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Outdoor Kitchens: Advantages and Ideas

3 minutes
Outdoor kitchens encourage quality time with family and friends, as well as promoting better eating habits. Keep reading to discover more advantages.
Outdoor Kitchens: Advantages and Ideas
Last update: 27 August, 2021

Outdoor kitchens are a dream for many people–and they’re right on-trend. During the summer they’re a wonderful option to bring family or friends together. Although this is a concept that seems very new, it’s actually a way of cooking that’s been present for many years, especially in the Mediterranean.

Considering that you may be thinking of installing your own outdoor kitchen, in this article, we’ll explain its advantages. We’ll also give you some ideas for all the motivation you need to get to work.

Advantages of outdoor kitchens

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In addition to being aesthetically beautiful, outdoor kitchens have their advantages. So, in the medium term, the initial investment will pay off with these positive factors.

Eliminates cooking smells from your interiors

As exquisite as cooking smells can be, if you don’t have a well-ventilated space they can be annoying, (especially when it comes to foods such as fish). With outdoor kitchens, aromas are kept away from your interiors and will not permeate your home.

So you can make roasts and other preparations that give off steam or smoke, without worrying that your home will smell of food for several days.

Outdoor kitchens reduce your electricity costs

To prevent odors from being trapped in your home, extractor hoods are often installed, which consume a lot of energy. Additionally, air conditioning works harder to keep your home cool, this is because cooking contributes to heating.

By having an outdoor kitchen it’s not necessary to use a hood and the air conditioning won’t have to work as hard. This translates into lower energy bills.

Promotes a healthier diet

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By not having to limit yourself or worrying about the accumulation of odors and smoke, having an outdoor kitchen promotes a healthy lifestyle.

That’s right! You can make grilled recipes more often and reduce your use of oils and fats, which means fewer calories.

In fact, studies indicate that preparing roasts on a grill reduces the consumption of saturated fat. This helps you to maintain better cardiovascular health.

Outdoor kitchens encourage sharing

Having an outdoor kitchen in a spacious environment is an invitation to share with friends, family, or your partner. There’s nothing like having breakfast watching the landscape or decorating your outdoors with twinkling lights for a unique evening in which gastronomy shines.

Without a doubt, this will be the favorite place to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas.

Increase your property’s value

One of the most important advantages of outdoor kitchens is that they increase the value of your property. These types of kitchens are equipped with barbecue grills, ovens and different kitchen accessories. Designed in stainless steel, they’re not easily damaged by the weather or the seasons of the year.

Ideas for setting up your outdoor kitchen

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Now that you know the advantages of having an outdoor kitchen, we’ll present you with some design ideas so that you end up falling in love. Choose the one you like:

  • Minimalist outdoor kitchens: they stand out for their steel countertops. These outdoor kitchens are discreet and with fine lines. They should contain a barbecue, chairs and a simple table, with drawers to store kitchen implements.
  • On wheels: this outdoor kitchen is mounted on modules with wheels that can be moved wherever you need it. They’re ideal for use on lawns.
  • With an island: when you have a large space, outdoor kitchens can be used without limits, among which are islands. These allow you to create a very elegant bar area.

Outdoor kitchens: is this what you’re looking for?

Outdoor kitchens have no considerable disadvantages–they favor your pocketbook and provide you with quality of life.

In addition, there’s a style for every taste, the only thing you should consider is the material you use. Stainless steel is the most popular since it guarantees durability.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Nieto, C. Técnicas de cocción: sabor, color, textura y nutrientes a buen recaudo. Farmacia profesional. Vol. 28, 2014.