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Electronic Devices That Consume the Most Energy

3 minutes
Society changes just as technology advances. It's time to change our habits and start saving. Let's look at which electronic devices consume the most energy.
Electronic Devices That Consume the Most Energy
Last update: 18 December, 2021

At the end of each month, our electricity bills can make for a nasty surprise. This is often due to electronic devices, including those that we charge daily or those that require high levels of power to operate.

Today, technology is established and relied upon in every home. We have appliances, home automation, and all kinds of cables and connectors that are continuously working for our comfort. All of these affect us in a direct way, especially at a financial level.

Generally, we have a habit of turning to electronics before traditional resources, creating a larger degree of energy consumption.

Electronic devices: most households consume considerable energy

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At present, governments are working to obtain energy through different formulas. More and more countries are choosing to use renewable energy as a pollution-free production method. this includes solar power, windmills, hydraulics, and more.

Undoubtedly, households rank very high in the energy consumption process. The different devices that we use every day require electricity. These items include televisions, refrigerators, ovens, ceramic hobs, computers, and smartphones.

One of the biggest problems we potentially face is the lack of supply that can occasionally occur. Sometimes, this is due to saturation or the breakdown of high-performance appliances that we have at home.

Which electronic devices consume the most energy?

It should be borne in mind that at home we generally have a collection of electronic devices that are in continuous operation. Let’s get to know which ones these are and find out about their main qualities:

  1. Pyrolytic ovens and other high-end ovens offer very good results but, on the downside, they consume a lot of energy. If we use them daily, we’ll notice an increase in our electric consumption and energy costs.
  2. Projectors are gaining more and more popularity in homes. In fact, there are people who decide to have their own movie theater. Their everyday use requires a considerable amount of electricity.
  3. The washing machine is another device that, due to its power and utility, requires high performance in a short operating time. Some washing machines are powered by up to 2,000 watts, which is an example of high consumption.
  4. It’s a similar situation with dryers. Although they’re not as common in homes as the washing machine, they undergo an intense and active performance during the running process.
  5. Microwaves consist of many different types, from the simplest and most basic to those powered with 1,500 watts. We generally use them regularly but accurately and instantly. Of course, if they’re continuously active, they’ll require a lot of electricity.

Phantom consumption: spending what we don’t see

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Invisible consumption involves all those devices, cables, and connectors that are constantly plugged into the power socket. We think that they don’t consume energy, but they do! Gradually and over long periods of time, this soon builds up.

Oftentimes we’re surprised by the cost of our electricity bills and we ask ourselves the same question: how is this possible? It’s our responsibility to disconnect power strips, unplug all possible appliances and ultimately improve and reduce our intake.

Eco-efficient programs for electronic devices

One of the most sophisticated advances in current appliances is the eco-efficient label. It consists of a technological system that allows us to save energy effectively. It tries to reduce consumption as much as possible without losing out on quality.

This can make devices more expensive and generates a higher initial cost, but in the long run, these devices will help us to save money. Therefore, it’s worth making an investment that’ll be cost-efficient in the long term.

Ultimately, the objective is for us to understand our own situation at home. We need to figure out what devices consume the most energy and how we can reduce it.

At the end of each month, our electricity bills can make for a nasty surprise. This is often due to electronic devices, including those that we charge daily or those that require high levels of power to operate.

Today, technology is established and relied upon in every home. We have appliances, home automation, and all kinds of cables and connectors that are continuously working for our comfort. All of these affect us in a direct way, especially at a financial level.

Generally, we have a habit of turning to electronics before traditional resources, creating a larger degree of energy consumption.

Electronic devices: most households consume considerable energy

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At present, governments are working to obtain energy through different formulas. More and more countries are choosing to use renewable energy as a pollution-free production method. this includes solar power, windmills, hydraulics, and more.

Undoubtedly, households rank very high in the energy consumption process. The different devices that we use every day require electricity. These items include televisions, refrigerators, ovens, ceramic hobs, computers, and smartphones.

One of the biggest problems we potentially face is the lack of supply that can occasionally occur. Sometimes, this is due to saturation or the breakdown of high-performance appliances that we have at home.

Which electronic devices consume the most energy?

It should be borne in mind that at home we generally have a collection of electronic devices that are in continuous operation. Let’s get to know which ones these are and find out about their main qualities:

  1. Pyrolytic ovens and other high-end ovens offer very good results but, on the downside, they consume a lot of energy. If we use them daily, we’ll notice an increase in our electric consumption and energy costs.
  2. Projectors are gaining more and more popularity in homes. In fact, there are people who decide to have their own movie theater. Their everyday use requires a considerable amount of electricity.
  3. The washing machine is another device that, due to its power and utility, requires high performance in a short operating time. Some washing machines are powered by up to 2,000 watts, which is an example of high consumption.
  4. It’s a similar situation with dryers. Although they’re not as common in homes as the washing machine, they undergo an intense and active performance during the running process.
  5. Microwaves consist of many different types, from the simplest and most basic to those powered with 1,500 watts. We generally use them regularly but accurately and instantly. Of course, if they’re continuously active, they’ll require a lot of electricity.

Phantom consumption: spending what we don’t see

Some figure

Invisible consumption involves all those devices, cables, and connectors that are constantly plugged into the power socket. We think that they don’t consume energy, but they do! Gradually and over long periods of time, this soon builds up.

Oftentimes we’re surprised by the cost of our electricity bills and we ask ourselves the same question: how is this possible? It’s our responsibility to disconnect power strips, unplug all possible appliances and ultimately improve and reduce our intake.

Eco-efficient programs for electronic devices

One of the most sophisticated advances in current appliances is the eco-efficient label. It consists of a technological system that allows us to save energy effectively. It tries to reduce consumption as much as possible without losing out on quality.

This can make devices more expensive and generates a higher initial cost, but in the long run, these devices will help us to save money. Therefore, it’s worth making an investment that’ll be cost-efficient in the long term.

Ultimately, the objective is for us to understand our own situation at home. We need to figure out what devices consume the most energy and how we can reduce it.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Jorge, Elena: Del hogar digital a la casa red, Lulu, 2008.
  • Kriebel, Henning: Ahorro de energía mediante electrónica, Barcelona, Marcombo, 1998.