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5 Fruits and Vegetables For You to Grow at Home

4 minutes
At some point, you've likely consumed one or more of these fruits and vegetables but probably haven't thought about growing them at home. Ready to get growing? 
5 Fruits and Vegetables For You to Grow at Home
Last update: 06 October, 2021

In this article, we’re going to reveal the five must-have fruits and vegetables that you can grow at home. Nowadays, more than just a passing fad, growing our own food gives us the security of consuming organic products, free from chemicals and pesticides.

This allows us to have a healthy and sustainable diet. In addition, it’s a small first step towards food security in a world in which, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), there are serious problems. These relate to malnutrition due to the lack of access to food for a large proportion of the world’s population.

The five fruits and vegetables to grow at home

Understand the importance of growing fruits and vegetables at home in order to provide you with food for your consumption. Here are five that you can’t miss!

1. Tomatoes

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Tomatoes are the fruit of the plant that bears the same name. One of the most consumed in the world, they form part of the diet for thousands of people around the world. They’ve always been mistaken for a vegetable, due to their use in various culinary preparations including soups, salads, and sauces.

Its cultivation at home is very simple and you can enjoy a tomato every day as soon as your plant reaches maturity. You can even start growing tomatoes from the seeds of the tomato that you usually buy.

If you have a small space, cherry tomatoes are a good option, as they can grow very well in a small pot. Keep in mind that for optimal growth, you need a place the plant in an area with good light. This alongside watering it twice a week with a little water and growing it in an area where the leaves don’t have contact with the ground (to avoid contamination).

2. Fruits and vegetables to grow at home: peppers

Peppers do very well in hot weather. Like tomatoes, they require a sunny site in order to grow fast and healthy. You can start growing them from the pepper seeds (one that you have bought). Simply let them dry a little before sowing them in a pot.

If you want to have multiple pepper plants, plant them 40 centimeters apart. Water constantly and fertilize from time to time. Don’t use chemicals! You can dip into eggshells and other organic waste.

3. Spinach, lettuce, and chard

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Spinach, lettuce, and chard are very nutritious edible plants, that are easy to grow and maintain. In addition, they’re very grateful for the care you give them and the type of fertilizer you use. In return for their care, they’ll provide you with lots of leaves. For example, you can collect chard eight weeks after planting or once the leaves reach about 18 centimeters.

To plant, use the root of one of these that you’ve already consumed. Wash it well, leave it in water for two days, and transplant it into a pot with soil. Soon you’ll start to see your plants grow. Of course, you must make sure you water it often, but don’t overdo it. For greater precision, check the substrate before pouring the water and apply organic fertilizers.

4. Fruits and vegetables to grow at home: onions

This is another of the fruits and vegetables to grow at home that you can’t miss. Its roots are shallow and therefore you can use a medium pot without a problem. Also, it doesn’t take much to grow healthy and strong. As it’s a warm temperature plant, it’s best to place it in a spot where it’ll receive a good amount of sunlight.

You have three different ways to make it grow: through seeds, by transplanting the small seedlings, or by directly sowing the small bulbs.

5. Carrots

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Carrots are delicious and nutritious and are also very easy to grow. They require a fair amount of water, so you must ensure that the substrate is always wet, but not soaked. When you notice plant growth, space out the shoots.

Contrary to most of the fruit and vegetables to grow at home that we’ve recommended, the carrot does need a cool, and bright place to grow. By requiring so much water, you must ensure that there’s good drainage.

In this case, you can use the tops of the carrots that you’ve eaten. First, put them to germinate in water and then transplant it to the ground.

What do you think of these fruits and vegetables to grow at home?

It’s likely that at some point, you’ve consumed one or more of these fruits and vegetables, but haven’t thought about growing them at home. This is often the case–because we’re conditioned to think that all of these products can be bought, rather than growing them ourselves.

However, by doing so, you’ll enjoy quality food that’s 100 percent organic and very healthy. Ready to get growing?

In this article, we’re going to reveal the five must-have fruits and vegetables that you can grow at home. Nowadays, more than just a passing fad, growing our own food gives us the security of consuming organic products, free from chemicals and pesticides.

This allows us to have a healthy and sustainable diet. In addition, it’s a small first step towards food security in a world in which, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), there are serious problems. These relate to malnutrition due to the lack of access to food for a large proportion of the world’s population.

The five fruits and vegetables to grow at home

Understand the importance of growing fruits and vegetables at home in order to provide you with food for your consumption. Here are five that you can’t miss!

1. Tomatoes

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Tomatoes are the fruit of the plant that bears the same name. One of the most consumed in the world, they form part of the diet for thousands of people around the world. They’ve always been mistaken for a vegetable, due to their use in various culinary preparations including soups, salads, and sauces.

Its cultivation at home is very simple and you can enjoy a tomato every day as soon as your plant reaches maturity. You can even start growing tomatoes from the seeds of the tomato that you usually buy.

If you have a small space, cherry tomatoes are a good option, as they can grow very well in a small pot. Keep in mind that for optimal growth, you need a place the plant in an area with good light. This alongside watering it twice a week with a little water and growing it in an area where the leaves don’t have contact with the ground (to avoid contamination).

2. Fruits and vegetables to grow at home: peppers

Peppers do very well in hot weather. Like tomatoes, they require a sunny site in order to grow fast and healthy. You can start growing them from the pepper seeds (one that you have bought). Simply let them dry a little before sowing them in a pot.

If you want to have multiple pepper plants, plant them 40 centimeters apart. Water constantly and fertilize from time to time. Don’t use chemicals! You can dip into eggshells and other organic waste.

3. Spinach, lettuce, and chard

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Spinach, lettuce, and chard are very nutritious edible plants, that are easy to grow and maintain. In addition, they’re very grateful for the care you give them and the type of fertilizer you use. In return for their care, they’ll provide you with lots of leaves. For example, you can collect chard eight weeks after planting or once the leaves reach about 18 centimeters.

To plant, use the root of one of these that you’ve already consumed. Wash it well, leave it in water for two days, and transplant it into a pot with soil. Soon you’ll start to see your plants grow. Of course, you must make sure you water it often, but don’t overdo it. For greater precision, check the substrate before pouring the water and apply organic fertilizers.

4. Fruits and vegetables to grow at home: onions

This is another of the fruits and vegetables to grow at home that you can’t miss. Its roots are shallow and therefore you can use a medium pot without a problem. Also, it doesn’t take much to grow healthy and strong. As it’s a warm temperature plant, it’s best to place it in a spot where it’ll receive a good amount of sunlight.

You have three different ways to make it grow: through seeds, by transplanting the small seedlings, or by directly sowing the small bulbs.

5. Carrots

Some figure

Carrots are delicious and nutritious and are also very easy to grow. They require a fair amount of water, so you must ensure that the substrate is always wet, but not soaked. When you notice plant growth, space out the shoots.

Contrary to most of the fruit and vegetables to grow at home that we’ve recommended, the carrot does need a cool, and bright place to grow. By requiring so much water, you must ensure that there’s good drainage.

In this case, you can use the tops of the carrots that you’ve eaten. First, put them to germinate in water and then transplant it to the ground.

What do you think of these fruits and vegetables to grow at home?

It’s likely that at some point, you’ve consumed one or more of these fruits and vegetables, but haven’t thought about growing them at home. This is often the case–because we’re conditioned to think that all of these products can be bought, rather than growing them ourselves.

However, by doing so, you’ll enjoy quality food that’s 100 percent organic and very healthy. Ready to get growing?

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional, conceptos Básicos. Programa Especial para la Seguridad Alimentaria – PESA – Centroamérica. Proyecto Food Facility Honduras.