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Microwave in The Kitchen: 6 Ideas For Where to Put It

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Whereabouts should you put the microwave in your kitchen? On the countertop, in the cabinets, up high or down low? We'll present six options for the perfect location.
Microwave in The Kitchen: 6 Ideas For Where to Put It
Last update: 07 July, 2021

While choosing a place in the kitchen for the microwave sounds easy, it’s not. It’s necessary to think about decoration, comfort, and maintaining the condition of the appliance. Especially if you’ve transcended its traditional use and prepare different dishes in it.

So, if you’ve not yet found that special and precise place, we have six ideas that you can consider.

Microwave in the kitchen: six ideas of where to put it

Take note! We present six ideas that can help you decide where to place the microwave in your kitchen. They range from traditional spaces to some more comfortable ones that adapt to the space of your kitchen, large or small.

Remember that the place you choose must ensure that, when using it, the door is properly closed. This, taking into account that the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that one of the dangers of this type of oven lies in the possibility of leaving it open, leading to the leakage of microwaves, which could cause burns.

1. Microwave in the kitchen: in the cabinet or in parallel with the oven?

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Placing it in a cabinet column or parallel to the oven is one of the most popular and practical locations for the microwave, as long as the precise height is maintained, not too high, not too low. This location can be on the wall next to the refrigerator or facing it.

Everything will depend on the space you have available in the kitchen.

2. In a low or high cupboard

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Low cabinets usually have free spaces because, as you know, it’s an uncomfortable and impractical location. Even so, if you have no other place to put the microwave in the kitchen, you can use this space, especially if it’s a kitchen island.

The opposite occurs when we talk about tall furniture, which at a suitable height, allows us to maneuver it better.

3. On the counter

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If you have no problem placing kitchen accessories on the counter, this is a good place for the microwave. There we will always have it at hand and if it’s a small microwave, there’ll be nothing to worry about. The only thing you should keep in mind is that this appliance, when emitting heat, will need a base that keeps it elevated and has ventilation options.

In fact, there are bases designed exclusively for the microwave. Now, you can also leave it on the countertop but hidden on one side or embedded in a piece of furniture you have there.

4. At the coffee station

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If you have a coffee station you can leave a space there for the microwave. It can be a simple or complex station. By not taking up too much space, this is an appliance that you can accommodate without a major problem.

In addition, you can take the opportunity to heat some cakes or foods that’ll accompany a good cup of coffee.

5. On a piece of furniture or side table

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If there’s no space for a microwave within the furniture you already have in your kitchen, don’t stress! You can use a cabinet or side table. This advice is especially useful if you live in a small space or if your kitchen is small.

6. Above the hob: where to place your microwave in the kitchen

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Being one of the most popular options, you can place the microwave over the hob. In this way, the hob and microwave are visually integrated. Take into account the height; this may not always be comfortable because you’ll have to raise the dishes over your head.

Don’t forget, when you release cooking vapors on a daily basis, you must keep the microwave clean. In fact, above the hob is a good location for stainless steel microwaves, because it helps to keep grease at bay.

Where in the kitchen will you place your microwave?

We’ve given you six ideas for choosing the best space in your kitchen to install the microwave.

Take into account the location of other appliances and prioritize their uses. If you hardly use the microwave, don’t take up space on the counter.

While choosing a place in the kitchen for the microwave sounds easy, it’s not. It’s necessary to think about decoration, comfort, and maintaining the condition of the appliance. Especially if you’ve transcended its traditional use and prepare different dishes in it.

So, if you’ve not yet found that special and precise place, we have six ideas that you can consider.

Microwave in the kitchen: six ideas of where to put it

Take note! We present six ideas that can help you decide where to place the microwave in your kitchen. They range from traditional spaces to some more comfortable ones that adapt to the space of your kitchen, large or small.

Remember that the place you choose must ensure that, when using it, the door is properly closed. This, taking into account that the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that one of the dangers of this type of oven lies in the possibility of leaving it open, leading to the leakage of microwaves, which could cause burns.

1. Microwave in the kitchen: in the cabinet or in parallel with the oven?

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Placing it in a cabinet column or parallel to the oven is one of the most popular and practical locations for the microwave, as long as the precise height is maintained, not too high, not too low. This location can be on the wall next to the refrigerator or facing it.

Everything will depend on the space you have available in the kitchen.

2. In a low or high cupboard

Some figure

Low cabinets usually have free spaces because, as you know, it’s an uncomfortable and impractical location. Even so, if you have no other place to put the microwave in the kitchen, you can use this space, especially if it’s a kitchen island.

The opposite occurs when we talk about tall furniture, which at a suitable height, allows us to maneuver it better.

3. On the counter

Some figure

If you have no problem placing kitchen accessories on the counter, this is a good place for the microwave. There we will always have it at hand and if it’s a small microwave, there’ll be nothing to worry about. The only thing you should keep in mind is that this appliance, when emitting heat, will need a base that keeps it elevated and has ventilation options.

In fact, there are bases designed exclusively for the microwave. Now, you can also leave it on the countertop but hidden on one side or embedded in a piece of furniture you have there.

4. At the coffee station

Some figure

If you have a coffee station you can leave a space there for the microwave. It can be a simple or complex station. By not taking up too much space, this is an appliance that you can accommodate without a major problem.

In addition, you can take the opportunity to heat some cakes or foods that’ll accompany a good cup of coffee.

5. On a piece of furniture or side table

Some figure

If there’s no space for a microwave within the furniture you already have in your kitchen, don’t stress! You can use a cabinet or side table. This advice is especially useful if you live in a small space or if your kitchen is small.

6. Above the hob: where to place your microwave in the kitchen

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Being one of the most popular options, you can place the microwave over the hob. In this way, the hob and microwave are visually integrated. Take into account the height; this may not always be comfortable because you’ll have to raise the dishes over your head.

Don’t forget, when you release cooking vapors on a daily basis, you must keep the microwave clean. In fact, above the hob is a good location for stainless steel microwaves, because it helps to keep grease at bay.

Where in the kitchen will you place your microwave?

We’ve given you six ideas for choosing the best space in your kitchen to install the microwave.

Take into account the location of other appliances and prioritize their uses. If you hardly use the microwave, don’t take up space on the counter.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Campos electromagnéticos & salud pública: Hornos microondas. Organización Mundial de la Salud. 2005.