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Create the Liveliness of the Jamaican Style

3 minutes
The alternative and warm character of the Jamaican style is very interesting. It can make your house convey feelings of calm and relaxation.
Create the Liveliness of the Jamaican Style
Last update: 07 August, 2020

Decoration serves its purpose when we enter a house and perceive positive feelings. That’s why we want to show you different ways to convey liveliness and good sync using the Jamaican style.

Renewing your home decoration is a great way to energize your life. Why not gear your house towards a type of decoration that is more distinguished and original? This way, every time you go into the house, you’ll feel like you’ve created something personal.

Warm and colorful environments generate excitement. That’s why it’s so important to know how to properly combine shapes, tones, and internal designs. It’s time to discover a style that offers something unique.

Warmth is the essence of the Jamaican style

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

An atmosphere of warmth and calmness is the main requirement for the Jamaican style. This is how to feel its purest essence, which characterizes it so much. But how can you achieve this atmosphere?

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Jamaica is the beaches, the sun, and the nice weather. Therefore, your goal is to use elements related to this. But most of all, you must avoid creating a clash with inappropriate colors and furniture.

At the end of the day, you must keep in mind that this style calls for peace and tranquility. Therefore, all the elements must link with each other, making you feel like we’re close to a Caribbean beach.

Capturing the essence of a style is like moving to its place of origin

5 traditional elements of the Jamaican style

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

When creating a room with Jamaican style decoration, you must take into account the essential elements of the Caribbean. Let’s look at the 5 resources to do this:

  1. Wooden furniture is indispensable since it’s a type of material that you can usually find on beaches and it provides a sense of nature. On top of that, it also creates a warm environment that fits very well with practically any color.
  2. Exotic plants such as ferns, palm trees, monsteras, tropical orchids, or banana tree leaves add a green touch and also refresh the space.
  3. Cushions with warm and pastel tones, intricate patterns or simple messages, plant leaves, or famous Jamaican faces (such as Bob Marley) are another great option. They also help to introduce a hippie and alternative ambiance.
  4. Curtains in bright colors such as yellow, orange, or salmon. Make sure they’re always light-colored and are never opaque since the goal is that they let natural light in.
  5. Masks, pendants, and other utensils typical of the Caribbean environment are useful to decorate the walls. You can also include marine items such as a surfboard, shells, snails, starfishes, the rudder of a ship, nets, etc.

The colors that should predominate in the Jamaican style

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

The colors that appear in the Jamaican flag are a must. The combination of greens and yellows is the principle to follow. But make sure that yellow tones appear to a much lesser extent than greens since you must use earthy tones as the main background to achieve a warm environment.

The wood on the floor and furniture will help to create a cozy color scheme. On the other hand, you can also include white on the walls and other furniture, since it helps to generate more light, especially when combined with light blue.

The interiors must capture the essence of light, sea and tranquility

Other interesting resources

Some figure

To complement the decoration with smaller elements you can use wicker as a material for baskets, magazine racks, or seats. This is also a material that goes well with wood.

You can decorate the walls with paintings, of oil paint or watercolors, that represent marine landscapes. It’s important to not deviate from the summer and beach theme.

In summary, any element that allows you to show the Jamaican world can be perfectly viable for this home decor style.

Decoration serves its purpose when we enter a house and perceive positive feelings. That’s why we want to show you different ways to convey liveliness and good sync using the Jamaican style.

Renewing your home decoration is a great way to energize your life. Why not gear your house towards a type of decoration that is more distinguished and original? This way, every time you go into the house, you’ll feel like you’ve created something personal.

Warm and colorful environments generate excitement. That’s why it’s so important to know how to properly combine shapes, tones, and internal designs. It’s time to discover a style that offers something unique.

Warmth is the essence of the Jamaican style

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

An atmosphere of warmth and calmness is the main requirement for the Jamaican style. This is how to feel its purest essence, which characterizes it so much. But how can you achieve this atmosphere?

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Jamaica is the beaches, the sun, and the nice weather. Therefore, your goal is to use elements related to this. But most of all, you must avoid creating a clash with inappropriate colors and furniture.

At the end of the day, you must keep in mind that this style calls for peace and tranquility. Therefore, all the elements must link with each other, making you feel like we’re close to a Caribbean beach.

Capturing the essence of a style is like moving to its place of origin

5 traditional elements of the Jamaican style

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

When creating a room with Jamaican style decoration, you must take into account the essential elements of the Caribbean. Let’s look at the 5 resources to do this:

  1. Wooden furniture is indispensable since it’s a type of material that you can usually find on beaches and it provides a sense of nature. On top of that, it also creates a warm environment that fits very well with practically any color.
  2. Exotic plants such as ferns, palm trees, monsteras, tropical orchids, or banana tree leaves add a green touch and also refresh the space.
  3. Cushions with warm and pastel tones, intricate patterns or simple messages, plant leaves, or famous Jamaican faces (such as Bob Marley) are another great option. They also help to introduce a hippie and alternative ambiance.
  4. Curtains in bright colors such as yellow, orange, or salmon. Make sure they’re always light-colored and are never opaque since the goal is that they let natural light in.
  5. Masks, pendants, and other utensils typical of the Caribbean environment are useful to decorate the walls. You can also include marine items such as a surfboard, shells, snails, starfishes, the rudder of a ship, nets, etc.

The colors that should predominate in the Jamaican style

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

The colors that appear in the Jamaican flag are a must. The combination of greens and yellows is the principle to follow. But make sure that yellow tones appear to a much lesser extent than greens since you must use earthy tones as the main background to achieve a warm environment.

The wood on the floor and furniture will help to create a cozy color scheme. On the other hand, you can also include white on the walls and other furniture, since it helps to generate more light, especially when combined with light blue.

The interiors must capture the essence of light, sea and tranquility

Other interesting resources

Some figure

To complement the decoration with smaller elements you can use wicker as a material for baskets, magazine racks, or seats. This is also a material that goes well with wood.

You can decorate the walls with paintings, of oil paint or watercolors, that represent marine landscapes. It’s important to not deviate from the summer and beach theme.

In summary, any element that allows you to show the Jamaican world can be perfectly viable for this home decor style.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Ahern, Abigail: Cómo decorar tu piso: trucos para que tu hogar se convierta en la casa de tus sueños, Océano Ambar, 2010.