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Master Decor by Following These Instagram Accounts

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If you follow these Instagram accounts, your house will also become a source of inspiration for anyone who steps in. Are you ready?
Master Decor by Following These Instagram Accounts
Last update: 21 November, 2019

If you’re on the constant search for home decor inspiration that’s full of details, trends and a one-of-a-kind character, take a look at the best Instagram accounts. All of the featured Instagrammers today are fountains of amazing ideas.

The deco side of Instagram


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Spanish Marta Barberá has a motto, “modern recycling, make more and buy less.” And that’s exactly how she made a name for herself in the world of DIY.

Barberá is a graphic designer and has also studied international commerce. She specialized in marketing and the sociology of consumerism, which led her to create her own business that aims to raise awareness. She tries to break through to consumers through fun tutorials on recycling and creating cute objects for home decor.

Barberá even has a manifesto against using and throwing away – check out her account to learn more.


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Our next Instagram sensation lives in London. We love her account because it inspires us to create mini-spaces full of beauty. Follow her and every nook and cranny of your home can really have its own charm.

You’ll love her reading nooks and her way of hanging pictures or using colorful shelves that are full of magic.

@ EttoreSottsass

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Back in 1981, a group of designers that was led by late Ettore Sottsass came together to create a collective that vindicated bold shapes and colors, plastic and tackiness.

It’s known as the Memphis style and big names were among its followers, such as Karl Lagerfeld, David Bowie, and Sofia Coppola. Raquel Cayre manages this rule-breaking account and fills it with vintage passion and bold ideas. Consider yourself warned – you’ll either love or hate it.


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Next is another Spanish interior designer who creates spaces full of peace, pink tones, and modern and vintage elements. In her own words, light and color play the main role in her work to create happy spaces that evoke feeling and emotion.


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The Nordic decor style has made huge waves in recent years and the fact that this particular account made our list shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Niki Brantmark is a Londoner that currently lives in Malmö. On her account, she shares the best home decor of Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Her account is full of natural light, wooden furniture, light colors, plants, and minimalism.


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Philippa Stanton is a huge believer in simply English elements – teacups, flower vases and plenty of nature. The British decor style runs through her veins. By the way, she oversaw the decoration for Isabel Coixet’s La Librería (The Bookstore), which was released in 2017.


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Our list wouldn’t be complete without this passionate voice for all things DIY and baby roomsHer style draws inspiration for open-air markets and cloudy beach days in Northern Spain. Her tips for nailing her special style are our favorite part of her account.


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Julieta Tello hails from Argentina but lives in London and loves traveling to exotic destinations. She followed her passions until creating a business where she sells artisan crafts that she collects from around the world.

If you love boho chic, check her out. You’ll love each and every piece on her account and will want to buy them all. Follow these Instagram accounts for a little master inspiration from the best minds of interior design.