a big rug on the living room wall, with a fabric-covered chaise longue would make a big impact, both visually and on your sound levels.

4. Build a double skin partition to soundproof your home effectively

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Building a double skin partition is one of the more drastic soundproofing options. It’s probably the most effective solution, but you’ll use up a lot of space to do itSo, we’d only recommend it for homes where the noise is truly unbearable and prevents you from getting on with your daily life.

Exactly how much space it takes up depends on the materials you use. It’s usually about 2-4 inches wide. This could be a good idea if you have lots of room. But if you have a small home, you’ll be shaving away vital square footage.

In that case, you’d need to weigh up how much the noise bothers you against how much space you’ll have left. Everyone’s situation is unique, so you ultimately need to evaluate yours and make your decision.

Noise is common in most homes. Some of it comes from outside–from cars or people passing by your window. There’s also the noise that comes from within, especially in apartments. We’ve all had to listen to our neighbors shouting, moving furniture, or flushing the toilet. This might make you want to soundproof your home.

Noise is annoying when you’re at home. This is even truer if it is frequent and starts interrupting your sleep and causing problems like headaches and stress. But if you follow our tips on how to soundproof your home, you can eliminate the problem. We won’t make you wait any longer–here they are!

Tips on how to soundproof your home

1. Install windows with an air pocket

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A lot of outside noise comes in through your windows. It’s worth considering installing high-quality windows that can block noise. If you live in an especially noisy area, you should install some double-pane windows with an air pocket.

These windows are generally more expensive than conventional ones, but they’re high-quality and highly effective, so they’re definitely worth the money. You should also think about the type of window you’re installing. Sliding windows let much more noise in than ones that you push or pull open.

2. False ceilings

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If a lot of the noise comes from above (upstairs neighbors, bedrooms, etc), you can install false ceilings. There are several types and they’re generally easy to install, and pretty cheap. This is a super effective solution because you can fill the space between with sound-dampening material like acoustic foam or polyurethane.

This simple solution will put a stop to hearing people walk around, shouting, or moving furniture above you. But don’t let it get to this point without talking to them and letting them know first. You don’t want to go as far as installing false ceilings if your neighbors stop when you tell them they’re noisy!

3. Fabrics are your best friends with soundproofing

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Up to this point, we’ve only mentioned soundproof options that involve doing work on your home. There are also some other options that are much simpler and cheaper. You might have even done one of them already without realizing it.

Fabrics are perfect for absorbing and dampening sound. Something as simple as hanging a wide, thick rug on your wall can be super effective. Curtains also do that, they’re just not quite as good at it. Wide couches and bookshelves along the wall can also do this.

So, our advice is to use decoration as a way to soundproof your home. It’s a great way to give your home a new look at the same time as you shield it from outside noise. For example, a big rug on the living room wall, with a fabric-covered chaise longue would make a big impact, both visually and on your sound levels.

4. Build a double skin partition to soundproof your home effectively

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Building a double skin partition is one of the more drastic soundproofing options. It’s probably the most effective solution, but you’ll use up a lot of space to do itSo, we’d only recommend it for homes where the noise is truly unbearable and prevents you from getting on with your daily life.

Exactly how much space it takes up depends on the materials you use. It’s usually about 2-4 inches wide. This could be a good idea if you have lots of room. But if you have a small home, you’ll be shaving away vital square footage.

In that case, you’d need to weigh up how much the noise bothers you against how much space you’ll have left. Everyone’s situation is unique, so you ultimately need to evaluate yours and make your decision.