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How to Clean Computer and Television Screens

3 minutes
Screens often collect dust and dirt that’s in the environment. To clean computer and television screens, it’s advisable to use products that don’t damage them to keep them in good condition.
How to Clean Computer and Television Screens
Last update: 27 November, 2020

You must keep your entire home clean, including the appliances and decorative resources. For this reason, below, we’re going to tell you how to clean computer and television screens.

One of the biggest problems that people have to deal with on a weekly basis is the accumulation of dust and dirt. Although it may not seem like it, dust and dirt can build up and deteriorate furniture.

And you must be very careful when it comes to electronic devices. They’re fragile and, if you neglect them, they may start malfunctioning or simply stop working entirely. Ultimately, this is something that you can address if you know how to.

In search of maximum comfort

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You probably agree with us on the fact that cleaning your home allows you to enjoy healthier spaces. There’s nothing better than being in a tidy room with all the things you need in order and ready to use.

Those that you use on a daily basis require a lot of attention. Of course, they must be in perfect working condition. The goal is for you to achieve a maximum degree of comfort.

Under no circumstances should you allow abandonment and neglect in your home, especially if you live with other people. It’s a matter of respect and a necessity.

Probably all the members of your family use the computer and the television. But what if they’re in poor condition? Not only are they at risk of deterioration but comfort and functionality are lost.

Remember that the idea is for you to feel comfortable with the resources you have at home.

How to clean computer and television screens

Cleaning screens benefits both your work and personal enjoyment. However, do you really know how to do it? You must be very careful and make it a habit that you can teach your children.

  1. People have always used damp cloths as cleaning tools. You can use them to clean your screens quickly. However, they don’t completely remove dirt nor do they protect screens.
  2. Dusters are great options. They help you remove all the dirt immediately and eliminate dust instead of displacing it. So, they help you clean screens easily, without great effort.
  3. Keep in mind that screens are thin glass. Therefore, you shouldn’t use aggressive products or cloths that leave marks on the surface. Don’t even think about using overly porous scourers or sponges.
  4. You must be very careful while cleaning screens, since applying too much moisture could damage your devices. Similarly, you shouldn’t rub too hard or strike the screens in any way.

Special cleaning products

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To clean computer and television screens, you can use special cleaning products that give surprising results. A perfect example is mixing water and isopropyl alcohol (125 ml per 500 ml of water).

This formula doesn’t damage screens or other materials. Also, you can find special cleaners with alcohol on the market that are very effective and can improve viewing quality, especially for plasma screens.

Another option are hypoallergenic and biodegradable cloths. They don’t damage screens and are pleasant to the touch.

As for common window cleaners, it’s best to avoid them, since some are somewhat aggressive and can produce a negative effect in the long term.

Formulas to prevent dust

To be exact, no specific formulas remove dirt quickly. It soon reappears. Therefore, it’s advisable to ventilate your rooms every day, avoid filling them with too many elements, and make sure to clean regularly.

In short, the goal is for you to improve your spaces and leave them in cleaner and more natural conditions to ensure comfort and well-being. Only then will you be able to enjoy a good time with your family while you’re watching TV or using the computer.


You must keep your entire home clean, including the appliances and decorative resources. For this reason, below, we’re going to tell you how to clean computer and television screens.

One of the biggest problems that people have to deal with on a weekly basis is the accumulation of dust and dirt. Although it may not seem like it, dust and dirt can build up and deteriorate furniture.

And you must be very careful when it comes to electronic devices. They’re fragile and, if you neglect them, they may start malfunctioning or simply stop working entirely. Ultimately, this is something that you can address if you know how to.

In search of maximum comfort

Some figure

You probably agree with us on the fact that cleaning your home allows you to enjoy healthier spaces. There’s nothing better than being in a tidy room with all the things you need in order and ready to use.

Those that you use on a daily basis require a lot of attention. Of course, they must be in perfect working condition. The goal is for you to achieve a maximum degree of comfort.

Under no circumstances should you allow abandonment and neglect in your home, especially if you live with other people. It’s a matter of respect and a necessity.

Probably all the members of your family use the computer and the television. But what if they’re in poor condition? Not only are they at risk of deterioration but comfort and functionality are lost.

Remember that the idea is for you to feel comfortable with the resources you have at home.

How to clean computer and television screens

Cleaning screens benefits both your work and personal enjoyment. However, do you really know how to do it? You must be very careful and make it a habit that you can teach your children.

  1. People have always used damp cloths as cleaning tools. You can use them to clean your screens quickly. However, they don’t completely remove dirt nor do they protect screens.
  2. Dusters are great options. They help you remove all the dirt immediately and eliminate dust instead of displacing it. So, they help you clean screens easily, without great effort.
  3. Keep in mind that screens are thin glass. Therefore, you shouldn’t use aggressive products or cloths that leave marks on the surface. Don’t even think about using overly porous scourers or sponges.
  4. You must be very careful while cleaning screens, since applying too much moisture could damage your devices. Similarly, you shouldn’t rub too hard or strike the screens in any way.

Special cleaning products

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To clean computer and television screens, you can use special cleaning products that give surprising results. A perfect example is mixing water and isopropyl alcohol (125 ml per 500 ml of water).

This formula doesn’t damage screens or other materials. Also, you can find special cleaners with alcohol on the market that are very effective and can improve viewing quality, especially for plasma screens.

Another option are hypoallergenic and biodegradable cloths. They don’t damage screens and are pleasant to the touch.

As for common window cleaners, it’s best to avoid them, since some are somewhat aggressive and can produce a negative effect in the long term.

Formulas to prevent dust

To be exact, no specific formulas remove dirt quickly. It soon reappears. Therefore, it’s advisable to ventilate your rooms every day, avoid filling them with too many elements, and make sure to clean regularly.

In short, the goal is for you to improve your spaces and leave them in cleaner and more natural conditions to ensure comfort and well-being. Only then will you be able to enjoy a good time with your family while you’re watching TV or using the computer.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Tabero, Pepa: Manual de la casa limpia y ordenada, La Esfera, 2016.