8 Types of Wallpaper That Are On-Trend

The market offers different types of wallpaper that make it easy to renovate your home with little money and effort. It’s an infallible resource when it comes to changing the look of your home and has the advantage of adapting to all spaces.
In this article, we’ll explain the wallpaper styles and patterns that are currently on-trend.
The eight types of wallpaper to decorate your home with
Your living room, kitchen, bedrooms, and even your bathroom–all the walls of your home can be effortlessly renewed thanks to wallpaper. Even if you have a loft-type home, you can use different finishes and patterns to visually delimit spaces.
Take note because we’re about to explain which types of wallpaper you can choose from and why.
1. Striped wallpaper

We’ll start with one of the most traditional types of wallpaper: the striped pattern, which is timeless. It fits in with a wide variety of decorative styles, as it’s available in different shades and styles with thin or thick stripes.
You can use vertical striped paper to make your ceilings look higher and horizontal striped paper to create an effect of depth. In general, and depending on the color, this style brings warmth and calm to your spaces.
2. Types of wallpaper: wood effect
Wood effect wallpaper is another of the traditional and timeless ones that work well in all homes and is perfect for those who love the finish of this material. They’ve got the great advantage of simulating wood in a much cheaper way, and it’s easy to install and maintain.
This type of wallpaper makes spaces warmer and more natural. You can use it to cover the entire wall or for baseboards.
3. Types of wallpaper with flowers

Flowery wallpaper is beautiful and there are a wide variety of options–from delicate and fine flowers to larger and more colorful ones. So there’s sure to be a flower pattern for every decorative style.
In addition to having options when it comes to the size of the flowers, there are countless possibilities when it comes to color.
4. Watercolor types of wallpaper
Watercolor wallpaper is another on-trend style because there’s a wide variety of designs including flowers, animals, and abstracts. These are available in various hues that span vivid, warm, cool, and neutral color palettes.
The most special thing about this type of wallpaper is that it adds color and texture in a delicate and very artistic way, giving your spaces a touch of unique elegance.
5. Tropical style

Green is an on-trend color and more so if it’s used on a tropical-style wallpaper. It’s a type of exotic paper that’s characterized by having prints of large and wide leaves of palm trees and ferns, among other types of large plants.
Because their figures are robust, they provide the home with vitality and fun. It’s the best option to create a focal point in your living room, study or bedroom.
6. Feather wallpaper
Feathers are here to stay! They’re found in different decorative accessories and textiles such as cushions, chairs, and wallpaper as well. Using it to renew the walls of the home adds delicacy, youth, and freshness, as well as an exotic touch that enchants.
They’re ideal for turning a wall into the main focus and go very well with different styles of decoration.
7. Hydraulic wallpaper

This is one of the types of wallpaper that’s on-trend and simulates hydraulic tiles. This print brings color, personality, and a homely touch to every space.
If you like tiles in this style, wallpaper is a great option. You don’t need to put as much effort into cleaning it and, in terms of costs, the installation is much lower.
8. Animal motifs
We conclude with one of the types of wallpaper that’s on-trend and is that of animal motifs, including large and small species–some with very sober colors and others very bright. It’s another option that must be handled with care, the best option being to choose a particular wall as a focus.
Now, if you’ve chosen wallpaper with large and colorful animals, it’s best to place it in your study or in a creative area. This is because warm colors contribute to developing skills associated with divergence and the explosion of ideas.
Which of these wallpaper types do you like the most?
Choose the one you like the most from these eight types of wallpaper and the one that fits your decorative style. Depending on the effect you want to achieve, choose warm or cold colors, as well as thin or thick patterns–there are options for everyone.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Moncayo, C., Quesada, I., Rodríguez, M. Influencia de una estrategia cromática configurada por colores cálidos en el desarrollo de habilidades creativas en estudiantes del programa de fisioterapia de la UAM. Universidad Autónoma de Manizales. 2017