How to Tile a Bathroom

When you carry out home renovations, the main goal is to get it right. That’s why the best option is to use the best materials and the right method to get a good result. So, you’re going to learn about tiling a bathroom.
The first thing to bear in mind is that you should not skimp on expenses when you renovate a room. If you invest in the best products, you’ll have a comfortable house that will light up your day.
Also, it’s a good idea to resort to construction professionals to carry out any kind of renovations. However, if you want, you can put on your helmet and gloves and carry out the renovation yourself. It’s all about being prepared for the work.
Tiling a bathroom

The verb ‘to tile’ refers to the technique of covering a wall with tiles, to cover it fully as well as transforming a concrete wall to a smooth ceramic surface. This way, you get a neat and elegant appearance.
In the construction world, it’s essential, when you reform, to focus attention on the bathroom and the kitchen. It’s in these areas that you’ll use this kind of material, as it tolerates the effects of humidity and decorates.
This is meticulous work and requires precision. It’s not a matter of randomly placing the tiles. They must be put in order and equidistant. Also, you have to adapt each of the tiles according to the area measurements, and cut the tiles accordingly.
How to tile a bathroom
If you’re tiling a bathroom, you must follow a set of specific rules. As previously stated, this is very detailed and precise work. Let’s look at how to do it:
- First, the concrete wall must be completely bare and dry. The surface can’t be rough. That’s why it’s important to check that the surface is smooth and ready to start working on.
- Also, you’ll find a special glue specifically for tiling in construction or DIY superstores. It’s advisable to use this special glue, as it will ensure a lasting effect and resistance to the passing of time.
- Furthermore, it’s always useful to know the measurements of the area that you’re going to work with. Then, you have to cut the tiles accordingly with a tile cutter. We emphasize the need to know the exact measurements of the area where the tiles are going to go.
- You apply the glue to the surface, and then you place the tiles. You have to make sure that they’re straight and in order, without diagonal lines.
Tile over tile

Is it possible to tile over existing tiles? Yes! It’s all about being careful during the procedure, having the right materials and trying to not botch up the job.
The first step is to position little wooden blocks with silicon throughout different points of the surface and to use a bubble level to check the level.
The next step is to coat the surface with special tiling glue. For that, you’ll need a toothed spatula so you can spread the product; you use the teeth to make parallel lines that will balance the adhesive.
Lastly, you place the tiles one at a time, as tight together as you can, making sure they are vertical when you attach them to the wall.
Is it worth tiling a bathroom?
The answer to this question is yes. There’s no doubt that the results are amazing as you get a completely smooth wall, with a visual effect that is captivating. This is an interesting way to upgrade a bathroom.
It certainly is the best covering system for bathrooms. Tiles tolerate any type of environmental conditions, even steam. Moreover, they’re very easy to clean, they don’t lose their shine and they offer a sense of hygiene.
When you carry out home renovations, the main goal is to get it right. That’s why the best option is to use the best materials and the right method to get a good result. So, you’re going to learn about tiling a bathroom.
The first thing to bear in mind is that you should not skimp on expenses when you renovate a room. If you invest in the best products, you’ll have a comfortable house that will light up your day.
Also, it’s a good idea to resort to construction professionals to carry out any kind of renovations. However, if you want, you can put on your helmet and gloves and carry out the renovation yourself. It’s all about being prepared for the work.
Tiling a bathroom

The verb ‘to tile’ refers to the technique of covering a wall with tiles, to cover it fully as well as transforming a concrete wall to a smooth ceramic surface. This way, you get a neat and elegant appearance.
In the construction world, it’s essential, when you reform, to focus attention on the bathroom and the kitchen. It’s in these areas that you’ll use this kind of material, as it tolerates the effects of humidity and decorates.
This is meticulous work and requires precision. It’s not a matter of randomly placing the tiles. They must be put in order and equidistant. Also, you have to adapt each of the tiles according to the area measurements, and cut the tiles accordingly.
How to tile a bathroom
If you’re tiling a bathroom, you must follow a set of specific rules. As previously stated, this is very detailed and precise work. Let’s look at how to do it:
- First, the concrete wall must be completely bare and dry. The surface can’t be rough. That’s why it’s important to check that the surface is smooth and ready to start working on.
- Also, you’ll find a special glue specifically for tiling in construction or DIY superstores. It’s advisable to use this special glue, as it will ensure a lasting effect and resistance to the passing of time.
- Furthermore, it’s always useful to know the measurements of the area that you’re going to work with. Then, you have to cut the tiles accordingly with a tile cutter. We emphasize the need to know the exact measurements of the area where the tiles are going to go.
- You apply the glue to the surface, and then you place the tiles. You have to make sure that they’re straight and in order, without diagonal lines.
Tile over tile

Is it possible to tile over existing tiles? Yes! It’s all about being careful during the procedure, having the right materials and trying to not botch up the job.
The first step is to position little wooden blocks with silicon throughout different points of the surface and to use a bubble level to check the level.
The next step is to coat the surface with special tiling glue. For that, you’ll need a toothed spatula so you can spread the product; you use the teeth to make parallel lines that will balance the adhesive.
Lastly, you place the tiles one at a time, as tight together as you can, making sure they are vertical when you attach them to the wall.
Is it worth tiling a bathroom?
The answer to this question is yes. There’s no doubt that the results are amazing as you get a completely smooth wall, with a visual effect that is captivating. This is an interesting way to upgrade a bathroom.
It certainly is the best covering system for bathrooms. Tiles tolerate any type of environmental conditions, even steam. Moreover, they’re very easy to clean, they don’t lose their shine and they offer a sense of hygiene.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Poggi, Francesco: Reformar la vivienda, De Vecchi, 2016.