Decoration for English Country Houses

Country houses are popular in the decoration world. Nowadays people tend to choose this kind of aesthetic for interior design.
You might have questions about English country house decoration. Do they really offer a different element compared to the options you usually find?
There are different perspectives when it comes to the interior design of this kind of construction. However, they follow common patterns since their goal is to reflect the lifestyle of English families.
You can choose different elements to transform your home into an elegant and unique space.
Main goal – elegance, and sophistication

An important aspect of this kind of decoration is a sense of elegance and sensitivity. It offers a delicate and warm vibe for the interior design of your home.
How can you achieve this through decoration? It basically depends on the furniture. The classic and rustic design gives a sophisticated look to the different areas of your house.
The look and comfort are key factors. From any perspective, furniture is fundamental in this decor trend. In fact, you can reuse old-fashioned furniture and restore it.
Create a true English country home feel with your interior decor.
What materials you should use?
Furniture offers interesting options. Textures, colors, and aesthetic content are important aspects to consider. For example, ironwork is becoming very popular for tables, chairs, mirror frames, etc.
Wood is another good option. You can use it for parquet flooring and to create a feel of the outdoors. It’s actually influenced by American houses and the craftsman style.
Obviously, each of these materials has different color schemes. Earthy colors prevail; however, diversity is essential, so you can add dark, white, or other warm colors.
Main decorative items

It’s important to know how to decorate, what resources must be used, and how to distribute them. These are some decorative items that all English country houses should have.
- Adding a lot of items is common in this kind of house – you can use curtains, carpets, furniture, mirrors, etc. All these offer diversity and a variety of color schemes.
- Dining room tables, doors, and chairs are essential, especially if they’re made of dark wood. This a good way to give a sophisticated, old-fashioned, and serious vibe to your home.
- English country houses don’t have to look modern since their goal is to offer a traditional look. That’s why having beds with headboards and a wooden base is a great option.
- Fireplaces are also key. Those made of bricks or stone are a good choice. You can put photos, sculptures, or any object you like on the mantlepiece.
What about the bathroom?
In this space, classicism is essential. You can choose white for toilets, wall tiles, towels, and bathrobes. This transmits elegance and pureness as well as a sense of hygiene.
You can also create a contrast with the floor. Dark tones or rugged rustic can give a unique look. For example, beige, ochre, or neutral colors are perfect.
Curtains, vases, or frames are excellent decorative items for the bathroom or the kitchen. So, when it comes to English country houses, the indoor aesthetic is more important than functionality.
Country houses are popular in the decoration world. Nowadays people tend to choose this kind of aesthetic for interior design.
You might have questions about English country house decoration. Do they really offer a different element compared to the options you usually find?
There are different perspectives when it comes to the interior design of this kind of construction. However, they follow common patterns since their goal is to reflect the lifestyle of English families.
You can choose different elements to transform your home into an elegant and unique space.
Main goal – elegance, and sophistication

An important aspect of this kind of decoration is a sense of elegance and sensitivity. It offers a delicate and warm vibe for the interior design of your home.
How can you achieve this through decoration? It basically depends on the furniture. The classic and rustic design gives a sophisticated look to the different areas of your house.
The look and comfort are key factors. From any perspective, furniture is fundamental in this decor trend. In fact, you can reuse old-fashioned furniture and restore it.
Create a true English country home feel with your interior decor.
What materials you should use?
Furniture offers interesting options. Textures, colors, and aesthetic content are important aspects to consider. For example, ironwork is becoming very popular for tables, chairs, mirror frames, etc.
Wood is another good option. You can use it for parquet flooring and to create a feel of the outdoors. It’s actually influenced by American houses and the craftsman style.
Obviously, each of these materials has different color schemes. Earthy colors prevail; however, diversity is essential, so you can add dark, white, or other warm colors.
Main decorative items

It’s important to know how to decorate, what resources must be used, and how to distribute them. These are some decorative items that all English country houses should have.
- Adding a lot of items is common in this kind of house – you can use curtains, carpets, furniture, mirrors, etc. All these offer diversity and a variety of color schemes.
- Dining room tables, doors, and chairs are essential, especially if they’re made of dark wood. This a good way to give a sophisticated, old-fashioned, and serious vibe to your home.
- English country houses don’t have to look modern since their goal is to offer a traditional look. That’s why having beds with headboards and a wooden base is a great option.
- Fireplaces are also key. Those made of bricks or stone are a good choice. You can put photos, sculptures, or any object you like on the mantlepiece.
What about the bathroom?
In this space, classicism is essential. You can choose white for toilets, wall tiles, towels, and bathrobes. This transmits elegance and pureness as well as a sense of hygiene.
You can also create a contrast with the floor. Dark tones or rugged rustic can give a unique look. For example, beige, ochre, or neutral colors are perfect.
Curtains, vases, or frames are excellent decorative items for the bathroom or the kitchen. So, when it comes to English country houses, the indoor aesthetic is more important than functionality.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Gilliat, Mary: Curso de interiorismo, Blume, 2002.