Try These Different Types of Yard Borders

Yard borders embellish your flower beds and offer a neater, more sophisticated look. Moreover, they’re a good way to beautify the outdoors.
Everyone likes to have a nice tidy lawn. The outside makes the first impression, which says a lot about your personality. That’s why it’s nice to have a spiffed up exterior, which you can accomplish with different kinds of borders.
In general, grass is the main component of this space. But also, there are plants and flowers that add to the specific character of the yard. In order to achieve a well groomed look, you should set up a little area to enjoy.
Not only do you have to care for the vegetation, but there’s also the option of looking for alternative items that enhance and draw attention to the space. This is a unique opportunity to have an exterior with harmony.
What are borders?
Before doing a detailed analysis of what there is on the market, you’ll need to decide what the borders of your yard actually are. For example, there are fences to determine an area that separate different parts of your lawn and at the same time contain the flower beds. In other words, this would be a low fence.
You don’t want a high wall that gets in your way when walking. A border is meant to be attractive and functional. The purpose is to simulate a closed-in area, similar to what you’d see in the country.
This way, you have a more decorative area that’ll highlight your lawn. You can do this to your liking, and create a design that attracts the eye.
A very interesting way to decorate your property
Wooden borders – nature and the spirit of the country
Wooden borders are the most common. For one thing, this material works very well with vegetation as well as simulating a little field with a fence. It’s good to be familiar with some of its characteristics if you want to bring a rustic look to your yard:
1.One important feature is that you can roll them up. You can buy them according to the size you need. In addition, it’s easy to store them if you’d like to remove them at any time.
2. These borders are composed of wooden pieces that are smooth and are from 8 to 10 inches high and are 2.5 inches wide. Also, they’re available in sets of rows.
3. When it comes to finishes, there are two options: on one hand, they are curved and give a dynamic and tidy look. On the other hand, there are some that are straight and form 90 degree angles.
4. The wood tends to be pine or cherry. According to the type of wood, it may be dark or light in color. You can apply a finish yourself and it’ll look awesome.
5. The border slats aren’t heavy but they are stable. You need to be aware that they’ll have to endure poor weather conditions.

Steel yard borders last a long time
Steel is one of the most popular borders. This material is resistant and stays strong and solid for years.
In the case of steel, it’s straight and above all, it’s simple. In other words, it’s a minimalist style with a surface that tends to be completely smooth. You’ll end up with a basic functional enclosure.
It’s common to find styles with geometric patterns or shapes. There are some very interesting designs out there. In essence, the basic objective is to fence off an area of the yard in an effective way.
Other types of yard borders
Let’s look at two other options. First, there’s polypropylene, which is easy to find, doesn’t weigh too much, and resists both water and bad weather perfectly. What’s more, they are flexible and can be cut to your specifications.
Also, reed is a material that is useful and is made of sticks that are sewn together with galvanized wire and has a natural appearance. For this reason, it needs to be located in protected areas.
Yard borders embellish your flower beds and offer a neater, more sophisticated look. Moreover, they’re a good way to beautify the outdoors.
Everyone likes to have a nice tidy lawn. The outside makes the first impression, which says a lot about your personality. That’s why it’s nice to have a spiffed up exterior, which you can accomplish with different kinds of borders.
In general, grass is the main component of this space. But also, there are plants and flowers that add to the specific character of the yard. In order to achieve a well groomed look, you should set up a little area to enjoy.
Not only do you have to care for the vegetation, but there’s also the option of looking for alternative items that enhance and draw attention to the space. This is a unique opportunity to have an exterior with harmony.
What are borders?
Before doing a detailed analysis of what there is on the market, you’ll need to decide what the borders of your yard actually are. For example, there are fences to determine an area that separate different parts of your lawn and at the same time contain the flower beds. In other words, this would be a low fence.
You don’t want a high wall that gets in your way when walking. A border is meant to be attractive and functional. The purpose is to simulate a closed-in area, similar to what you’d see in the country.
This way, you have a more decorative area that’ll highlight your lawn. You can do this to your liking, and create a design that attracts the eye.
A very interesting way to decorate your property
Wooden borders – nature and the spirit of the country
Wooden borders are the most common. For one thing, this material works very well with vegetation as well as simulating a little field with a fence. It’s good to be familiar with some of its characteristics if you want to bring a rustic look to your yard:
1.One important feature is that you can roll them up. You can buy them according to the size you need. In addition, it’s easy to store them if you’d like to remove them at any time.
2. These borders are composed of wooden pieces that are smooth and are from 8 to 10 inches high and are 2.5 inches wide. Also, they’re available in sets of rows.
3. When it comes to finishes, there are two options: on one hand, they are curved and give a dynamic and tidy look. On the other hand, there are some that are straight and form 90 degree angles.
4. The wood tends to be pine or cherry. According to the type of wood, it may be dark or light in color. You can apply a finish yourself and it’ll look awesome.
5. The border slats aren’t heavy but they are stable. You need to be aware that they’ll have to endure poor weather conditions.

Steel yard borders last a long time
Steel is one of the most popular borders. This material is resistant and stays strong and solid for years.
In the case of steel, it’s straight and above all, it’s simple. In other words, it’s a minimalist style with a surface that tends to be completely smooth. You’ll end up with a basic functional enclosure.
It’s common to find styles with geometric patterns or shapes. There are some very interesting designs out there. In essence, the basic objective is to fence off an area of the yard in an effective way.
Other types of yard borders
Let’s look at two other options. First, there’s polypropylene, which is easy to find, doesn’t weigh too much, and resists both water and bad weather perfectly. What’s more, they are flexible and can be cut to your specifications.
Also, reed is a material that is useful and is made of sticks that are sewn together with galvanized wire and has a natural appearance. For this reason, it needs to be located in protected areas.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Neff, Ludwig; Neufert, Peter: Casa. Vivienda. Jardín: el proyecto y las medidas en la construcción, Gili, 2006.
- Stevens, David: Una habitación en exterior: diseñar el jardín en casa, Blume, 2008.