5 Tips for Creating an Ideal Study Area

You need a room that's set up the right way to help you study as efficiently as possible.
5 Tips for Creating an Ideal Study Area

Last update: 12 March, 2019

Studying isn’t exclusively for children or teenagers. Adults might also need a study area at home for many reasons. A study area needs be organized and decorated in a certain way, which is why we want to show you some tips for setting up a study space.

1. Natural light

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If you can, try setting up your study area in a room that receives plenty of natural light. Studying requires keeping your eyes fixed on study material for long periods of time; natural light will be much more helpful than artificial sources.

However, you’ll also need a desk lamp as well as sunlight is shorter during winter, making artificial lighting necessary. It’s the same for studying at night.

We recommend  using LED light because it won’t tire your eyes as much and resembles natural light.

2. Colors to keep you going

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Colors are another element to think about when setting up an inspiring area to study in. Every color expresses a different feeling. For example, white transmits calmness, light, and freshness. Yellow expresses energy and joy. Red also transmits energy while orange transmits enthusiasm.

You can choose the color and the sensations that you want to feel when you’re studying.

3. A desk with everything you need

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One of the most important parts of a study area is the spot where you’ll actually be studying: the desk. Your desk should be functional. In other words, it should have everything you need nearby to keep you from having to get up or becoming distracted.

Before purchasing a desk, think about how much space you’ll actually need. Depending on what you think this might be, look for a bigger or smaller desk. You should also look for models that have a drawer or built-in shelving unit for storing important documents.

4. Your study area decor is also important

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Your study area should also be well decorated. You really should make it your space; personalize it with little details that can help create an inspirational setting.

You know that mug that you love but only use in the morning for breakfast? Use it as a pencil holder and see it all day long. It’ll bring you good memories and positive energy. If you like plants, try keeping a small plant on your desk.

You can also opt to decorate your wall by hanging a positive quote or pictures. Anything that brings you happiness, memories or positive energy is welcome in your study area.

5. A relaxed setting for mental energy

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Concentration is crucial for successful studying. The more relaxed you are, the more brain power you’ll draw for your studies. The colors that we mentioned earlier will help you relax.

But if you don’t want to change your room colors, you can also find the motivation to study in other ways as well. Many people find music helpful for concentration, so try keeping a music player nearby. Incense and candles are also helpful for creating a relaxing ambiance.

Keeping your study area in order, like your papers or the room itself, is also crucial for keeping the atmosphere calm.