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Black Rooms - The Various Styles and Trends

3 minutes
If you've decided you want black rooms, the first thing you must take into account is how to keep it from looking dreary and cold.
Black Rooms - The Various Styles and Trends
Last update: 28 January, 2021

Black rooms are hip these days. You should consider them if you’re the kind of person who likes things that are different, original and risqué.

The only thing you should know about decorating in black is you must plan it carefully as the results can easily go wrong.

So, follow these tips to make sure you end up with the black room of your dreams.

Also, we’ll show you a few examples so you get an idea of how you can use the color black in a room. You’ll see how essential this advice is, after all, you wouldn’t want to end up with overly gloomy dark rooms.

Tips for decorating black rooms

Black is one of the most complicated colors when it comes to interior decor. It’s a strong color so you should be sensitive to how it’ll impact the areas where you wish to apply it. This is because bad placement will result in a bleak effect and will only make a room dark and dreary.

So, keep the following tips in mind if you’re thinking of using this color to decorate your living room or any other room in your house.

Smaller black rooms

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You must be very careful about using black in small rooms. This is because it will make it seem even smaller.

However, if you’re set on using black in a small room, then you must complement it with lighter colors to create a feeling of spaciousness. Also, you should add some elements that can make it seem larger such as mirrors and other reflective surfaces.

Black rooms

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As you can imagine, black darkens a room because it absorbs the light and so it doesn’t reflect with the same intensity as other lighter colors do.

This is why we only recommend this color in rooms where there are large windows. This way it’ll be impossible for a room to be completely dark during the day.

Black lighting

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Choose a powerful mode of illumination to keep the room from being too dark. Large windows will do the job during the day but you’ll need good lights for the evenings. Install as many as you need depending on the size of the room.

Black furniture

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Black furniture attracts dust. So, it’s not a good option if you don’t spend a lot of time cleaning, or if you simply don’t have time.

Now that you know the things you must take into account before decorating a black room, we’d like to show you a lovely one.

As you’re about to see, the results are spectacular. It’s a rather original room and quite different from what you might’ve seen before. It’s also very cozy.

Minimalistic black rooms

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This room is equally original and risqué. The entire room features black and gray tones and, surprisingly, the result is a cozy and bright living room.

The key to this result is the room is open, has high ceilings, and large windows.

As you can see, your options are quite broad if you have a room like this available. Just look at the use of black and gray tones throughout. Keep in mind that you can have a lovely room by playing with the intensity and contrast.


Black classrooms are a risky option, but the results are original and attractive when done right.

Keep in mind this color works best in an open, bright room. Also, as we mentioned above, play with the various tones to achieve a cozy environment.
