Choose Your Sheets Depending on the Season

It’s probably happened to all of us. One freezing night in the depths of winter you got into bed and just couldn’t get warm. The opposite can also happen in the middle of summer. With that in mind, it’s important to select your bed clothes appropriately. How? For example, you should choose your sheets so they will suit the current season and climate.
Depending on the type of material, the sheets will contribute to you being warmer or cooler at night. There are different types of bedclothes that can be suitable for each season of the year. The most important thing is for you to be able to sleep in comfort.
Also, remember that your sheets don’t just have to be a purely functional part of your bedroom. They can also contribute to the decor; even to give a seasonal theme to the room.
Choose your sheets depending on the season

Obviously, you don’t have to have the same sheets on your bed throughout all the different seasons. For example, in the summertime, it’s no good if you use thick sheets since in the middle of the night you’ll be hot and sweaty and unable to sleep because of the heat.
On the other hand, in wintertime, you might be too cold at night if you have thin or synthetic sheets. Therefore, you need to know what kind of sheets to choose, and also how to use your sheets as a complement of the other furnishings.
Likewise, there’s no doubt that your comfort will depend on the type of material your sheets are made of, their thickness and other features, and the weather of the season. Your rest and sleep will depend to a great degree on these factors.
When choosing sheets, take into account the material as well as the aesthetic aspect.
Flannel sheets to keep the heat in

Without a doubt, flannel sheets are perfect for the cold winter season. They have certain features that make them ideal for the colder months.
- The texture is soft, smooth, silky, and very relaxing. This material generates warmth and calmness, things that are fundamental to get a good night’s sleep.
- They are thick and closely woven, which means that they conserve the heat better and don’t feel cold when they aren’t used. This means you can get into bed and the sheets won’t be icy cold.
- You should wash them carefully in warm water, at 30°C. That way they will keep their softness for the longest time possible.
- You can find some varieties of these sheets, which are made of cotton. Due to this, they can be a somewhat delicate material.
- Once you wash them, you should iron them so that they don’t get creased and they stay firmer.
Take care of your sheets in each wash; that way they’ll last and last.
Coralline sheets: soft and pleasant to the touch

If what you want is quality, Coralline sheets are authentic for comfort and softness. This material is really the perfect resource to facilitate your rest in wintertime.
- As a general rule, they are made of cotton. With that in mind, you should wash them in the same way as flannel sheets: use warm water and a good fabric softener.
- It’s important that you iron them after each time you put them through the wash since they crease easily. Also, the creases are highly visible if you haven’t ironed them.
- One excellent feature of these sheets is that they are breathable, so they don’t produce bad odors and won’t smell unpleasant. In fact, they won’t even make you sweat.
- They come in all different sizes and have different prints and colors. Aesthetically, they are a great resource for decorating your bedroom.
What are the best sheets to choose for spring and summertime?

What about during the hottest months of the year, when it’s more likely that you’ll be sweating in bed? You need sheets that you can use on your bed to cover up, without getting too hot.
Principally, thin cotton sheets are the most popular on the market. This is above all because they don’t generate heat and don’t smother you during the hot season. When you just need a thin sheet to throw over you at night in the middle of summer, cotton sheets are perfect.
However, you should take care if you use this material, since with repeated washing, use and the passing of time, they can deteriorate, and little by little wear thin.
Choose the sheets that will be most comfortable in each different season and that will help you to get the best night’s sleep possible.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Martell Siles, Laura: Acondicionado de camas, prendas de vestir y ropa de hogar, Paraninfo, 2015.