Creating Vintage Decor with Old-School Pop Brands

For ingeniously original home decor, create a vintage look with old-school pop brands. This is a different way to decorate while reminiscing older times.
By using vintage materials, you can create a melancholic character for your home. It’s a character that projects nostalgia about items that were around in the 70s and 80s. Bring back everything that fills you with good memories.
Deep down, we all like remembering our past and those summers that left us thirsty, reaching for a bottle of pop that appeared all over the TV and magazines.
Vintage aesthetic: a modern resource with old-school pop brands

These days, vintage elements are becoming increasingly popular for decor. More and more people want to use decor elements that are linked to different international brands that were famous in the past: Cola Cao, Kellogg’s, Campbell’s, etc.
These elements actually create a reflection of what the past was, back when a brand just identified a product without reaching all ends of the media. Today, life is different and globalization has made it easier for us to find information about different products at lightning speed.
The world of vintage is also associated with an alternative, modern and hipster ambiance. It’s a different kind of original that will draw your guests’ attention.
— Innovate and change your home decor by using vintage materials.–
Old-school names that work perfecly for decor

All kinds of pop brands that you’ve seen since your childhood days are probably flooding your mind by now; even the ones that you’ve seen at restaurants or in magazines. Today, we’ll show you three examples that really have a vintage feel:
- Coca-Cola: of course, the leading pop brand can’t be missing from our list. Coca-Cola has long years of history, but its logo has barely changed. It’s come in different sizes and backgrounds, but the general design has always been the same.
- Mirinda: in Spain, producers stopped advertising and selling Mirinda after the 80s when other brands like Fanta started winning more consumers over internationally.
- Pepsi-Cola: Coca-Cola’s competitor Pepsi-Cola also widely enjoyed success throughout history; however, Pepsi’s designs certainly have changed, evolving into modernity, always looking for more commercial attention.
- Orange Crush: it’s not the best known-brand, but it was popular some decades ago. We want to highlight the different advertisements for this brand and the fact that, even today, they’re seen as a completely vintage element.
But of course, in order for these elements to serve as decor, they need to have designs from the 60s, 70s or 80s. With the right look, they’ll create a more innovative and alternative decor.
How can you display the brands in your decor?

Don’t hang antique pop signs randomly on walls and don’t try use every single one either. You should follow the following steps if you want to learn the right ways to use vintage decor.
- Choose your favorite brand. For example, Coca-Cola has had a number of designs over the years and can give a decor a commercial character. Mirinda, on the other hand, is more original and lesser known. Also, stylistically it has more of a pop feel.
- To decorate, metal plates are your best options, just like when the drinks were advertised in restaurants. Decorating with metal plates is actually a long lasting decor that won’t deteriorate over time, unlike posters.
- Another way to decorate could be a giant bottle cap. You can hang it on a wall or even make some holes to create a clock.
- But if you want to decorate in a really original manner, try using the bottles of the actual beverages for flower or other plant vases. You just add some water and they become unique decor.
Where to buy these vintage elements: antique stores

Not sure where to buy these kinds of adornments? Antique shops are the best bet for finding these kinds of items.
You might also find some at traveling flea markets where you might discover a variety of sizes and a great price.
In any case, these days, there are vintage stores that sell all kinds of decorative elements from the old-school pop brands of our childhoods.
For ingeniously original home decor, create a vintage look with old-school pop brands. This is a different way to decorate while reminiscing older times.
By using vintage materials, you can create a melancholic character for your home. It’s a character that projects nostalgia about items that were around in the 70s and 80s. Bring back everything that fills you with good memories.
Deep down, we all like remembering our past and those summers that left us thirsty, reaching for a bottle of pop that appeared all over the TV and magazines.
Vintage aesthetic: a modern resource with old-school pop brands

These days, vintage elements are becoming increasingly popular for decor. More and more people want to use decor elements that are linked to different international brands that were famous in the past: Cola Cao, Kellogg’s, Campbell’s, etc.
These elements actually create a reflection of what the past was, back when a brand just identified a product without reaching all ends of the media. Today, life is different and globalization has made it easier for us to find information about different products at lightning speed.
The world of vintage is also associated with an alternative, modern and hipster ambiance. It’s a different kind of original that will draw your guests’ attention.
— Innovate and change your home decor by using vintage materials.–
Old-school names that work perfecly for decor

All kinds of pop brands that you’ve seen since your childhood days are probably flooding your mind by now; even the ones that you’ve seen at restaurants or in magazines. Today, we’ll show you three examples that really have a vintage feel:
- Coca-Cola: of course, the leading pop brand can’t be missing from our list. Coca-Cola has long years of history, but its logo has barely changed. It’s come in different sizes and backgrounds, but the general design has always been the same.
- Mirinda: in Spain, producers stopped advertising and selling Mirinda after the 80s when other brands like Fanta started winning more consumers over internationally.
- Pepsi-Cola: Coca-Cola’s competitor Pepsi-Cola also widely enjoyed success throughout history; however, Pepsi’s designs certainly have changed, evolving into modernity, always looking for more commercial attention.
- Orange Crush: it’s not the best known-brand, but it was popular some decades ago. We want to highlight the different advertisements for this brand and the fact that, even today, they’re seen as a completely vintage element.
But of course, in order for these elements to serve as decor, they need to have designs from the 60s, 70s or 80s. With the right look, they’ll create a more innovative and alternative decor.
How can you display the brands in your decor?

Don’t hang antique pop signs randomly on walls and don’t try use every single one either. You should follow the following steps if you want to learn the right ways to use vintage decor.
- Choose your favorite brand. For example, Coca-Cola has had a number of designs over the years and can give a decor a commercial character. Mirinda, on the other hand, is more original and lesser known. Also, stylistically it has more of a pop feel.
- To decorate, metal plates are your best options, just like when the drinks were advertised in restaurants. Decorating with metal plates is actually a long lasting decor that won’t deteriorate over time, unlike posters.
- Another way to decorate could be a giant bottle cap. You can hang it on a wall or even make some holes to create a clock.
- But if you want to decorate in a really original manner, try using the bottles of the actual beverages for flower or other plant vases. You just add some water and they become unique decor.
Where to buy these vintage elements: antique stores

Not sure where to buy these kinds of adornments? Antique shops are the best bet for finding these kinds of items.
You might also find some at traveling flea markets where you might discover a variety of sizes and a great price.
In any case, these days, there are vintage stores that sell all kinds of decorative elements from the old-school pop brands of our childhoods.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Wilson, Judith: La casa vintage: tesoros con estilo para un hogar muy chic y actual, Océano Ámbar, 2009.