The Internet - A Very Useful Tool in the Decor World

If you can’t hire an interior designer to decorate your home, don’t you worry – there’s an alternative! We’re living in a technology-driven era. The internet is a very useful tool in the decor world given that it has numerous apps and websites that can give you all the guidance you need to liven up your space.
Thanks to technological development, our way of understanding the world is completely different (in a good way!). Today, it’s possible for you to find an online solution for almost any problem that comes your way. Of course, the decor world isn’t any different.
The variety of tools that you can find on the internet is overwhelming. There’s a wide range of apps and web pages for each of the aspects of decoration and interior design.
Some examples related to this are choosing a color palette, the layout scheme of your furniture, how to choose textures, or where to buy the best accessories. In this article, we’ll be teaching you about some online resources that might be very useful to you.
Mobile or tablet apps – a useful tool in the decor world

There have been plenty of technological advances made in the past years. Thanks to them, decorating a space has become a simpler task. The world of mobile apps is immense and has revolutionized everyone’s daily life, to the point where anyone can become an interior designer!
- Design Home is one of the best apps in the decor world. On it, you can draw floor plans and design and decorate the home’s interior and exterior. This allows you to know what your remodeled house will look like even before starting the process! It’s a very easy tool to use and it’s also free.
- The Houzz app is the perfect tool for interior decorators. With this app, you can know how your furniture will look like before buying it thanks to a database of more than 300,000 items. In addition to this, Houzz allows you access to a catalog of more than 200,000 images that we’re sure will inspire you.
- Now, for the lovers of Swedish decoration, the famous decoration chain has launched an app called IKEA Place. It’s quite a useful tool in the decor world, especially if you usually shop at this store. It allows you to see how all the items fit into a room before purchasing them.
A very useful tool in the decor world – online magazines

Another very useful tool is online decor magazines. On the internet, there are so many of these to choose from it’s quite overwhelming! They’re a favorite because they offer a wide range of wonderful and inspiring ideas to decorate the home. Most of them are free so they’re a great resource to keep up with the latest trends in the decor world.
These magazines also offer advice on what elements should be used to create an interior (including the price). It’s kind of like a showcase – but they’re not only for professional designers, they’re also for ordinary people trying to learn to decorate on their own.
If you’re looking for the best advice on interior design, lifestyle, and fashion, as well as great architecture, you’re going to love online magazines.
They often offer many examples of interior designs and information on different problems that may arise while decorating or remodeling. Additionally, they provide many solutions for any type of decorative style.
Digital platforms such as Pinterest or Instagram

Social networks, such as Pinterest or Instagram, have become a source of communication and inspiration in every way, and a great and useful tool in the decor world. From food, art, sports, or design, you can find hundreds of thousands of photos to get inspiration from.
These apps have millions of users. Decor accounts on Instagram or Pinterest stimulate a new sense of connection between interior designers and homeowners. Social media is both a creative outlet and a vital way for designers to find and attract new customers.
It’s been ten years since Instagram hit the App Store. Since then, it’s become a favorite tool for interior designers and young decorators around the world. It’s the best way to promote yourself and get a large number of followers with whom you can share your work.
If you can’t hire an interior designer to decorate your home, don’t you worry – there’s an alternative! We’re living in a technology-driven era. The internet is a very useful tool in the decor world given that it has numerous apps and websites that can give you all the guidance you need to liven up your space.
Thanks to technological development, our way of understanding the world is completely different (in a good way!). Today, it’s possible for you to find an online solution for almost any problem that comes your way. Of course, the decor world isn’t any different.
The variety of tools that you can find on the internet is overwhelming. There’s a wide range of apps and web pages for each of the aspects of decoration and interior design.
Some examples related to this are choosing a color palette, the layout scheme of your furniture, how to choose textures, or where to buy the best accessories. In this article, we’ll be teaching you about some online resources that might be very useful to you.
Mobile or tablet apps – a useful tool in the decor world

There have been plenty of technological advances made in the past years. Thanks to them, decorating a space has become a simpler task. The world of mobile apps is immense and has revolutionized everyone’s daily life, to the point where anyone can become an interior designer!
- Design Home is one of the best apps in the decor world. On it, you can draw floor plans and design and decorate the home’s interior and exterior. This allows you to know what your remodeled house will look like even before starting the process! It’s a very easy tool to use and it’s also free.
- The Houzz app is the perfect tool for interior decorators. With this app, you can know how your furniture will look like before buying it thanks to a database of more than 300,000 items. In addition to this, Houzz allows you access to a catalog of more than 200,000 images that we’re sure will inspire you.
- Now, for the lovers of Swedish decoration, the famous decoration chain has launched an app called IKEA Place. It’s quite a useful tool in the decor world, especially if you usually shop at this store. It allows you to see how all the items fit into a room before purchasing them.
A very useful tool in the decor world – online magazines

Another very useful tool is online decor magazines. On the internet, there are so many of these to choose from it’s quite overwhelming! They’re a favorite because they offer a wide range of wonderful and inspiring ideas to decorate the home. Most of them are free so they’re a great resource to keep up with the latest trends in the decor world.
These magazines also offer advice on what elements should be used to create an interior (including the price). It’s kind of like a showcase – but they’re not only for professional designers, they’re also for ordinary people trying to learn to decorate on their own.
If you’re looking for the best advice on interior design, lifestyle, and fashion, as well as great architecture, you’re going to love online magazines.
They often offer many examples of interior designs and information on different problems that may arise while decorating or remodeling. Additionally, they provide many solutions for any type of decorative style.
Digital platforms such as Pinterest or Instagram

Social networks, such as Pinterest or Instagram, have become a source of communication and inspiration in every way, and a great and useful tool in the decor world. From food, art, sports, or design, you can find hundreds of thousands of photos to get inspiration from.
These apps have millions of users. Decor accounts on Instagram or Pinterest stimulate a new sense of connection between interior designers and homeowners. Social media is both a creative outlet and a vital way for designers to find and attract new customers.
It’s been ten years since Instagram hit the App Store. Since then, it’s become a favorite tool for interior designers and young decorators around the world. It’s the best way to promote yourself and get a large number of followers with whom you can share your work.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- AA. VV.: Hágalo usted mismo en internet, Norma, 2003.