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Rustic-Style Coffee Shop Decoration

3 minutes
You can achieve a rustic atmosphere through resources that remind you of the country and that, in turn, awaken nostalgia for the past. In this article, discover how to achieve a rustic-style coffee shop.
Rustic-Style Coffee Shop Decoration
Last update: 16 September, 2020

A commercial establishment must opt for attractive aesthetic parameters. A comfortable environment is good for business. This is why we decided to show you how how to create a rustic-style coffee shop.

The hospitality industry requires sacrifice and dedication. You can be successful if you offer good customer service, quality products, and, above all, an identifying and defining image.

Most people repeatedly visit places where they feel comfortable. Both good customer service and the environment are key to making this happen. This is where decoration plays a very important role.

What’s the rustic style?

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Firstly, you must be clear about what this style is. We consider it the best way to introduce a country atmosphere into a space. To do this, you need to make use of decorative elements that will remind you of the rural world.

Materials such as wood are essential. Throughout history, this has been a fundamental material in architecture and interior design. It’s a great option because it’s easy to work with and is resistant to the passage of time.

Stone and brick are also important materials, reminiscent of the traditional ways of working outdoors. Combined in an appropriate way, all this can help you to create a picturesque setting.

Nowadays, it’s increasingly common to find rustic decorative elements in urban spaces.

5 decorative elements for a rustic-style coffee shop

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The elements that you choose to decorate your coffee shop must be in harmony with each other. You shouldn’t mix elements of different styles without a specific purpose. The goal is to establish an environment that’s both comfortable and pleasant.

  1. Wood or wrought iron furniture is interesting, both due to the aesthetic options it offers and its relationship with the rural world.
  2. Farm implements are useful to decorate the walls, pillars, and counter. They awaken the customer’s curiosity and memories of the past. This is a way of appealing to people’s sensitive side.
  3. You should opt for wooden floors that are both resistant and durable because they’ll withstand the continuous movement of people. In addition, they go perfectly with the rest of the furniture.
  4. Small lamps arranged at different angles. The lighting should be warm and low. This is because it transmits serenity in order to soothe customers, generate peace and tranquility, and make them feel comfortable.
  5. Another great option is putting up shelves to store bottles, hanging paintings or photographs on the walls, and using items such as chests, trunks, or dressers. These positively contribute to the environment.

Exposed beams

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Image: margarette92753.kenbirra.world

A rustic-style coffee shop must differentiate itself through both its decoration and its infrastructure. From an architectural standpoint, exposed beams remind us of the houses of the past.

They can be structural or decorative. In fact, they help provide height and you can also hang other decorative elements on them.

In addition, you can use beams to establish a color contrast with the ceiling. If you paint the ceiling white and distinguish it from the beams it’ll attract more attention.

Plants in a rustic-style coffee shop

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Image: sabonhomeblog.tumblr.com

To complete your rustic-style coffee shop, you mustn’t forget about plants! This is because they purify the environment and produce a natural feeling. In fact, they go very well with the wood and the warmth of the lights.

We’re not saying that you have to add plants to every corner. Instead, you should place them in certain spots and make sure that some add a few touches of the outdoors to your coffee shop, for example, by placing a vine on a wall.


A commercial establishment must opt for attractive aesthetic parameters. A comfortable environment is good for business. This is why we decided to show you how how to create a rustic-style coffee shop.

The hospitality industry requires sacrifice and dedication. You can be successful if you offer good customer service, quality products, and, above all, an identifying and defining image.

Most people repeatedly visit places where they feel comfortable. Both good customer service and the environment are key to making this happen. This is where decoration plays a very important role.

What’s the rustic style?

Some figure

Firstly, you must be clear about what this style is. We consider it the best way to introduce a country atmosphere into a space. To do this, you need to make use of decorative elements that will remind you of the rural world.

Materials such as wood are essential. Throughout history, this has been a fundamental material in architecture and interior design. It’s a great option because it’s easy to work with and is resistant to the passage of time.

Stone and brick are also important materials, reminiscent of the traditional ways of working outdoors. Combined in an appropriate way, all this can help you to create a picturesque setting.

Nowadays, it’s increasingly common to find rustic decorative elements in urban spaces.

5 decorative elements for a rustic-style coffee shop

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The elements that you choose to decorate your coffee shop must be in harmony with each other. You shouldn’t mix elements of different styles without a specific purpose. The goal is to establish an environment that’s both comfortable and pleasant.

  1. Wood or wrought iron furniture is interesting, both due to the aesthetic options it offers and its relationship with the rural world.
  2. Farm implements are useful to decorate the walls, pillars, and counter. They awaken the customer’s curiosity and memories of the past. This is a way of appealing to people’s sensitive side.
  3. You should opt for wooden floors that are both resistant and durable because they’ll withstand the continuous movement of people. In addition, they go perfectly with the rest of the furniture.
  4. Small lamps arranged at different angles. The lighting should be warm and low. This is because it transmits serenity in order to soothe customers, generate peace and tranquility, and make them feel comfortable.
  5. Another great option is putting up shelves to store bottles, hanging paintings or photographs on the walls, and using items such as chests, trunks, or dressers. These positively contribute to the environment.

Exposed beams

Some figure
Image: margarette92753.kenbirra.world

A rustic-style coffee shop must differentiate itself through both its decoration and its infrastructure. From an architectural standpoint, exposed beams remind us of the houses of the past.

They can be structural or decorative. In fact, they help provide height and you can also hang other decorative elements on them.

In addition, you can use beams to establish a color contrast with the ceiling. If you paint the ceiling white and distinguish it from the beams it’ll attract more attention.

Plants in a rustic-style coffee shop

Some figure
Image: sabonhomeblog.tumblr.com

To complete your rustic-style coffee shop, you mustn’t forget about plants! This is because they purify the environment and produce a natural feeling. In fact, they go very well with the wood and the warmth of the lights.

We’re not saying that you have to add plants to every corner. Instead, you should place them in certain spots and make sure that some add a few touches of the outdoors to your coffee shop, for example, by placing a vine on a wall.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Saldarriaga Roa, Alberto; Villegas Jiménez, Benjamín: Espacios comerciales, Villegas Editores, 1994.