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Learn How to Decorate With Preserved Flowers

3 minutes
Learn how to decorate with preserved flowers! They're beautiful, natural, and they last for several months.
Learn How to Decorate With Preserved Flowers
Last update: 19 October, 2021

If you love nature and want to fill your home with natural elements, learn how to decorate with preserved flowers.

Alongside connecting with nature, you can create displays, bouquets, ornaments, and all kinds of details for every corner of your home. You’ll also realize just how beautiful they are and how they’ll bring a personal touch to each of the rooms in your home. Ready to get started?

What are preserved flowers?

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It’s important to clarify that preserved flowers aren’t the same as dried flowers. Preserved flowers undergo an entirely different treatment–they’re subjected to a process that replaces the sap and water with a preservative liquid.

In this procedure, they’re dehydrated, but they maintain their appearance–that is, their natural shape, and scent. Although not all flowers can undergo this treatment, there are many species that are suitable for this process. Moreover, if you combine preserved flowers with dried flower arrangements, you can create stunning displays.

In addition to looking beautiful, preserved flowers can last for years. The main objective of the technique is to ensure that they remain intact for as long as possible, preserving their natural characteristics in terms of shape, scent, and color. Of course, the light does affect them, so with the passage of time, they can lose their intensity.

As for maintenance, it’s very simple. Dust them occasionally with a damp cloth, taking care not to damage them.

Decorate with preserved flowers

It’s best to display them in a warm place, away from drafts and direct light. Temperature changes, light, air conditioning, or heaters can affect their durability.

Since they can also be dyed in different colors, you’ll find inspiration that fits perfectly with your decorative style. You’ll notice that you can make bouquets, headdresses or wreaths (very fashionable), corsages, and arrangement displays.

Lately, headdresses or wreaths have triumphed as an accessory in home decor. They’re a perfect element to complement Bohemian and romantic environments.

Long ago they used to be associated with Christmas or rustic weddings, but nowadays they’ve crept in everywhere.

Some ideas to accompany your flowers

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If you’re wondering about the best type of vase or support, the truth is that they work with almost every type. However, some styles do make a perfect tandem.

Such is the case of reusable items, such as brass or clay jugs. Rescue some of those objects that you no longer use, clean them, paint them (if you want), and give them a new prominence. You can even use those jars in the kitchen that you like so much.

Other well-suited alternatives are wicker or natural fiber baskets. For example, you can also add a ribbon to allow you to hang it on the wall or on a piece of furniture or shelf.

Decorate with preserved flowers: a totally natural look

Preserved flowers are preserved thanks to a mixture of glycerin with other plant products that replace the sap of the plant. Thus, as you can see, they’re a natural resource to decorate your spaces.

They don’t need water, and they look great for many months. They can be the perfect addition to your coffee table or for that beautiful piece of furniture you have in the hall. Where will you display yours?

If you love nature and want to fill your home with natural elements, learn how to decorate with preserved flowers.

Alongside connecting with nature, you can create displays, bouquets, ornaments, and all kinds of details for every corner of your home. You’ll also realize just how beautiful they are and how they’ll bring a personal touch to each of the rooms in your home. Ready to get started?

What are preserved flowers?

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It’s important to clarify that preserved flowers aren’t the same as dried flowers. Preserved flowers undergo an entirely different treatment–they’re subjected to a process that replaces the sap and water with a preservative liquid.

In this procedure, they’re dehydrated, but they maintain their appearance–that is, their natural shape, and scent. Although not all flowers can undergo this treatment, there are many species that are suitable for this process. Moreover, if you combine preserved flowers with dried flower arrangements, you can create stunning displays.

In addition to looking beautiful, preserved flowers can last for years. The main objective of the technique is to ensure that they remain intact for as long as possible, preserving their natural characteristics in terms of shape, scent, and color. Of course, the light does affect them, so with the passage of time, they can lose their intensity.

As for maintenance, it’s very simple. Dust them occasionally with a damp cloth, taking care not to damage them.

Decorate with preserved flowers

It’s best to display them in a warm place, away from drafts and direct light. Temperature changes, light, air conditioning, or heaters can affect their durability.

Since they can also be dyed in different colors, you’ll find inspiration that fits perfectly with your decorative style. You’ll notice that you can make bouquets, headdresses or wreaths (very fashionable), corsages, and arrangement displays.

Lately, headdresses or wreaths have triumphed as an accessory in home decor. They’re a perfect element to complement Bohemian and romantic environments.

Long ago they used to be associated with Christmas or rustic weddings, but nowadays they’ve crept in everywhere.

Some ideas to accompany your flowers

Some figure

If you’re wondering about the best type of vase or support, the truth is that they work with almost every type. However, some styles do make a perfect tandem.

Such is the case of reusable items, such as brass or clay jugs. Rescue some of those objects that you no longer use, clean them, paint them (if you want), and give them a new prominence. You can even use those jars in the kitchen that you like so much.

Other well-suited alternatives are wicker or natural fiber baskets. For example, you can also add a ribbon to allow you to hang it on the wall or on a piece of furniture or shelf.

Decorate with preserved flowers: a totally natural look

Preserved flowers are preserved thanks to a mixture of glycerin with other plant products that replace the sap of the plant. Thus, as you can see, they’re a natural resource to decorate your spaces.

They don’t need water, and they look great for many months. They can be the perfect addition to your coffee table or for that beautiful piece of furniture you have in the hall. Where will you display yours?