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Tips For Choosing Your Dishwasher

4 minutes
With so much choice, when it comes to choosing your dishwasher, doubts can arise. So we'll present you with some tips for making the right purchase.
Tips For Choosing Your Dishwasher
Last update: 02 August, 2021

Choosing the right dishwasher to meet your needs isn’t always easy. There are many options available on the market and it’s normal to feel confused and overwhelmed. Avoid costly mistakes and make the right purchase by following our tips for choosing your dishwasher. Regardless of the model and make, learn what the most important aspects are, and don’t forget to ask your sales advisor for advice too. 

Tips for choosing your dishwasher: getting it right

The dishwasher was considered to be a luxury appliance until quite recently. However, today it’s more unusual not to find a dishwasher in most homes. Its advantages include saving time when washing dishes, improved hygiene, and lower water consumption.

Read on for the tips that’ll help you to make the right purchase and enjoy an efficient dishwasher to meet your needs.

Choosing your dishwasher: analyze the size and capacity

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The first piece of advice for choosing your dishwasher and making the right purchase has to do with the size of the appliance and its capacity. It’s not about buying the largest dishwasher, rather, evaluating the size you need and assessing how useful it’ll be for you.

If you have a large family or share your home with several people, a large dishwasher is probably the best option, but if you live alone, it’ll benefit you far more if you choose a compact one. This way you won’t take up too much space in a smaller home, where space is limited and you can wash the crockery you use on a daily basis with maximum efficiency.

To give you an idea, large dishwashers are approximately two feet wide or more. The narrow and smaller ones, (which are also considered medium-sized), are between 15 and 20 inches wide. Compact dishwashers have a width of 15 inches or less.

Check your energy efficiency

Your dishwasher is one of the most energy-consuming appliances in your home–along with your refrigerator, washing machine, and television. That’s why you should choose a model with optimal energy efficiency. To verify that the dishwasher you’ve chosen meets this requirement, check its labels to identify which category it belongs to.

How do you do this? There are seven universal labels: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. In category A, we find those appliances that are more efficient, while category G relates to those that consume the most energy. In addition to this, today there are subcategories in group A, which are identified with the plus symbol. The best and most energy-efficient is A +++.

Tips for choosing your dishwasher: research the wash cycles

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Another tip for choosing your dishwasher has to do with the functions and features it offers–in particular, the wash cycles. Ask the sales advisor or research these specifications online. This way you’ll know exactly what options you have when it comes to washing your dishes, how much water is required, and how many items the machine will wash at any one time.

As an additional tip, check that it has an “eco” or “bio” function. This means that water and energy are highly optimized.

Look inside the dishwasher

Although the exterior design will enchant you, don’t rule out the inside. Check that the compartments are suitable for the types of dishes and crockery you use.

Also, look at the number of spray jets that your desired dishwasher has. The more jets, the cleaner your dishes will be. If the appliance only has one jet, it’s best to discard it and choose a different model.

It’s also important that the dishwasher has various racks, which are useful for washing a high volume of plates and glassware.

Tips for choosing your dishwasher: noise levels

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No matter how beautiful and elegant the dishwasher is that you’ve chosen, if you’re unaware of the level of noise it produces during its work, it’s better to avoid making a purchase. You must ask about or verify this aspect. Manufacturing companies should also make this clear on their labeling.

Normally, the noise level produced by an average domestic dishwasher is between 45 and 60 decibels. Any higher than this, and the noise could cause discomfort.

Follow these tips for choosing your dishwasher!

Follow these tips for choosing your dishwasher and make the right purchase. Above all, don’t get carried away by emotion and only consider the aesthetics, because this is a costly investment that needs to meet your needs efficiently.

Moreover, remember that this appliance requires valuable resources such as water and energy, which have an impact on your finances.

Choosing the right dishwasher to meet your needs isn’t always easy. There are many options available on the market and it’s normal to feel confused and overwhelmed. Avoid costly mistakes and make the right purchase by following our tips for choosing your dishwasher. Regardless of the model and make, learn what the most important aspects are, and don’t forget to ask your sales advisor for advice too. 

Tips for choosing your dishwasher: getting it right

The dishwasher was considered to be a luxury appliance until quite recently. However, today it’s more unusual not to find a dishwasher in most homes. Its advantages include saving time when washing dishes, improved hygiene, and lower water consumption.

Read on for the tips that’ll help you to make the right purchase and enjoy an efficient dishwasher to meet your needs.

Choosing your dishwasher: analyze the size and capacity

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The first piece of advice for choosing your dishwasher and making the right purchase has to do with the size of the appliance and its capacity. It’s not about buying the largest dishwasher, rather, evaluating the size you need and assessing how useful it’ll be for you.

If you have a large family or share your home with several people, a large dishwasher is probably the best option, but if you live alone, it’ll benefit you far more if you choose a compact one. This way you won’t take up too much space in a smaller home, where space is limited and you can wash the crockery you use on a daily basis with maximum efficiency.

To give you an idea, large dishwashers are approximately two feet wide or more. The narrow and smaller ones, (which are also considered medium-sized), are between 15 and 20 inches wide. Compact dishwashers have a width of 15 inches or less.

Check your energy efficiency

Your dishwasher is one of the most energy-consuming appliances in your home–along with your refrigerator, washing machine, and television. That’s why you should choose a model with optimal energy efficiency. To verify that the dishwasher you’ve chosen meets this requirement, check its labels to identify which category it belongs to.

How do you do this? There are seven universal labels: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. In category A, we find those appliances that are more efficient, while category G relates to those that consume the most energy. In addition to this, today there are subcategories in group A, which are identified with the plus symbol. The best and most energy-efficient is A +++.

Tips for choosing your dishwasher: research the wash cycles

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Another tip for choosing your dishwasher has to do with the functions and features it offers–in particular, the wash cycles. Ask the sales advisor or research these specifications online. This way you’ll know exactly what options you have when it comes to washing your dishes, how much water is required, and how many items the machine will wash at any one time.

As an additional tip, check that it has an “eco” or “bio” function. This means that water and energy are highly optimized.

Look inside the dishwasher

Although the exterior design will enchant you, don’t rule out the inside. Check that the compartments are suitable for the types of dishes and crockery you use.

Also, look at the number of spray jets that your desired dishwasher has. The more jets, the cleaner your dishes will be. If the appliance only has one jet, it’s best to discard it and choose a different model.

It’s also important that the dishwasher has various racks, which are useful for washing a high volume of plates and glassware.

Tips for choosing your dishwasher: noise levels

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No matter how beautiful and elegant the dishwasher is that you’ve chosen, if you’re unaware of the level of noise it produces during its work, it’s better to avoid making a purchase. You must ask about or verify this aspect. Manufacturing companies should also make this clear on their labeling.

Normally, the noise level produced by an average domestic dishwasher is between 45 and 60 decibels. Any higher than this, and the noise could cause discomfort.

Follow these tips for choosing your dishwasher!

Follow these tips for choosing your dishwasher and make the right purchase. Above all, don’t get carried away by emotion and only consider the aesthetics, because this is a costly investment that needs to meet your needs efficiently.

Moreover, remember that this appliance requires valuable resources such as water and energy, which have an impact on your finances.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Electrodomésticos. Consumo y eficiencia energética. PublicacionesDidacticas.com. Núm. 93. 2018.
  • Vásquez, M., Cortés, A., Eguiguren, J. Etiquetado de ruido en aparatos electrodomésticos.