Wabi-Sabi: The Beauty of Home Imperfection
If you’re looking for beauty in imperfection, wabi-sabi is a Japanese style that you should get to know. This style drives us to seek beauty in elements that are anything but perfect.
But what does wabi-sabi mean? The first word refers to the fact that we can all live life with humility and simplicity. The second word emphasizes how we must accept the life cycle of the things that surround us. As a whole, it’s a style in which authentic and imperfect elements prevail.
How can you create a wabi-sabi home?
Creating a home in the wabi-sabi style is very easy. In reality, all you have to do is find beauty in the things that you’d generally overlook and consider imperfect. This will also help you to find value in everything you have, possess, or hope to own.
This concept is about harmonizing your life, your space, and your home and promoting peace and tranquility. Take advantage of this opportunity to modify the standards of beauty in your interior decor. It’s ideal for people who usually live chaotic or disruptive lifestyles.
Part of the intention behind this concept is to encourage people to return to their past. It’s about revisiting that natural state where beauty went beyond touch-ups, saturated colors, or extravagant decor. At first, this style can be difficult to accept, however, gradually you’ll start to identify with the wabi-sabi philosophy.
Combine this style with your walls
The wabi-sabi style offers different possibilities and can be adjusted to different budgets and tastes. This style works in conjunction with traditional white walls to evoke a modern touch. It also means that decor doesn’t border on the extravagant either.
However, clay walls or cladding is more in line with this interior design trend. This is because this type of material offers a unique, simple, beautiful, warm, and comfortable view. In addition, it provides the neutrality to be able to play with the rest of the decor.
Using light
Using lights of different styles and according to your preference, helps to highlight fundamental aspects of the home such as colors and objects. Most people prefer white lights, which fit a more modern concept.
However, as wabi-sabi is about adding warmth, yellow lighting is ideal.
The wabi-sabi approach
The wabi-sabi approach is based on two main things: neutrality and modernism. This explains how, from the most neutral things, we can create modern decor without being ostentatious or exaggerated. Otherwise, it’d break with aesthetics.
For example, clay is modern and unique, but imperfect at the same time. This is achieved in many ways since this element is malleable and can be molded to create simple elements and unique shapes.
On the other hand, wabi-sabi is a trend that wants inclusivity in all fashionable interior decor. The best thing is that it includes and expresses minimalism alongside aligning with clean, warm spaces that exalt the beauty of the subtle and the simple.
For a moment, imagine the magic of uniting these two styles in a single environment. It’s almost guaranteed to fill your home with simplicity, harmony and modernity. Without a doubt, it’ll be an experience worth living and enjoying.