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Home Staging - The Best Way to Sell Your House in Record Time

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Home staging promises to leave your house ready to be sold or rented faster and at a better price. In this article, learn all about it!
Home Staging - The Best Way to Sell Your House in Record Time
Last update: 24 October, 2020

You may have heard of the term “home staging”. It’s a practice that’s been helping people sell their houses in record time for years.

It consists of preparing a home to be sold or rented in a way that impacts everyone who visits it. It seeks to make houses attractive with minimal investment. Does that appeal to you?

There’s a lot of competition in the real estate market. It isn’t only about a good location or having spectacular designs and the best materials but also about knowing how to enhance all your house’s virtues.

Think about it. Decorating your house can make it look beautiful and cozy. Just like magazine covers! That’s what home staging is all about. It’s a set of techniques that can make your home stand out so you can sell it faster and at a better price.

But don’t be scared. It doesn’t require renovations or investing too much money. Instead, it’s about showing all the potential your house has. Have you ever heard the saying “A good first impression can work wonders”? Well, with home staging, you’ll create such a good first impression that everyone will fall in love with your home!

The five phases of home staging

1. Cleaning

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Although it may seem obvious, you need to remember that a clean house is the best welcome. Pay special attention to the windows so they let natural light in. Therefore, consider completely opening the curtains.

Make sure that the bathroom and kitchen are impeccable and that order reigns in your home. It’s one thing to convey that tidy home feeling and quite another for potential buyers to have to step over children’s toys.

2. Depersonalization

Home staging recommends opting for very minimalist decoration and that you remove all personal objects from sight, such as family photographs or children’s crafts. This makes it difficult for potential buyers to visualize themselves living in your home.

Thus, if you’re going to rent it or sell it without furniture, try to create an environment that’s as neutral as possible. This way, the buyer can imagine the space to their liking with their particular preferences.

3. Repairs

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You should repair anything that needs it before you start showing your house. Any broken door, chip on the wall, or scratched floor should be fixed. It’s best to go over your entire house so you don’t miss anything and make sure everything looks good.

If buyers feel that they’ll have to spend some money on repairs in addition to the investment they’ll have to make to buy your house, they may decide on another.

4. Interior design

In addition to creating a neutral environment, you can put some tips into practice to boost attractiveness through decoration.

A good way is to put plants and flowers in your house. You probably already know that they can fill it with positive energy and brightening up any environment. And this is probably just what you’re looking for!

Plants make rooms more pleasant and relaxed. This is important, as you need to generate that feeling of well-being in potential buyers. Make them imagine how it would be to live in your house.

Another important detail to watch for are smells. The aromas of your house say a lot. Ventilate your house well an hour before potential buyers arrive. Then, use a scented candle or essential oils. But be careful not to saturate the environment or you’ll create the opposite effect.

5. A photoshoot – the finishing touch of home staging

Finally, you should take amazing photos and upload them to the property sales website. It’s even better if you hire professionals to do it.

If you decide on taking the photos yourself, watch the framing, quality, and resolution. Also, make sure that the rooms are clean and orderly so that no shadows, strange reflections, or unattractive objects appear in the photos.

With these tips, you can put home staging into practice. But you can also hire a company that provides this service. In short, home staging is a great way to sell homes faster!