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Keeping Your Closet Organized

3 minutes
There are a variety of ways to keep your closet nice and organized. Check out our ideas below.
Keeping Your Closet Organized
Last update: 28 January, 2021

In our post today, we have some ideas on keeping your closet perfectly organized. We all have growing piles of clothes, accessories, shoes… and we all throw them in the closet indiscriminately, making it impossible to find things easily.

So, having a good way to organize our closets or wardrobes is crucial. You should get rid of the articles that you don’t use anymore. But you don’t have to throw them away; you can donate or recycle them. H&M has a program, Garment Collecting, that accepts bags of used clothes; in fact, they’ll give you discount coupons to use on future purchases for every bag that you bring.

After sorting out which articles you really use, you can then get started on organizing your closet. Check out our ideas in our post below.

1. Divide clothes into seasons

It might seem like a waste of time, but reorganizing your closet after the end of a season is essential. It’ll help you find seasonal items much easier.

Winter clothes take up more space than summer clothes do; it’s something that you’ll need to keep in mind when distributing space. If you have a tall closet, take advantage of the top area to store clothes for different seasons.

Buy some boxes in different sizes that fit in those areas to make the most of your space. And look for plastic cases to store your suits and coats.

Lastly, remember to leave some space your mid-season clothes. We actually use these articles a fair amount of times in a year.

2. Organize your clothes by categories and color

Following this tip will keep things feeling more organized. Separate your clothes into types: shirts, paints, etc. If you’re very organized, you can go into subdivisions as well, like sorting by sleeves or fabrics as well. That way, you’ll even be organizing by size as well.

Some figure

Every article will have a certain place in your closet where it fits best. For example, shirts, sweaters, and pants will be fine folded on shelves; they don’t wrinkle that much.

However, blouses and dresses… these will crease much less on hangers. It might seem wasteful, but having a hanger for each article of clothing is a good idea: they won’t wrinkle as much and you can find them easier.

If you want to take it a step further, organize your clothes by colors as well. You’ll really be able to enjoy a sense of balance and order.

3. Set aside a space for your shoes and accessories

Lastly, we want to talk about accessories, which are just as important as clothes.

For shoes, the best idea is having a shoe rack at the bottom of your closet. Whether it’s by using a set of drawers or a shelving unit, keep your shoes in sight. If you can fit a shoe rack in your closet, you’ll gain space in your bedroom, giving you more furniture possibilities.

For sandals and cloth sneakers, you could try using fabric shoe organizers that hang vertically from the bar in your closet like a hanger.

As for your accessories, you can organize them on the inner door of your closet, as long as you don’t have sliding doors. Install some panels or hooks at medium-tall height to hang your small bags, necklaces, belts, hair accessories, etc.

For your bigger accessories, like purses, try shelves. Organize your bags on the shelves like you would shoes.

Consider buying drawer organizers to create small compartments for your underwear and bathing suits. If that’s not for you, hanging fabric organizers are a great option, especially because they barely take up space: they hang vertically from the closet bar.

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An organized closet

As you’ve seen in our post, organizing your closet isn’t that hard. You just need to be consistent and utilize different accessories that can help you distribute your clothes and accessories.

In our post today, we have some ideas on keeping your closet perfectly organized. We all have growing piles of clothes, accessories, shoes… and we all throw them in the closet indiscriminately, making it impossible to find things easily.

So, having a good way to organize our closets or wardrobes is crucial. You should get rid of the articles that you don’t use anymore. But you don’t have to throw them away; you can donate or recycle them. H&M has a program, Garment Collecting, that accepts bags of used clothes; in fact, they’ll give you discount coupons to use on future purchases for every bag that you bring.

After sorting out which articles you really use, you can then get started on organizing your closet. Check out our ideas in our post below.

1. Divide clothes into seasons

It might seem like a waste of time, but reorganizing your closet after the end of a season is essential. It’ll help you find seasonal items much easier.

Winter clothes take up more space than summer clothes do; it’s something that you’ll need to keep in mind when distributing space. If you have a tall closet, take advantage of the top area to store clothes for different seasons.

Buy some boxes in different sizes that fit in those areas to make the most of your space. And look for plastic cases to store your suits and coats.

Lastly, remember to leave some space your mid-season clothes. We actually use these articles a fair amount of times in a year.

2. Organize your clothes by categories and color

Following this tip will keep things feeling more organized. Separate your clothes into types: shirts, paints, etc. If you’re very organized, you can go into subdivisions as well, like sorting by sleeves or fabrics as well. That way, you’ll even be organizing by size as well.

Some figure

Every article will have a certain place in your closet where it fits best. For example, shirts, sweaters, and pants will be fine folded on shelves; they don’t wrinkle that much.

However, blouses and dresses… these will crease much less on hangers. It might seem wasteful, but having a hanger for each article of clothing is a good idea: they won’t wrinkle as much and you can find them easier.

If you want to take it a step further, organize your clothes by colors as well. You’ll really be able to enjoy a sense of balance and order.

3. Set aside a space for your shoes and accessories

Lastly, we want to talk about accessories, which are just as important as clothes.

For shoes, the best idea is having a shoe rack at the bottom of your closet. Whether it’s by using a set of drawers or a shelving unit, keep your shoes in sight. If you can fit a shoe rack in your closet, you’ll gain space in your bedroom, giving you more furniture possibilities.

For sandals and cloth sneakers, you could try using fabric shoe organizers that hang vertically from the bar in your closet like a hanger.

As for your accessories, you can organize them on the inner door of your closet, as long as you don’t have sliding doors. Install some panels or hooks at medium-tall height to hang your small bags, necklaces, belts, hair accessories, etc.

For your bigger accessories, like purses, try shelves. Organize your bags on the shelves like you would shoes.

Consider buying drawer organizers to create small compartments for your underwear and bathing suits. If that’s not for you, hanging fabric organizers are a great option, especially because they barely take up space: they hang vertically from the closet bar.

Some figure

An organized closet

As you’ve seen in our post, organizing your closet isn’t that hard. You just need to be consistent and utilize different accessories that can help you distribute your clothes and accessories.