Lighting Up your Home: Countless Light Possibilities

Home decor builds dialogue between different components: furniture, plants, colors, walls, floors, etc. There is another key element that plays a crucial role: lighting and its decorative expression.
Spaces can’t exist without light. It determines the shapes of the different elements that make up a home. Light can provide meaning and substance to a room as well as contribute to its decor.
Additionally, there are so many light possibilities that can work in diverse ways. Light can create a one-of-a-kind setting, but it’ll depend on which kind you use.
Creating warm light with table lamps

Lamps that sit on top coffee tables, nightstands or side tables create a different kind of lighting than ceiling lights, which provide wide-range, general lighting.
So what can table lamps do for decor? They’re simpler, creating a calmer setting. These lamps create the perfect lighting for a still moment.
When you’re trying to match them with your furniture, look for a direct color connection. But avoid placing them in high areas. They’re more comfortable to use at a medium-height.
— Light can play a big role in decor. —
Ceiling lights

Moving on, let’s look at ceiling lights. In today’s post, we’re not referring to a specific light fixture but rather, the overall lighting.
- The shape of the light fixture itself shifts the light, directing it towards the floor. However, that light spreads out throughout the room.
- Highlighting the shape of furniture and colors helps make the room seem more spacious. Warm light is always a good idea, especially for living rooms, where lighting can really make a difference.
Natural lighting, the best option
Hands down, the natural light that enters through your windows is the healthiest source that can also impact a home’s setting. Which characteristics can it create for your home?
- Calm and stillness: sunlight gives us vitamins and it gives homes a different tone, enhancing shapes and creating warmth. It also creates shadows that can give furniture a statue-like quality.
- Colors look better in natural light. This is especially true for darker colors, which can be appreciated more in natural lighting. Artificial lights, on the other hand, can distort reality.
- And of course, natural lighting helps you save electricity, and in turn, your wallet.
White light and functionality

White lights offer a different setting than their warmer counterparts.
- Stronger, more direct lighting. These lights have a stronger sense of direction and don’t enhance shapes as dimmer lights do.
- Aim to create a more practical setting by using intense lighting without aesthetic character.
- White lights work great in kitchens, storage closets, etc. They’re perfect for quick-transit areas but not so much if you want to find tranquility as they create tension.
- For bathrooms, they help create a hygienic setting, enhancing the whiteness of the plumbing fixtures.
Spotlights: aesthetic directional light

Are you a fan of the lighting that a good set of spotlights can offer? But, where should you put them? Keep these factors in mind as you’re working on your interiors:
- You can place spotlights in areas where you want to draw attention to a certain element. It could be a painting, sculpture, jars, etc. With spotlights, you can make it a centerpiece.
- If you don’t want to highlight any element in particular and just want to use spotlights, install them on your ceiling so that they shine downwards onto the floor. While they’re not general lighting, you can use them to create a nice setting.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Sudjic, Deyan: La luz y el color en la decoración, Folio, 1992.