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How to Save Space in Smaller Rooms

4 minutes
If you have a small room, then it still can be useful, as long as you manage the space efficiently and don't put too many objects and furniture there. Learn how to save space in smaller rooms!
How to Save Space in Smaller Rooms
Last update: 28 January, 2021

Small spaces don’t have to be used just for storage. The truth is that they can be useful and liveable – however, you must organize them correctly. In this article, we’ll show you how to save space in small rooms by following some practical and functional tips. It’s a great way to improve your quality of life!

You’ve probably used small rooms many a time to store items that can get in the way in other parts of the house. These small rooms seem destined to never be lived in or used effectively!

However, any space in the house can have a function and be habitable. What happens, though, is that we’re happy just to use the large rooms to live in. What we need to realize is that we can also use the small rooms well, as long as we organize the internal space well.

Analyze the room

Some figure

Before deciding how to use and organize a small room, you’ll need to take a good look at it. If it’s untidy or needs a good clean, then you’ll need to empty it to start decorating and arranging it again.

On the other hand, you must bear in mind how you want to put it to use. Be clear about your preferred use of the room, what you can achieve, and how you’re going to redecorate it to make it more habitable.

Very often, just with the simple organization of resources, you can even make a small bedroom out of it. However, it can also be turned into something more functional throughout the day. That’s why it’s important to take a good look at the room first and decide what you want before getting down to work. It’s better to do it in a rational, and not just an intuitive, way.

It’s important to know the purpose that this room will have.

Eliminate everything that’s no use to save space

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Items that you don’t use at all are better disposed of. The fact is that we usually store all kinds of things and they accumulate all over the house.

It’s time to remove everything that doesn’t have any use, and not replace these things! Either recycle them, donate them, or throw them away. In this way, you’ll see that you can free up space.

The importance of space in the center of the room

The most important thing of all is to have space to move about in. To do this, you must find the exact formula to create more space. The aim here is to be able to move around freely in the room and for the room to be free of things that get in the way. Keep in mind the following:

  • Try to organize your decorative and functional items by placing them against the walls and in the corners. The layout is the most important thing of all and needs to be done first. There must be nothing left in the middle of the room to get in your way.
  • It may be a table, a chair, or a sofa – the most important thing here is to place them in corners to create functional areas without clogging up the central part of the room.
  • If you use furniture that can be placed parallel to the walls, then you’ll achieve a considerable space saving. However, you don’t need to fill the room up unnecessarily with lots of different items of furniture.
Some figure

Keep everything neatly stored to save space in rooms

If you have too many objects and you really do want them in that room, then buy a trunk or a piece of furniture with plenty of space to store items. The most important thing is that you don’t have things lying around or out of place.

If it’s possible to only have a few items visible, then so much the better. Otherwise, the only thing you’ll achieve is to saturate the room and further aggravate the situation.

Some practical tips to save space

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Finally, we should bear in mind some practical tips that will help us manage space better and know how to improve our way of saving space.

  • To decorate, you should only choose the essential elements.
  • Don’t take objects into that room without knowing where you’re going to put them. You have to change your mindset and realize that this is not going to be a storage room.
  • Always keep things tidy.
  • Don’t have large items of furniture. It’s preferable to choose items that are simpler, more functional, and not too showy.
  • Always keep the room clean.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article and that it will help you to free up space in the smaller rooms of the house.


Small spaces don’t have to be used just for storage. The truth is that they can be useful and liveable – however, you must organize them correctly. In this article, we’ll show you how to save space in small rooms by following some practical and functional tips. It’s a great way to improve your quality of life!

You’ve probably used small rooms many a time to store items that can get in the way in other parts of the house. These small rooms seem destined to never be lived in or used effectively!

However, any space in the house can have a function and be habitable. What happens, though, is that we’re happy just to use the large rooms to live in. What we need to realize is that we can also use the small rooms well, as long as we organize the internal space well.

Analyze the room

Some figure

Before deciding how to use and organize a small room, you’ll need to take a good look at it. If it’s untidy or needs a good clean, then you’ll need to empty it to start decorating and arranging it again.

On the other hand, you must bear in mind how you want to put it to use. Be clear about your preferred use of the room, what you can achieve, and how you’re going to redecorate it to make it more habitable.

Very often, just with the simple organization of resources, you can even make a small bedroom out of it. However, it can also be turned into something more functional throughout the day. That’s why it’s important to take a good look at the room first and decide what you want before getting down to work. It’s better to do it in a rational, and not just an intuitive, way.

It’s important to know the purpose that this room will have.

Eliminate everything that’s no use to save space

Some figure

Items that you don’t use at all are better disposed of. The fact is that we usually store all kinds of things and they accumulate all over the house.

It’s time to remove everything that doesn’t have any use, and not replace these things! Either recycle them, donate them, or throw them away. In this way, you’ll see that you can free up space.

The importance of space in the center of the room

The most important thing of all is to have space to move about in. To do this, you must find the exact formula to create more space. The aim here is to be able to move around freely in the room and for the room to be free of things that get in the way. Keep in mind the following:

  • Try to organize your decorative and functional items by placing them against the walls and in the corners. The layout is the most important thing of all and needs to be done first. There must be nothing left in the middle of the room to get in your way.
  • It may be a table, a chair, or a sofa – the most important thing here is to place them in corners to create functional areas without clogging up the central part of the room.
  • If you use furniture that can be placed parallel to the walls, then you’ll achieve a considerable space saving. However, you don’t need to fill the room up unnecessarily with lots of different items of furniture.
Some figure

Keep everything neatly stored to save space in rooms

If you have too many objects and you really do want them in that room, then buy a trunk or a piece of furniture with plenty of space to store items. The most important thing is that you don’t have things lying around or out of place.

If it’s possible to only have a few items visible, then so much the better. Otherwise, the only thing you’ll achieve is to saturate the room and further aggravate the situation.

Some practical tips to save space

Some figure

Finally, we should bear in mind some practical tips that will help us manage space better and know how to improve our way of saving space.

  • To decorate, you should only choose the essential elements.
  • Don’t take objects into that room without knowing where you’re going to put them. You have to change your mindset and realize that this is not going to be a storage room.
  • Always keep things tidy.
  • Don’t have large items of furniture. It’s preferable to choose items that are simpler, more functional, and not too showy.
  • Always keep the room clean.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article and that it will help you to free up space in the smaller rooms of the house.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Kondo, Marie: La magia del orden, Aguilar, 2017.