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Decorate your Home Using Puzzles

3 minutes
Using puzzles for decoration is not just children. You can use puzzles to decorate any room in your home using many different and creative ideas.
Decorate your Home Using Puzzles
Last update: 28 January, 2021

Puzzles aren’t only for children, although not many adults enjoy doing them. Here you’ll find a few tips to decorate your home using puzzles, whether it’s the children’s room, your room, or your living room.

How to decorate your home using puzzles

Puzzles are a fantastic game because they test our intelligence, as well as our patience. If you like puzzles, read these tips to decorate your home with them.

1. Framed puzzles

One of the major issues of putting a puzzle together is the physical space you need to leave it in, while you finish doing it. The second issue is that, once it’s done, you don’t know what to do with it.

How about framing it and hanging it in your home? For example, hang it in the living room, on the wall behind your sofa. Another good place is in your home office.

If you’d like to try this, buy a piece of thin wood the same size as your puzzle and glue it in place once you’re done. If you want to, frame it to keep in good condition.

2. Drawing puzzle pieces on the wall

Draw puzzle pieces on your wall using a thin brush or chalk, after you’ve painted the wall with blackboard paint. The idea is to just draw the silhouettes.

You can differentiate the pieces by painting them in different colors and creating words with the pieces, but no more than that. This is perfect for that empty wall in your kitchen or a long and narrow hallway.

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3. Decorate your home with puzzles in vinyl

Nowadays, decorative vinyl is very much in use. Choose different color pieces and stick them to the wall. If you like this idea, try creating a sort of puzzle lane, from one end of the wall to the other.

4. A puzzle table

This is a very original idea to decorate your home with puzzles. Once you’ve finished the puzzle, leave it on the table. Place a piece of glass on top and that’s it. You can still use your table as usual.

5. Decorate using foam puzzles

Puzzles pieces have always been used for decorations. To decorate a children’s room, cut them out in foam, and create a colorful puzzle.

You can do something similar using cardboard or thin wood. If using wood, make the puzzle and then paint it any color you want.

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6. A faux-puzzle

You don’t always need a puzzle to decorate your home with. How? First, paint something you like on your wall, using a simple design like a boat, a plane, or a skyline. Next, draw lines as puzzle pieces, and you’re done!

7. Loose pieces

Maybe your children liked puzzles for a while and now they don’t. Or maybe you moved and lost half the pieces of your favorite puzzles. Don’t throw them away.

Set up an interesting design piece by putting loose pieces in a frame or onto wood. You can paint over the original picture, creating different designs or words.

Some figure

8. Decorate your home using magnet puzzles

Try using big puzzle pieces. It’s as simple as buying a magnet plate and cutting it in the shape of a puzzle piece and putting it wherever you want. This is perfect for the fridge.

In short, there are many ways to decorate your home using puzzles. It’s just about being creative.


Puzzles aren’t only for children, although not many adults enjoy doing them. Here you’ll find a few tips to decorate your home using puzzles, whether it’s the children’s room, your room, or your living room.

How to decorate your home using puzzles

Puzzles are a fantastic game because they test our intelligence, as well as our patience. If you like puzzles, read these tips to decorate your home with them.

1. Framed puzzles

One of the major issues of putting a puzzle together is the physical space you need to leave it in, while you finish doing it. The second issue is that, once it’s done, you don’t know what to do with it.

How about framing it and hanging it in your home? For example, hang it in the living room, on the wall behind your sofa. Another good place is in your home office.

If you’d like to try this, buy a piece of thin wood the same size as your puzzle and glue it in place once you’re done. If you want to, frame it to keep in good condition.

2. Drawing puzzle pieces on the wall

Draw puzzle pieces on your wall using a thin brush or chalk, after you’ve painted the wall with blackboard paint. The idea is to just draw the silhouettes.

You can differentiate the pieces by painting them in different colors and creating words with the pieces, but no more than that. This is perfect for that empty wall in your kitchen or a long and narrow hallway.

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3. Decorate your home with puzzles in vinyl

Nowadays, decorative vinyl is very much in use. Choose different color pieces and stick them to the wall. If you like this idea, try creating a sort of puzzle lane, from one end of the wall to the other.

4. A puzzle table

This is a very original idea to decorate your home with puzzles. Once you’ve finished the puzzle, leave it on the table. Place a piece of glass on top and that’s it. You can still use your table as usual.

5. Decorate using foam puzzles

Puzzles pieces have always been used for decorations. To decorate a children’s room, cut them out in foam, and create a colorful puzzle.

You can do something similar using cardboard or thin wood. If using wood, make the puzzle and then paint it any color you want.

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6. A faux-puzzle

You don’t always need a puzzle to decorate your home with. How? First, paint something you like on your wall, using a simple design like a boat, a plane, or a skyline. Next, draw lines as puzzle pieces, and you’re done!

7. Loose pieces

Maybe your children liked puzzles for a while and now they don’t. Or maybe you moved and lost half the pieces of your favorite puzzles. Don’t throw them away.

Set up an interesting design piece by putting loose pieces in a frame or onto wood. You can paint over the original picture, creating different designs or words.

Some figure

8. Decorate your home using magnet puzzles

Try using big puzzle pieces. It’s as simple as buying a magnet plate and cutting it in the shape of a puzzle piece and putting it wherever you want. This is perfect for the fridge.

In short, there are many ways to decorate your home using puzzles. It’s just about being creative.
