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All You Need to Know About Hunting Decor

3 minutes
This type of decoration makes its way into rustic styles, to bring a rural and country atmosphere into your home.
All You Need to Know About Hunting Decor
Last update: 25 September, 2020

The interior design world has a special quality – it can infuse personality. So let’s take a look at hunting home decor.

Without a doubt, the hunting world is linked to this type of decoration, but it doesn’t have to be displayed as mere trophies. You can also feature other aspects of the hunting world.

It’s a lot more common to find this type of home decor in country houses, as it doesn’t fit that well in urban homes. We usually think of hunting home decor as a style that fits better in places that are closer to a natural environment.

What are the essential elements of hunting home decor?

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

When it comes to developing a hunting home decor style, you should use a large space where you can highlight a wide number of decorative pieces. Let’s take a look at three resources you can use:

  1. One of the most widely used elements in this type of decoration is the use of animal heads such as deer, goats, wild boars, chamois, etc. These animals have undergone a taxidermy process to preserve them. They usually sit on a wooden base that hangs from the wall.
  2. Another particular element is the skulls of the species we just mentioned. Deer heads stand out the most, as their antlers are striking pieces to decorate the walls of the room.
  3. A good way to complement these animal heads is by incorporating some traditional elements from the rural world; some great examples are an old shotgun, a rake, a wagon wheel, clay, and ceramic objects, farm implements, etc.

Furniture that goes well with hunting home decor

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

Once you become familiar with the elements that make up this type of decoration, you must use furniture that helps to complement and enhance the rural style of the room.

To achieve this, you use wooden furniture, since it shares a stronger connection with nature and the earthy colors of these animals. On top of that, this material helps to tie all the pieces together.

It’s worth noting the importance of setting the space coherently with warm tones on the walls as well. This way, the walls will coordinate with the wood of the furniture and the hunting decor.

It’s very important that there’s harmony.

What are the interior design styles that fit with hunting decor?

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

You can’t use this type of decoration with just any style. It has a characteristic component that places it within a specific genre – the rustic style.

The design of rural and country houses usually falls under the aesthetic concepts of this style. It also contains a series of elements that link it to the world of farming, nature, and small towns.

Many people use hunting elements to decorate a living r0om and even a bedroom. However, as a general rule, it’s best to use them when decorating a gathering or leisure space, or a dining room with a fireplace.

And in which styles does it not fit properly? In urban, contemporary, avant-garde, minimalist, and classic styles. Hunting decor doesn’t share any parallel elements with any of these styles, which is why it’s so hard to make them work together.

Making a coat rack by hand

Some figure
Image: etsy.com

Now that you’ve learned about the elements of hunting home decor, you can make a coat rack that goes well with this style. This will give your space a distinguished and innovative touch.

Animal skulls are very useful when looking for hunting home decor. For example, deer heads have large antlers that are a great option to use.

To make the coat rack, you’ll need a wooden base that is 6.5 ( ca. 2 m) feet tall. Then, try to anchor one of these skulls making sure it fits securely. If you want to, you can use the antlers only.

This is a great way to make a very original coat rack that’s completely different from what you normally find in homes.

The interior design world has a special quality – it can infuse personality. So let’s take a look at hunting home decor.

Without a doubt, the hunting world is linked to this type of decoration, but it doesn’t have to be displayed as mere trophies. You can also feature other aspects of the hunting world.

It’s a lot more common to find this type of home decor in country houses, as it doesn’t fit that well in urban homes. We usually think of hunting home decor as a style that fits better in places that are closer to a natural environment.

What are the essential elements of hunting home decor?

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

When it comes to developing a hunting home decor style, you should use a large space where you can highlight a wide number of decorative pieces. Let’s take a look at three resources you can use:

  1. One of the most widely used elements in this type of decoration is the use of animal heads such as deer, goats, wild boars, chamois, etc. These animals have undergone a taxidermy process to preserve them. They usually sit on a wooden base that hangs from the wall.
  2. Another particular element is the skulls of the species we just mentioned. Deer heads stand out the most, as their antlers are striking pieces to decorate the walls of the room.
  3. A good way to complement these animal heads is by incorporating some traditional elements from the rural world; some great examples are an old shotgun, a rake, a wagon wheel, clay, and ceramic objects, farm implements, etc.

Furniture that goes well with hunting home decor

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

Once you become familiar with the elements that make up this type of decoration, you must use furniture that helps to complement and enhance the rural style of the room.

To achieve this, you use wooden furniture, since it shares a stronger connection with nature and the earthy colors of these animals. On top of that, this material helps to tie all the pieces together.

It’s worth noting the importance of setting the space coherently with warm tones on the walls as well. This way, the walls will coordinate with the wood of the furniture and the hunting decor.

It’s very important that there’s harmony.

What are the interior design styles that fit with hunting decor?

Some figure
Image: pinterest.es

You can’t use this type of decoration with just any style. It has a characteristic component that places it within a specific genre – the rustic style.

The design of rural and country houses usually falls under the aesthetic concepts of this style. It also contains a series of elements that link it to the world of farming, nature, and small towns.

Many people use hunting elements to decorate a living r0om and even a bedroom. However, as a general rule, it’s best to use them when decorating a gathering or leisure space, or a dining room with a fireplace.

And in which styles does it not fit properly? In urban, contemporary, avant-garde, minimalist, and classic styles. Hunting decor doesn’t share any parallel elements with any of these styles, which is why it’s so hard to make them work together.

Making a coat rack by hand

Some figure
Image: etsy.com

Now that you’ve learned about the elements of hunting home decor, you can make a coat rack that goes well with this style. This will give your space a distinguished and innovative touch.

Animal skulls are very useful when looking for hunting home decor. For example, deer heads have large antlers that are a great option to use.

To make the coat rack, you’ll need a wooden base that is 6.5 ( ca. 2 m) feet tall. Then, try to anchor one of these skulls making sure it fits securely. If you want to, you can use the antlers only.

This is a great way to make a very original coat rack that’s completely different from what you normally find in homes.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Lava Oliva, Rocío: Interiorismo, Vértica, 2008.