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The Sectional Couch for the Living Room - Main Features

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Would you like the comfort of a sectional couch in your living room?
The Sectional Couch for the Living Room - Main Features
Last update: 10 October, 2020

Having a sectional couch is a way to take advantage of space and not have empty areas. Also, it provides comfort and covers more surface area of the room without losing functionality.

On more than one occasion you may have wondered if it’s possible to combine comfort with space utilization. In the world of interior design, this is a concern that has a solution. Therefore, you can make use of elements such as a sectional couch for the living room.

The furniture needs to be adapted to the needs of the inhabitants. and in turn to the shape of the rooms. These days many decorating possibilities allow you to arrange furniture in a way that shows coherence in the organization.

There’s nothing worse than having a dreary corner and a lack of balance of the items in the room. Most important is entire harmony and we’re going to talk about solutions that work with the rooms.

What qualities does the sectional couch have?

Some figure

The first thing you should do is to define this type of furniture. A corner sofa or sectional is a cushioned seat that usually has a right angle and whose dimensions can vary. It resembles the chaise lounge.

Actually, you can adapt it to any corner without leaving space where you’d normally place a vase or plant. Otherwise, it would just be an empty space.

Although you’ll usually see it in large sizes, interior design shops have various sizes and different configurations. Some are even at different heights.

The sectional couch gives a very clear message – more opportunity for rest.

Interior design and the sectional couch

Some figure

As mentioned above, this type of furniture fits into spaces very well. However, you must take into account that it’ll occupy a considerable area of the room.

Let’s look at 4 points to take into account:

1.The choice you make should be precise. It’s important to choose a color that won’t clash with the rest of the furnishings, especially since it’ll be the main component in the room.

2. Naturally, it shouldn’t aesthetically overwhelm the rest of the furniture. Because of this, you need to have this goal – make it a compliment and one that harmonizes with the whole and combines well with the other pieces.

3. The sectional concept means that it fits into one or two corners since it’s possible that it could take up the entire area of the room. In case it ends up in the middle of the room, it mustn’t affect the traffic pattern of the room.

4. While being the real focus in the room, the rest of the furniture will coordinate with the couch. Because of this, you should give it a central place or a location where it’ll receive natural light. Also, it’s advisable to have a lamp beside it. The purpose is that it’s comfortable, useful for reading, resting, and watching TV.

The combination of colors for a sectional couch

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The importance of the sofa makes it essential to establish a combination of colors. You should study what the context that surrounds it will be.

Because of this, it’s better to use neutral colors in gray tones, white, marble  or light beige to give a warmer feel.

In addition to that, you need to find some coordinating cushions. These could be the same color, darker, or even a vibrant color such as red.

Other types

Some figure

One of the choices on the market is a sofa with footrests. It gives you the chance to combine in one piece of furniture the comfort of a chair with being able to stretch your legs.

Another is a Chesterfield in leather or velvet, which is much more elegant and exciting. It’s a very good way to break with tradition and use something with character.








Having a sectional couch is a way to take advantage of space and not have empty areas. Also, it provides comfort and covers more surface area of the room without losing functionality.

On more than one occasion you may have wondered if it’s possible to combine comfort with space utilization. In the world of interior design, this is a concern that has a solution. Therefore, you can make use of elements such as a sectional couch for the living room.

The furniture needs to be adapted to the needs of the inhabitants. and in turn to the shape of the rooms. These days many decorating possibilities allow you to arrange furniture in a way that shows coherence in the organization.

There’s nothing worse than having a dreary corner and a lack of balance of the items in the room. Most important is entire harmony and we’re going to talk about solutions that work with the rooms.

What qualities does the sectional couch have?

Some figure

The first thing you should do is to define this type of furniture. A corner sofa or sectional is a cushioned seat that usually has a right angle and whose dimensions can vary. It resembles the chaise lounge.

Actually, you can adapt it to any corner without leaving space where you’d normally place a vase or plant. Otherwise, it would just be an empty space.

Although you’ll usually see it in large sizes, interior design shops have various sizes and different configurations. Some are even at different heights.

The sectional couch gives a very clear message – more opportunity for rest.

Interior design and the sectional couch

Some figure

As mentioned above, this type of furniture fits into spaces very well. However, you must take into account that it’ll occupy a considerable area of the room.

Let’s look at 4 points to take into account:

1.The choice you make should be precise. It’s important to choose a color that won’t clash with the rest of the furnishings, especially since it’ll be the main component in the room.

2. Naturally, it shouldn’t aesthetically overwhelm the rest of the furniture. Because of this, you need to have this goal – make it a compliment and one that harmonizes with the whole and combines well with the other pieces.

3. The sectional concept means that it fits into one or two corners since it’s possible that it could take up the entire area of the room. In case it ends up in the middle of the room, it mustn’t affect the traffic pattern of the room.

4. While being the real focus in the room, the rest of the furniture will coordinate with the couch. Because of this, you should give it a central place or a location where it’ll receive natural light. Also, it’s advisable to have a lamp beside it. The purpose is that it’s comfortable, useful for reading, resting, and watching TV.

The combination of colors for a sectional couch

Some figure

The importance of the sofa makes it essential to establish a combination of colors. You should study what the context that surrounds it will be.

Because of this, it’s better to use neutral colors in gray tones, white, marble  or light beige to give a warmer feel.

In addition to that, you need to find some coordinating cushions. These could be the same color, darker, or even a vibrant color such as red.

Other types

Some figure

One of the choices on the market is a sofa with footrests. It gives you the chance to combine in one piece of furniture the comfort of a chair with being able to stretch your legs.

Another is a Chesterfield in leather or velvet, which is much more elegant and exciting. It’s a very good way to break with tradition and use something with character.








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  • Lava Oliva, Rocío: Interiorismo, Vértice, 2008.