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Making a Comeback in Decor - Embroidery

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Embroidery has been used throughout history as a means of expressing stories through pictures.
Making a Comeback in Decor - Embroidery
Last update: 29 December, 2019

A couple of years ago, it made a huge comeback. It’s back in fashion in interior design, and isn’t just a passing fad. Embroidery, which was a traditional handcraft of times past, has swept into modern decor, and now people of all ages can learn it in schools.

Of course, the trend isn’t as strange as it may first appear. Why not? Well, you’ll find more and more handcrafted items in interior design because they add character to any home.

You can also find embroidered designs on the market today that are different from traditional or classic patterns.

Embroidery is one of the artistic techniques that has evolved the most over the last few years. It’s been reinvented and innovated more than most traditional crafts can boast of.

It’s by means of these threads that stories and shapes have been masterfully woven together, expressing a whole series of cultures and traditions throughout history.

These art pieces can provide your house with almost any kind of style or theme you want. Think flowers, shapes, figures of any size or style, and even Indian, tribal or oriental designs. Everything’s available and it all has a place in decor.

Embroidery – a colorful history

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With most decorative techniques, there’s usually a fairly defined time period that they date from. However, with embroidery, it’s a little harder to work out.

The general idea of telling stories with threads of different colors and textures has probably always existed. Although having said that, it would seem that the Phrygians were the ones who first introduced it to Europe.

Embroidery used only be for the very rich since it was made from a base of golden thread and woven gems. You’ll find embroidered items among the ancient Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, throughout the Middle Ages and in almost all cultures throughout the world. The art of telling stories through weaving pictures is universal.

In 1863, the first embroidery machine was invented. It made woven decorations much more accessible to the common people.

Today, this ancient handcraft is made in an infinite variety of styles, materials and techniques for all who are able to utilize and appreciate its magic.

Embroidery in decor

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The revamping of handcrafted items and of unique decor pieces has brought embroidery back into decor almost as a side effect. And of course, there are few handcrafts that are as useful as an edge with a good border.

Embroidery can be useful in framed pictures, curtains, tablecloths, pillow slips, and towels. But the modern trend goes further. You can find even larger embroidered decor items, such as tapestries, embroidered quilt covers, and even in massive wall hangings.

With all of that on the market, it’s a small wonder that embroidery is becoming the go-to resource. It’s perfect for those delicate, colorful details wanted in so many different styles of decor. It’s a trend that’s gone beyond a decorative style and has become an appreciated DIY craft.

A pattern for each decor style

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There are many styles of decor where embroidered textiles complement the theme perfectly. For example, embroidery clearly goes hand in hand with a classic contemporaneous style. This decor style is full of embroidered botanical motifs on its textiles.

Shabby chic, vintage and the romantic style are really responsible for embroidery’s sweeping success into modern interior decor. Embroidered flowers on textiles are the fastest and surest way to achieve these styles in decor.

The rustic and farmhouse styles also use embroidered borders to add reliefs of the forest and of animals of all kinds, from birds to deer and horses.

Oriental styles, with their magnificent borders on silk and their classic designs and patterns, are also a sure bet. You could use an oriental theme in many decor accessories.

Embroidery decor – do it yourself

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Of course, you can find any number of possibilities for purchasing ready-made embroidery for your home decor on the market. However, you might find it appealing to try it for yourself.

Basically, it’s a technique based on covering a drawing with woven threads. From that starting point, there are many different categories and skill levels that you could learn.

There is an endless number of courses and workshops available, without even going into the numerous tutorials you can find on the internet. Why not check some of them out? You never know, you might find the motivation to start learning yourself!

Learning how to embroider is in fashion. Working with your hands is one of the most relaxing activities you can do. Get away from the digital world, and allow your mind and hands to become one.