How Can You Decorate Wide Hallways?

Learn about our tips and ideas about how to decorate the widest hallways without losing that sense of spaciousness that we so value in our homes.
How Can You Decorate Wide Hallways?

Last update: 11 October, 2018

In this article we’ll give you some ideas to help you decorate your wide hallway to perfection. 

wide hallway

Undoubtedly, having a long and/or wide corridor isn’t very common. Therefore, if we have such great luck in our homes, we should pay great attention to decorating it so that it doesn’t lose its sense of spaciousness.

As happens with our foyers, hallways help our guests determine a first impression about us and our style. Sometimes our hallway is the first thing that a guest sees when they enter our house. Therefore, the way we decorate them says a lot about who we are.

In general, hallways are usually small and narrow spaces, so you don’t have to place extra furniture or decorative accents to make them look full or styled.

However, if you have a wide hallway you can consider putting furniture in it. If you’re thinking about this option, you have to pay close attention to measurements. If we don’t keep dimensions in mind, our walking space may become limited.

Here are some ideas for accessories and furniture that you can use to decorate a wide hall.

Floor vases for hallways

When our hallway is narrow and we want to use vases, we should choose the thinnest and longest ones so that they’re not occupying a lot of floor space.

floor vases

But when the hallway is wide, we can choose to use much bigger floor vases. You can place flowers, dry leaves, or a garland of lights inside them. If your vase has a striking design, you can leave it empty.

Another similar possibility is demijohns, which are containers that have a wicker cover to make it easier to pick them up.

Many times they’re made with fragile materials, so we must pay attention to where we place them. We have to keep them away from opening doors or where someone could easily kick them over.

On the other hand, you can use them in multiple ways, as long as there’s enough space. In general, we recommend that you choose them in different sizes and shapes. Of course, they should have the same or similar decorative style. One option is to create monochromatic combinations with them.


If the hall is wide, you can choose to place a bench along one of the sides.

hallway bench

Hallway benches serve many functions:

  • Just as a seat. If there’s enough light you can create a perfect reading corner.
  • As a shelf. You can use the bench as a shelf to place books and figurines. Think of it as a shelf, just at a lower height.
  • As a storage space. At the bottom you can place shoes in a visible way or place baskets or boxes to store your belongings.

If you’re going to use it as a seat, you can add some cushions to make it more comfortable.


Bookshelves look great in a wide hallway, as they’re to very wide and they won’t take up much space for movement. 

If there isn’t much other space in the house for books, you can consider lining one of the walls in the hallway with a bookshelf. In the case of narrow corridors you can place several mirrors in a row to achieve greater visual impact.

hallway with bookshelves

What’s more, if the corridor is really wide you can choose shelves that began at half height and place a bench running along the entire bottom. 

This is a good way to gain storage space in your home. In addition to books and other personal items you can place some plants and reap all the benefits that plants do for our health.

The importance of lighting

Once again, we want to emphasize the importance of light in interior design. However, we don’t always pay attention to lighting and therefore make mistakes.

The ideal situation is to have sources of natural light, such as large windows or balconies. Since this isn’t always possible, sometimes we must have artificial light bulbs, placed strategically.

well lit hallway

In addition to ceiling spotlights, you can place a floor lamp at one end of the hall so it doesn’t hinder movement. The important thing is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. As we already know, light has a very important role in this.

You can also paint the walls white, as this enhances the feeling of brightness. We’ll apply this idea to the color of the furniture.

Decorate a wide hallway with moldings, cornices, and baseboards

Cornices, moldings, and baseboards are ornamental elements with which you can give a very elegant touch to your walls and decorate a wide corridor.

All these look great in wide spaces.

large hallway

You should only choose one of these options. You should select which one depending on your tastes and the height of the hallway.

  1. Cornice: runs along the top of the wall, right on the boundary between this and the ceiling.
  2. Molding: in the intermediate zone of the wall. It is bigger in comparison with the other decorative elements we’ve mentioned.
  3. Skirting or baseboard: Travels the line located in the lowest part of the wall, at ground level.


We hope that these ideas have been helpful. As a last tip we want to tell you that it’s best to place these pieces of furniture and different accessories on the same side of the hallway. This makes it much easier to navigate and walk down the hallway.

You can also choose other decorative elements (carpets, candles, mirrors, wallpaper) as long as the space isn’t overloaded with other objects.