Indigo - The Color of Hope and Calm

It’s important for your interior decor to reflect your personality and for the colors and materials you use to make you feel good. Indigo is a great color to use; it can make you feel both hopeful and calm.
We share a close bond with our homes. Their interior décor should be coordinated, all forms and shapes should be balanced, and every aspect of the decoration should be well placed and distributed through the space.
Once your home is well organized, the only thing left to do is choose a color scheme that matches your decoration and that makes you feel content and comfortable. It’s important not to choose your colors at random, but instead to carefully select each one to create the perfect palette.
The color indigo

How to describe the color indigo? Well, it’s first important to mention that indigo is a very strong and assertive color. It brings a sense of stability and power to any room. It can also be easily combined with alternative and avant-garde styles.
It’s also important to remember that indigo is a dark color and it can sometimes be quite somber. However, it still goes well with simple, calm interiors. In other words, it can be easily combined with many other decorative elements.
If you would like to create contrasts in your interior design using indigo, it’s best to choose furniture in lighter colors. Black or darker neutral colors can make a room seem dark and dimly lit, so they’re best avoided.
Lastly, make sure you carefully choose your color combinations to avoid any of the colors clashing.
3 ways to use indigo on your walls

The color indigo is perfect for any room in your home where you spend a lot of time, including the living room, dining room, or bedroom. If you’re still not sure how to incorporate this color in your interior decor, here are 3 interesting ideas:
- Whereas some colors can be overpowering if used in large amounts, you can actually create a warm and relaxing decor by using indigo on all your walls. However, you could also alternate indigo with white or bare brick walls to create a more casual look.
- Another option is to hang pictures that use indigo on your walls. In terms of a background color, white and neutral colors can really make indigo stand out. It also goes well with salmon and orange, which create more color contrast.
- Another good idea is to use blue and white borders on your walls, which is traditional in beach houses. This type of decoration brings to mind the sea and sailing, and so it’s often used in inns and hostels.
How to use indigo in your bedroom

The color indigo can help to create a very private, calming space, perfect for daydreaming. As it isn’t a bright color, there’s no risk of it being overstimulating. In fact, indigo does the very opposite. It can soothe, bring hope, and calm your emotions.
Walls are the ideal place to use indigo in your bedroom. However, it’s also worth considering an indigo bedspread, which could really stand out in your bedroom if set against furniture in earthy or white tones.
Another option is to use indigo on your cushions. Your bed, walls, and furniture can use other light colors, but indigo cushions would really stand out as the darkest element in the room. Just bear in mind that your cushions should also match your rug or blankets.
Finally, indigo is quite a nocturnal color, and so using indigo in your bedroom can really benefit your sleep.
How to use the color indigo in your bathroom

If you’re not sure whether indigo would suit any of the rooms in your home, then perhaps it would be a better fit with the decor in your bathroom. As this shade of blue is typically associated with water and hygiene, it’s well suited to bathrooms.
In fact, many public swimming pools use indigo in their changing rooms. You can use indigo in your own bathroom too, but just make sure it’s set against a white background to create a color contrast. Using this color combination will also give a sense of purity.
Using indigo in your bathroom is also the perfect way to bring a sense of calm and relaxation to your cleansing routine. After all, the bathroom is a place where you should feel at peace. You could use indigo on your walls, or even in your towels, curtains or blinds, or bath mat.
As you can see, indigo can be used in different ways in almost any room in your home. If you’re looking to use your interior decor to make your home feel calm and relaxed, or if you want your style to be more serious, then indigo is the color for you.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Lluch, Francisco Javier: Arte de armonizar colores, Barcelona, Imprensa El Porvenir, 1858.