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How to Fill Holes in Your Walls

3 minutes
Learning how to patch holes in your walls will save you money and help prevent further damage. Here are some tips that'll be very useful for you.
How to Fill Holes in Your Walls
Last update: 17 August, 2021

If you have a lot of holes in your walls and you’re wondering how to repair them and recover the beauty of these surfaces, we have some tips that’ll be very useful. Our tips mean that it’ll be possible for you to fill holes in your walls yourself, you won’t have to spend any money on hiring tradespeople and you’ll prevent any further damage.

Learning how to fill holes in your walls is especially useful when you like installing different decorative accessories on these surfaces. You’ll no longer have to worry about putting paintings on your wall while thinking about how to solve the appearance of the holes.

In addition, these tips are also useful when gaps occur due to weather conditions such as humidity. Read on to learn more!

How to fill holes in your walls

Some figure

The holes in your walls can appear for different reasons. Some holes occur due to humidity and others due to carelessness. In any case, these are the materials you may need to fix them:

  • Spatula
  • Sandpaper
  • Putty or plaster to patch
  • A damp cloth
  • Traditional or anti-humidity paint

With the materials in hand, it’s time to start repairing and patching your walls. We’ll explain the types of holes that you may encounter and how to fill them.

Patching the holes with plaster

Composed of calcium sulfate, plaster is one of the star materials when it comes to repairing holes in walls since it’s resistant and malleable. To be able to use it, you must put a little in a container and soak it with water. Check the instructions of your product to achieve good consistency. It’s important that there are no lumps and that the mixture is not runny.

Before applying the product, you need to clean the wall. Use sandpaper to remove imperfections and then clean the area to remove the remains. Once the wall is completely clean, proceed to apply the plaster with a spatula. Try to put the precise amount on the spatula that you need.

Let the plaster dry completely, then use the sandpaper again to smooth it out and make it even to the surface.

Saltpeter: raised paint and cracks

Some figure

Very advanced humidity can cause saltpeter to appear. This is a saline substance that causes bad odors and health problems. For this reason, it’s convenient (before filling the gaps that it causes) to identify and solve the origin of the humidity. 

Once you’ve identified and resolved the origin, you must remove all the remains of the raised paint. Taking into account that humidity leads to the appearance of microorganisms and stains, it’s ideal to eliminate them with a little muriatic acid. Let it act for 30 minutes and then remove it with hot water.

Sand the surface and apply an anti-humidity paint. Complement this with a waterproofing product to avoid future damage.

What about the deep holes in your wall?

There are some holes and gaps in our walls that are quite deep–exceeding five millimeters. In this instance, you’ll need a more resistant putty or plaster to fill it. Before making the application, it’s necessary to clean the dust and sediment away from the inside of the hole.

Apply the putty with a spatula, making sure that it doesn’t leave any lumps. Let the product dry very well and sand the wall to even it out, and apply the paint. This means you’ll never even notice that there was a hole there before.

Go fix the holes in your walls!

Now you know the materials that are needed to fill the holes in your walls and the processes according to their cause. Only in the case of holes caused by humidity, we recommend that you hire a professional. This is because before repairing the holes, the origin of the humidity is completely solved.

Otherwise, moisture may reappear and cause new damage and more holes, rendering any work done in vain. For the rest, get to work and say goodbye to those annoying and unaesthetic holes in your walls.

If you have a lot of holes in your walls and you’re wondering how to repair them and recover the beauty of these surfaces, we have some tips that’ll be very useful. Our tips mean that it’ll be possible for you to fill holes in your walls yourself, you won’t have to spend any money on hiring tradespeople and you’ll prevent any further damage.

Learning how to fill holes in your walls is especially useful when you like installing different decorative accessories on these surfaces. You’ll no longer have to worry about putting paintings on your wall while thinking about how to solve the appearance of the holes.

In addition, these tips are also useful when gaps occur due to weather conditions such as humidity. Read on to learn more!

How to fill holes in your walls

Some figure

The holes in your walls can appear for different reasons. Some holes occur due to humidity and others due to carelessness. In any case, these are the materials you may need to fix them:

  • Spatula
  • Sandpaper
  • Putty or plaster to patch
  • A damp cloth
  • Traditional or anti-humidity paint

With the materials in hand, it’s time to start repairing and patching your walls. We’ll explain the types of holes that you may encounter and how to fill them.

Patching the holes with plaster

Composed of calcium sulfate, plaster is one of the star materials when it comes to repairing holes in walls since it’s resistant and malleable. To be able to use it, you must put a little in a container and soak it with water. Check the instructions of your product to achieve good consistency. It’s important that there are no lumps and that the mixture is not runny.

Before applying the product, you need to clean the wall. Use sandpaper to remove imperfections and then clean the area to remove the remains. Once the wall is completely clean, proceed to apply the plaster with a spatula. Try to put the precise amount on the spatula that you need.

Let the plaster dry completely, then use the sandpaper again to smooth it out and make it even to the surface.

Saltpeter: raised paint and cracks

Some figure

Very advanced humidity can cause saltpeter to appear. This is a saline substance that causes bad odors and health problems. For this reason, it’s convenient (before filling the gaps that it causes) to identify and solve the origin of the humidity. 

Once you’ve identified and resolved the origin, you must remove all the remains of the raised paint. Taking into account that humidity leads to the appearance of microorganisms and stains, it’s ideal to eliminate them with a little muriatic acid. Let it act for 30 minutes and then remove it with hot water.

Sand the surface and apply an anti-humidity paint. Complement this with a waterproofing product to avoid future damage.

What about the deep holes in your wall?

There are some holes and gaps in our walls that are quite deep–exceeding five millimeters. In this instance, you’ll need a more resistant putty or plaster to fill it. Before making the application, it’s necessary to clean the dust and sediment away from the inside of the hole.

Apply the putty with a spatula, making sure that it doesn’t leave any lumps. Let the product dry very well and sand the wall to even it out, and apply the paint. This means you’ll never even notice that there was a hole there before.

Go fix the holes in your walls!

Now you know the materials that are needed to fill the holes in your walls and the processes according to their cause. Only in the case of holes caused by humidity, we recommend that you hire a professional. This is because before repairing the holes, the origin of the humidity is completely solved.

Otherwise, moisture may reappear and cause new damage and more holes, rendering any work done in vain. For the rest, get to work and say goodbye to those annoying and unaesthetic holes in your walls.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Torres, N. Estudio sobre las causas del desprendimiento de capas de pintura, enlucido y mampostería en construcciones ubicadas en Auqui Chico, Parrio de Cumbayá 2010. Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial.