When Should You Turn On the Heating?

The arrival of autumn marks the beginning of the cold season. Warm days are followed by cooler ones, and, when at home, you begin to feel the absence of warmth, which can be uncomfortable. For this reason, on more than one occasion you’ll have asked yourself what the best time is to turn on the heating, when, and for how long.
The home is meant to be a comfortable and peaceful place to live in; however, when the temperatures drop, they also do so indoors, to such an extent that you have to wear extra layers.
Comfort is not only achieved through furniture and decoration but also a warm and pleasant atmosphere. General well-being is achieved when your living space reflects the right conditions.
In search of the best temperature for your home

When autumn turns into winter, questions arise about the temperature your home should be at. The range between 20 – 22 ºC is the best. It’s known that this is, without a doubt, the most suitable for the body.
During the summer, these numbers rise higher, and in winter the opposite happens. In every season, it’s important to look for a way to find a peaceful environment where you can live comfortably. If this isn’t the case, it can affect you both physically and emotionally.
In this sense, you shouldn’t hesitate to turn on the heating when you feel cold. Although it’s an expense, health is more important. It’s essential that you feel well and, above all, that you have a sense of wellbeing, rather than having to endure an unpleasant situation daily.
Let the cold stay in the streets and let us feel the warmth of a loving home.
When is it best to turn on the heating?
You guessed it – winter is the time of the year where we need the most heating. Still, several climatic signs make evident the arrival of cold weather and, consequently, the need to turn your heating on. Let’s look at some factors to be taken into account:
- If the outside temperature is around 10ºC in the evening and at night, it’s a good idea to switch it on. This usually happens in October and November.
- From December to March, heating becomes essential, especially in the coldest regions or where there is a very extreme temperature variation.
- If you have an adjustable heating system, you don’t need to leave it on automatically during the autumn. You can just turn it on whenever necessary. In this way, you manage and control the expense; plus, it’s a way of saving energy and money.
- There’s no need to wait until your hands are frozen to turn the heating on. If you feel a chill for several days, don’t hesitate. Comfort and quality of life are always worth it.
When in the day should I turn the heating on?
You shouldn’t use your heating system 24 hours a day. It’s best to start it at around 15:00. Later, it can be turned off at around 23:00 hours.
The idea is to enjoy the heat during the afternoon, as you come back from work to relax and unwind at home. When you go to sleep, it doesn’t matter if it’s working, basically because you’re in bed at the right temperature.
By the time you get up, the house is cold and warmth would surely be appreciated. If you can activate the heating at certain times, as is the case with thermostats, it could be set to come on in the early hours of the morning.
The temperature shouldn’t be too high
What happens if you set the temperature too high? You’ll probably feel that the heat takes over the room and you’ll feel a little too warm. This isn’t at all beneficial, especially if you have to open the window to get some cool air in.
Excessive temperatures will lead us to feel dryness in our airways and eyes. Ideally, there should be some humidity whenever possible; for this purpose, a humidifier can be used.
In short, the home should be a pleasant and peaceful place, where you can enjoy good quality heating that can be felt in all the rooms of the house.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Jorge, Elena: Del hogar digital a la casa red, Lulu, 2008.