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Interior Doors: Everything You Need to Know

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Like anything in your home, interior doors are very important for creating harmony in your decorating. 
Interior Doors: Everything You Need to Know
Last update: 05 September, 2019

Interior doors are possibly the least mentioned element in home decor magazines or blogs.

So, we want to talk about this topic in this article. Interior doors are very important but don’t tend to get the attention they deserve.

When you think about interior doors, you probably can’t imagine how many types there are. That’s why it’s important to have everything clear when it comes to both the types of interior doors that exist, as well as the materials that can be used for them.

That way you won’t make any mistakes when choosing them.

Interior doors are important in a house. They can give smaller rooms a larger appearance or they can change the distribution of the space.

Types of interior doors

In very broad terms, we could say that interior doors fall into the following categories:

  • Classical: this type of door is what we use the most in our homes. There are several subtypes within this category: with or without moldings, rustic, smooth, etc.
  • With a mirror on one side: these doors are great for smaller rooms because the mirror creates the illusion of more space. They’re great for dressing rooms and bathrooms.
  • Porthole: these doors are ideal for kitchens because they allow you to see what’s on the other side of the door, which can prevent accidents.
  • Sliding: interior sliding doors are a perfect way to take advantage of space. Even better if they’re glass because it lets the light in. Don’t confuse this type of door with rail doors that also slide.
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  • Rail doors: unlike sliding doors, they don’t require as much installation. You just place a rail over the door frame to move them.
  • Interior slat doors: these usually come in wood or metal and look very similar to blinds. The difference is that they have fixed slats, so they can’t be opened or closed.

On the other hand, they’re great for separating rooms or hiding them. They look like closets, so your visitors won’t try to see what’s behind them.

  • Ventilated doors: these are doors that have grilles at the bottom for ventilation. They are great in rooms that need air inlets, like bathrooms or pantries.
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  • Folding: yes, there are folding doors and they’re perfect or covering large spaces.

You can find ones that only open to one side, towards both or that open from the center out. They’re ideal for temporarily separating spaces. You can decide to separate the rooms by pulling them across or leaving them open to create a larger space.


When choosing the right interior door, it’s also important to look at materials.

There are many types of materials. Wooden doors are the most classic. People still use them because they’re such authentic pieces of art. However, they’re not the only material you can choose from.

The material you select will also impact your budget, so take note:

  • Alveolar DM: this material is super lightweight.

These doors are also known as “hollow doors” since the interior is made of very resistant cardboard.

They’re easy to customize because they are painted. Its average price is around €200.

  • Plating: this is the most customizable material when it comes to manufacturing doors. This is basically a conglomerate that’s covered with sheets of both natural materials and more high-end woods.

The advantage of this material is that temperatures won’t misshape it. Its price depends on the quality of the plating, and they are generally between €300 and €750.

  • Solid wood: this is for very heavy and resistant doors. You have to carefully and continuously work to maintain it. They’re perfect for homes with a classic or rustic decor. The average price of these types of doors is €300.
  • Glass: these doors are usually made with glass and other material. They’re also more expensive and the glass can be transparent, tempered or translucent.
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As you can see, interior doors are a whole world in themselves. 

It’s a good idea to think about the types of doors you want before remodeling your house or apartment. These doors will help improve the look of your home and make it more functional.

There are also many materials and styles, so you’ll surely find the perfect one for your home.

Generally, doors are sold ready-made. However, if your room exceeds the standard dimensions, you can buy made to measure doors.

Be sure that the size is exactly what you need so you won’t have any problems when installing the door.