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Scutoid Decoration: A New Style for Your Home

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Have you heard about scutoid decoration?
Scutoid Decoration: A New Style for Your Home
Last update: 28 January, 2021

Have you heard about scutoid decoration? This really innovative concept was first discovered in laboratories and scientific studies. Since then, it has managed to make its way to the world of interior decor.

Using scutoids in your interior decor will give your home a stylish and geometric look. It’s ideal for anyone who loves a sense of order, symmetry and interesting and unusual shapes. In this article, we’ll tell you all about this brand new decorating trend.

What are scutoids?

Before we talk about scutoid decoration itself, we should probably explain what a scutoid actually is. You might have seen it in design magazines or used in major works by designers.

The scutoid wasn’t born in the world of interior decor; it first emerged in the field of cellular biology. It all started with a recent investigation by the Department of Cellular Biology and the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville.

During a study into the embryonic development of animals, biologists discovered that epithelial cells have an unusual way of multiplying and developing. The name scutoid comes from the word scutellum, the name used to describe the shape of the thorax in some insects, like the scarab beetle.

In the lab, they used a computer to replicate what they had seen through the microscope. And with that, a new geometric shape was discovered.

This was one of the biggest scientific discoveries of the past few years. The scutoid is a geometric solid between two parallel surfaces and polygons. These surfaces are joined by either a curve or a y-shaped connection between the vertices.

In cellular development, scutoids can join to one another to form a sort of chain or group. Unlike prisms, scutoids have curved surfaces, and don’t have vertices on all the bases.

Some figure

It might be a little difficult to understand on paper, but with a simple image, it’ll be much easier to understand that explanation.

But, as we’re not scientists, we should probably discuss their place in the world of interior decor. It’s important to know that when scutoids join together, they fill all the space between the two surfaces, making them perfect for decorating small homes, or if you simply want to make the very most of your space.

Scutoid decoration: a passion for geometry

If you’re a fan of geometric objects and you want to use them in your interior decor, then scutoids are perfect for you. And if you happen to have a 3D printer at your disposal, you could even come up with your own designs.

So, where can you use scutoid decor? The first thing that springs to mind is work or offices... They’re the perfect shape for desk organizers! You can put pens, pegs, or post-it notes in them, and even turn them into plant pots for a cactus or other succulents.

But why stop there? You can also use them to create beautiful and practical furniture. For example, if you don’t have much space in your living room or balcony, using scutoid furniture will mean you have space for a table and chairs, which you can put away when you’re done.

Some figure

If you place scutoid shaped blocks side-by-side, you can also use them to separate areas of your home, instead of the cubes you usually see. Plus, each can be painted a different color, making them perfect for children’s bedrooms. In turn, your children can learn about these amazing geometric shapes!

Any object can be a source of inspiration in the world of interior decor. The designers who were inspired to create innovative and practical objects using this geometric shape are proof of this.

Scutoid decoration is new in the world of interior decor, but we have no doubt that we’ll soon be seeing these fun and unusual shapes in stores around the world.

Have you heard about scutoid decoration? This really innovative concept was first discovered in laboratories and scientific studies. Since then, it has managed to make its way to the world of interior decor.

Using scutoids in your interior decor will give your home a stylish and geometric look. It’s ideal for anyone who loves a sense of order, symmetry and interesting and unusual shapes. In this article, we’ll tell you all about this brand new decorating trend.

What are scutoids?

Before we talk about scutoid decoration itself, we should probably explain what a scutoid actually is. You might have seen it in design magazines or used in major works by designers.

The scutoid wasn’t born in the world of interior decor; it first emerged in the field of cellular biology. It all started with a recent investigation by the Department of Cellular Biology and the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville.

During a study into the embryonic development of animals, biologists discovered that epithelial cells have an unusual way of multiplying and developing. The name scutoid comes from the word scutellum, the name used to describe the shape of the thorax in some insects, like the scarab beetle.

In the lab, they used a computer to replicate what they had seen through the microscope. And with that, a new geometric shape was discovered.

This was one of the biggest scientific discoveries of the past few years. The scutoid is a geometric solid between two parallel surfaces and polygons. These surfaces are joined by either a curve or a y-shaped connection between the vertices.

In cellular development, scutoids can join to one another to form a sort of chain or group. Unlike prisms, scutoids have curved surfaces, and don’t have vertices on all the bases.

Some figure

It might be a little difficult to understand on paper, but with a simple image, it’ll be much easier to understand that explanation.

But, as we’re not scientists, we should probably discuss their place in the world of interior decor. It’s important to know that when scutoids join together, they fill all the space between the two surfaces, making them perfect for decorating small homes, or if you simply want to make the very most of your space.

Scutoid decoration: a passion for geometry

If you’re a fan of geometric objects and you want to use them in your interior decor, then scutoids are perfect for you. And if you happen to have a 3D printer at your disposal, you could even come up with your own designs.

So, where can you use scutoid decor? The first thing that springs to mind is work or offices... They’re the perfect shape for desk organizers! You can put pens, pegs, or post-it notes in them, and even turn them into plant pots for a cactus or other succulents.

But why stop there? You can also use them to create beautiful and practical furniture. For example, if you don’t have much space in your living room or balcony, using scutoid furniture will mean you have space for a table and chairs, which you can put away when you’re done.

Some figure

If you place scutoid shaped blocks side-by-side, you can also use them to separate areas of your home, instead of the cubes you usually see. Plus, each can be painted a different color, making them perfect for children’s bedrooms. In turn, your children can learn about these amazing geometric shapes!

Any object can be a source of inspiration in the world of interior decor. The designers who were inspired to create innovative and practical objects using this geometric shape are proof of this.

Scutoid decoration is new in the world of interior decor, but we have no doubt that we’ll soon be seeing these fun and unusual shapes in stores around the world.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Gómez-Gálvez, P., Vicente-Munuera, P., Tagua, A., Forja, C., Castro, A. M., Letrán, M., Escudero, L. M. (2018). Scutoids are a geometrical solution to three-dimensional packing of epithelia. Nature Communications.