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How to Choose the Ideal Sheets? Follow These Tips!

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Choosing the ideal sheets is simple. It just requires you to pay attention to details such as the materials they're made from, the types of fabrics and properties. Keep reading to learn more!
How to Choose the Ideal Sheets? Follow These Tips!
Last update: 31 May, 2021

Choosing the ideal sheets is essential. At bedtime, comfort should extend to all the elements that surround your bed, including bedlinen. Therefore, we’re going to give you some tips that’ll help you choose the ideal sheets and make the right choices. We’ll look at all options for your bed sheets, such as material, fabrics, and sizes.

Tips to choose the ideal sheets

In addition to adding a touch of elegance, bedding deserves the same attention that we give to pillows or mattresses. So here are some tips for choosing sheets that’ll lead you to make the right choices.

Be attentive to the material

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The market offers us countless materials from which you should choose the one that best suits your personal tastes, the comfort it provides, and the seasons of the year.

That’s right! If you thought that the only material that exists for sheets is cotton, you’re very wrong. We’re going to tell you about the other options that are available:

  • Linen: a very cool material and ideal in places where nights are usually very warm. The only drawback is that it creases and wrinkles easily. So it’s advisable to iron linen sheets before using them.
  • Silk: soft, shiny and elegant. The only negative aspect is that their softness is such, that they need to be secured well so that they do not slip from the bed.
  • Cotton: we can find two types of cotton. The first is Egyptian cotton, considered the highest quality, so its price is usually higher. The other type–Pima cotton–is very comfortable and durable. It’s smooth, shiny, and much more affordable. Choose the one that fits your budget and keep in mind that, according to studies, the two options have an equally long and useful life.
  • Synthetics: this material doesn’t have the softness of the ones we’ve previously mentioned, but it does make the sheets resistant and inexpensive. In those materials that have higher quality, synthetic shouldn’t exceed 50 percent of the general composition.

How to choose sheets: check the fabric

The fabric has to do with the way in which the material strands intertwine. Its texture depends on this, which gives the sheet a better appearance and improves the feel.

Now, the price will also depend on this. These are some fabrics you can consider:

  • Percale: one of the most popular and fresh, new fabrics on the market.
  • Microfiber: the densest fabric available and, as a plus point, it’s not easily wrinkled or damaged.
  • Flannel: an excellent option for cold bedrooms, as flannel is quite warm.

Choose comfortable finishes

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The finishes of the sheets you choose are very important. Some of them are achieved with the use of chemicals that, although they seek to provide benefits, end up affecting quality and durability. It’s for this reason that you must remain aware and choose organic manufacturing processes to guarantee quality.

Take into account the seasons

In those places where there are seasons or climate changes, it’s necessary to have sheets for each season. Natural fiber sheets are very cool, as they allow air to circulate better. On the other hand, synthetic materials prevent perspiration, and conserve heat better, making them a better option for cold seasons.

How to choose sheets: understand its properties

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We’ll now explain the properties that you should take into account when choosing your sheets:

  • Breathability: this depends on how cool or warm the sheets are. The breathable ones allow the heat to dissipate much faster while maintaining freshness.
  • Absorption: during the time we’re in bed we sweat. It’s normal, therefore your sheets should have a good level of absorption.
  • Evaporation: in addition to absorbing sweat, sheets must evaporate it efficiently. This avoids having to wash the sheets too often, thus helping them to wear out faster.

Measure well

Finally, the last of the tips to choose the ideal sheets, but certainly not least, has to do with the exact measurements for your bed. The fitted sheets must have the same measurement as the mattress.

It’s that easy to choose the ideal sheets!

Having those ideal, precise, and quality sheets for your bed is very easy. Now you have the general knowledge to make a good choice. Remember, for your sheets to last longer and to maintain proper hygiene, wash well and change them regularly.

Choosing the ideal sheets is essential. At bedtime, comfort should extend to all the elements that surround your bed, including bedlinen. Therefore, we’re going to give you some tips that’ll help you choose the ideal sheets and make the right choices. We’ll look at all options for your bed sheets, such as material, fabrics, and sizes.

Tips to choose the ideal sheets

In addition to adding a touch of elegance, bedding deserves the same attention that we give to pillows or mattresses. So here are some tips for choosing sheets that’ll lead you to make the right choices.

Be attentive to the material

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The market offers us countless materials from which you should choose the one that best suits your personal tastes, the comfort it provides, and the seasons of the year.

That’s right! If you thought that the only material that exists for sheets is cotton, you’re very wrong. We’re going to tell you about the other options that are available:

  • Linen: a very cool material and ideal in places where nights are usually very warm. The only drawback is that it creases and wrinkles easily. So it’s advisable to iron linen sheets before using them.
  • Silk: soft, shiny and elegant. The only negative aspect is that their softness is such, that they need to be secured well so that they do not slip from the bed.
  • Cotton: we can find two types of cotton. The first is Egyptian cotton, considered the highest quality, so its price is usually higher. The other type–Pima cotton–is very comfortable and durable. It’s smooth, shiny, and much more affordable. Choose the one that fits your budget and keep in mind that, according to studies, the two options have an equally long and useful life.
  • Synthetics: this material doesn’t have the softness of the ones we’ve previously mentioned, but it does make the sheets resistant and inexpensive. In those materials that have higher quality, synthetic shouldn’t exceed 50 percent of the general composition.

How to choose sheets: check the fabric

The fabric has to do with the way in which the material strands intertwine. Its texture depends on this, which gives the sheet a better appearance and improves the feel.

Now, the price will also depend on this. These are some fabrics you can consider:

  • Percale: one of the most popular and fresh, new fabrics on the market.
  • Microfiber: the densest fabric available and, as a plus point, it’s not easily wrinkled or damaged.
  • Flannel: an excellent option for cold bedrooms, as flannel is quite warm.

Choose comfortable finishes

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The finishes of the sheets you choose are very important. Some of them are achieved with the use of chemicals that, although they seek to provide benefits, end up affecting quality and durability. It’s for this reason that you must remain aware and choose organic manufacturing processes to guarantee quality.

Take into account the seasons

In those places where there are seasons or climate changes, it’s necessary to have sheets for each season. Natural fiber sheets are very cool, as they allow air to circulate better. On the other hand, synthetic materials prevent perspiration, and conserve heat better, making them a better option for cold seasons.

How to choose sheets: understand its properties

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We’ll now explain the properties that you should take into account when choosing your sheets:

  • Breathability: this depends on how cool or warm the sheets are. The breathable ones allow the heat to dissipate much faster while maintaining freshness.
  • Absorption: during the time we’re in bed we sweat. It’s normal, therefore your sheets should have a good level of absorption.
  • Evaporation: in addition to absorbing sweat, sheets must evaporate it efficiently. This avoids having to wash the sheets too often, thus helping them to wear out faster.

Measure well

Finally, the last of the tips to choose the ideal sheets, but certainly not least, has to do with the exact measurements for your bed. The fitted sheets must have the same measurement as the mattress.

It’s that easy to choose the ideal sheets!

Having those ideal, precise, and quality sheets for your bed is very easy. Now you have the general knowledge to make a good choice. Remember, for your sheets to last longer and to maintain proper hygiene, wash well and change them regularly.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Gacén, J., Valldeperas, J., Pons, J.M., Caro, M., Navarro, J. Contribución al estudio de la vida útil de las sábanas de algodón. BOL. INTEXTAR, 1983, N.” 83.