Setting Up A Shop Window for a Decor Store

In the commercial field, it’s vital to promote products in a direct and accessible way. This makes it easier for the public to know if they really want to buy. That’s why, in this article, we’ll be giving you some tips on setting up a shop window for a decor store.
In addition to the advertising that stores do through catalogs, it’s essential for them to make the physical store as attractive as possible. The only way a store can truly achieve success is if it focuses on making things easy for the customer.
A shop window reflects the art of item placement. Depending on the way products are placed, they may or may not be appealing to a clients. Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to even the smallest detail.
Objective: Making it look as good as possible

We can all agree that we tend to stop by a shop window when it looks good. When it comes to shopping, not only are the products important, but also the appearance of the store. If we like the store we’re more likely to end up buying something in it.
However, there’s something important you should keep in mind. If you have a decor shop or want to establish one, you must pay attention to its decor. No matter what you sell, whether it’s furniture, accessories or gifts, it must have an attractive appearance. The correct decor can make a place speak for itself.
When the store looks good from the outside, it automatically creates a positive impact on the public. As a consequence, the latter is more likely to make a purchase.
A good appearance is a symbol of professionalism.
The correct distribution

When placing the furniture in the shop window, it’s vital to take into account some parameters regarding the order, proportion, and space.
- It’s important to display those items that you consider most attractive, or that you want to sell first. If there happens to be any interesting or new furniture in stock, don’t hesitate to display it.
- Try to establish the proportion and balance. If there’s a large foreground sofa in the center, complement it with a small bedside table, as if it were directly related to the sofa.
- On one side you can also place a bookcase, display cabinet or tall cabinet. This will certainly show a distinction of heights, making the area look harmonious.
- If you wish to include lighting, floor lamps should be secondary and placed next to the main item. You can do this with a table lamp as well.
The main purpose of this kind of display is to represent an ideal room and give an idea of how the items would look like in a proper home. Potential clients should automatically picture the objects they’d like to buy in their own homes.
Setting up a shop window for a decor store

In a decor store where vases, bowls, mirrors, coat hangers, figures, paintings, etc. are sold, setting up a shop window plays a fundamental role. After all, this is the principal way the store will attract clients.
- Have two areas – a lower one, where objects are placed on the floor of the shop window and a higher one, at the average height of the clients.
- As in the furniture store, place the items that may be more interesting or that you want to sell first in a strategic way.
- You can mix products of different styles and types. Of course, there must be a separation between them to avoid the shop window looking saturated.
- Another option is to focus on one type of product only. If the store has several shop windows, then select and distribute the items according to a specific group.
What to avoid in a decor store shop window

It’s vital to take into account what not to do when setting up a shop window. It’s very easy to make mistakes when it comes to this. Remember that any mistake, as simple as it may be, may cost you clients.
There must be diversity, and the resources must complement each other. The store should look coordinated, stylish, and full of energy.
Last but not least, don’t forget to color-coordinate. Make the store as interesting as possible by showing a relationship between colors. This, as a result, will give the shop an aesthetically-pleasing look, and clients will enjoy their shopping experience even more.
As you can see, setting up a shop window for a decor store is not all that difficult. However, it’s important to keep these tips in mind in order to make it as successful as possible!
In the commercial field, it’s vital to promote products in a direct and accessible way. This makes it easier for the public to know if they really want to buy. That’s why, in this article, we’ll be giving you some tips on setting up a shop window for a decor store.
In addition to the advertising that stores do through catalogs, it’s essential for them to make the physical store as attractive as possible. The only way a store can truly achieve success is if it focuses on making things easy for the customer.
A shop window reflects the art of item placement. Depending on the way products are placed, they may or may not be appealing to a clients. Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to even the smallest detail.
Objective: Making it look as good as possible

We can all agree that we tend to stop by a shop window when it looks good. When it comes to shopping, not only are the products important, but also the appearance of the store. If we like the store we’re more likely to end up buying something in it.
However, there’s something important you should keep in mind. If you have a decor shop or want to establish one, you must pay attention to its decor. No matter what you sell, whether it’s furniture, accessories or gifts, it must have an attractive appearance. The correct decor can make a place speak for itself.
When the store looks good from the outside, it automatically creates a positive impact on the public. As a consequence, the latter is more likely to make a purchase.
A good appearance is a symbol of professionalism.
The correct distribution

When placing the furniture in the shop window, it’s vital to take into account some parameters regarding the order, proportion, and space.
- It’s important to display those items that you consider most attractive, or that you want to sell first. If there happens to be any interesting or new furniture in stock, don’t hesitate to display it.
- Try to establish the proportion and balance. If there’s a large foreground sofa in the center, complement it with a small bedside table, as if it were directly related to the sofa.
- On one side you can also place a bookcase, display cabinet or tall cabinet. This will certainly show a distinction of heights, making the area look harmonious.
- If you wish to include lighting, floor lamps should be secondary and placed next to the main item. You can do this with a table lamp as well.
The main purpose of this kind of display is to represent an ideal room and give an idea of how the items would look like in a proper home. Potential clients should automatically picture the objects they’d like to buy in their own homes.
Setting up a shop window for a decor store

In a decor store where vases, bowls, mirrors, coat hangers, figures, paintings, etc. are sold, setting up a shop window plays a fundamental role. After all, this is the principal way the store will attract clients.
- Have two areas – a lower one, where objects are placed on the floor of the shop window and a higher one, at the average height of the clients.
- As in the furniture store, place the items that may be more interesting or that you want to sell first in a strategic way.
- You can mix products of different styles and types. Of course, there must be a separation between them to avoid the shop window looking saturated.
- Another option is to focus on one type of product only. If the store has several shop windows, then select and distribute the items according to a specific group.
What to avoid in a decor store shop window

It’s vital to take into account what not to do when setting up a shop window. It’s very easy to make mistakes when it comes to this. Remember that any mistake, as simple as it may be, may cost you clients.
There must be diversity, and the resources must complement each other. The store should look coordinated, stylish, and full of energy.
Last but not least, don’t forget to color-coordinate. Make the store as interesting as possible by showing a relationship between colors. This, as a result, will give the shop an aesthetically-pleasing look, and clients will enjoy their shopping experience even more.
As you can see, setting up a shop window for a decor store is not all that difficult. However, it’s important to keep these tips in mind in order to make it as successful as possible!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Marín Martínez, María Begoña: Escaparatismo y diseño de espacios comerciales, Paraninfo, 2016.