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Copper Ornaments for Highlighting Your Decor

4 minutes
Copper ornaments are a prominent feature in any type of decor. They're perfect for rustic, industrial and Scandinavian styles, whether in the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom or the dining room.
Copper Ornaments for Highlighting Your Decor
Last update: 10 November, 2019

If you’d like to give a more original effect to your environment, then perhaps you should add some copper ornaments to your decor. It won’t just be brighter but it’ll also have a more modern look.

In today’s article, we’re going to give you some tips on you can take advantage of this trend. We’ll show you how to use this color for your decor and how to integrate it with the rest of your surroundings. Don’t miss it!

Why choose copper ornaments?

Some figure

If you’re wondering why more and more people are opting to use copper items in their decoration,  the answer isn’t simple. Perhaps it is because this material is not only malleable but also durable.

It also prevents the accumulation of bacteria and given that it’s natural, you can integrate it into any environment.

Are you still not sure about using it? If so, you should know that copper items have an aesthetic appeal as they give off red and brown sparkles.

Every day more people opt for using copper products in their decor rather than just any old metal. Some even choose this color to wallpaper and paint various household areas.

The new trend

Copper ornaments are the new trend because they add a modern touch to any environment. They also come in a wide range of shades, from brown to orange, for example. You can even choose between a shiny or opaque finish.

Copper has been trying to sneak into the world of interior design for quite some time. It’s fully caught on in recent years so its acceptance increases every day. You don’t just find accessories but also furniture and fabrics in this color range.

Some figure

In addition, copper tones are a must in rustic environments, especially in kitchens. Saucepans and utensils of this color are quintessential in this room. Your parents or grandparents are likely to have some of these, which you could give new life to.

And, let’s not ignore how well copper integrates with the Scandinavian style – baskets, lamps, containers, pots and other objects mix perfectly with the characteristic white and brown tones of this style.

Tips and ideas for decorating with copper ornaments

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Now that you know what the advantages of using copper objects in your decor are, the next step is to figure out how to use them around your home, office or business. Here are some ideas for you:

1. Pipes

Until a few decades ago, people tried everything they could think of to hide their house’s inside pipes such as water, electricity, and gas pipes. However, decor magazines nowadays reveal how we’ve stepped away from this as now we actually want to look at the pipes.

You don’t need to damage a wall to expose them. But, if you’re building or refurbishing an old area, then perhaps you could take advantage of this trend.

Either that or you could just find some old copper pipes and use them as coat racks, shelves, and clothes hangers around your house. You’ll love this idea if you like the industrial look.

2. Lamps

Copper lamps in vogue this season so there are designs to suit all tastes. The best thing is they can adapt to any decor and environment since they look great in the kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom and even on the balcony.

When it comes to these kinds of lamps, you can also find them with opaque finishes and also open models where you can see the bulb. There are also many table lamps you could place on your bedside table or desk.

3. Other copper ornaments

You can find all kinds of copper objects and ornaments at your local decor stores. You’ll easily find them because they’re quite striking. You’ll come across mirrors, vases, kitchen utensils, and candle holders.

If you’re more of a DIY fan and you love crafts, then you could always buy spray paint or a copper adhesive tape to give new life to objects you already have at home or want to reuse. For example, aluminum cans could become pen holders or pots.

As you can see, copper ornaments are here to stay. So, don’t hesitate to use them if you like this metallic color and want to have it around your house.

If you’d like to give a more original effect to your environment, then perhaps you should add some copper ornaments to your decor. It won’t just be brighter but it’ll also have a more modern look.

In today’s article, we’re going to give you some tips on you can take advantage of this trend. We’ll show you how to use this color for your decor and how to integrate it with the rest of your surroundings. Don’t miss it!

Why choose copper ornaments?

Some figure

If you’re wondering why more and more people are opting to use copper items in their decoration,  the answer isn’t simple. Perhaps it is because this material is not only malleable but also durable.

It also prevents the accumulation of bacteria and given that it’s natural, you can integrate it into any environment.

Are you still not sure about using it? If so, you should know that copper items have an aesthetic appeal as they give off red and brown sparkles.

Every day more people opt for using copper products in their decor rather than just any old metal. Some even choose this color to wallpaper and paint various household areas.

The new trend

Copper ornaments are the new trend because they add a modern touch to any environment. They also come in a wide range of shades, from brown to orange, for example. You can even choose between a shiny or opaque finish.

Copper has been trying to sneak into the world of interior design for quite some time. It’s fully caught on in recent years so its acceptance increases every day. You don’t just find accessories but also furniture and fabrics in this color range.

Some figure

In addition, copper tones are a must in rustic environments, especially in kitchens. Saucepans and utensils of this color are quintessential in this room. Your parents or grandparents are likely to have some of these, which you could give new life to.

And, let’s not ignore how well copper integrates with the Scandinavian style – baskets, lamps, containers, pots and other objects mix perfectly with the characteristic white and brown tones of this style.

Tips and ideas for decorating with copper ornaments

Some figure

Now that you know what the advantages of using copper objects in your decor are, the next step is to figure out how to use them around your home, office or business. Here are some ideas for you:

1. Pipes

Until a few decades ago, people tried everything they could think of to hide their house’s inside pipes such as water, electricity, and gas pipes. However, decor magazines nowadays reveal how we’ve stepped away from this as now we actually want to look at the pipes.

You don’t need to damage a wall to expose them. But, if you’re building or refurbishing an old area, then perhaps you could take advantage of this trend.

Either that or you could just find some old copper pipes and use them as coat racks, shelves, and clothes hangers around your house. You’ll love this idea if you like the industrial look.

2. Lamps

Copper lamps in vogue this season so there are designs to suit all tastes. The best thing is they can adapt to any decor and environment since they look great in the kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom and even on the balcony.

When it comes to these kinds of lamps, you can also find them with opaque finishes and also open models where you can see the bulb. There are also many table lamps you could place on your bedside table or desk.

3. Other copper ornaments

You can find all kinds of copper objects and ornaments at your local decor stores. You’ll easily find them because they’re quite striking. You’ll come across mirrors, vases, kitchen utensils, and candle holders.

If you’re more of a DIY fan and you love crafts, then you could always buy spray paint or a copper adhesive tape to give new life to objects you already have at home or want to reuse. For example, aluminum cans could become pen holders or pots.

As you can see, copper ornaments are here to stay. So, don’t hesitate to use them if you like this metallic color and want to have it around your house.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Gerardo-Rodriguez, M. (1983). Manual Diseno Industrial. Gerardo-Rodriguez, Mge.