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Use These Tricks to Fall in Love With Your Home All Over Again!

4 minutes
Fall in love with your home again by giving it a second chance. Regain lost passion with these simple tricks to rekindle the spark.
Use These Tricks to Fall in Love With Your Home All Over Again!
Last update: 11 December, 2021

One day you wake up and you don’t feel the same anymore. Your home bores you! You’re sick of always seeing the same thing and you’d love to start over. Does this sound familiar? If so, it’s a fairly common feeling, but don’t worry, you can fall in love with your home again.

With a few changes here and a few adjustments there, you’ll recover the lost illusion. Your home will be that cozy and beautiful place that you once liked so much. Don’t give up on your relationship, you still have a chance.

Falling in love with your home should become your priority

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Feeling comfortable in your home is essential and, for this, you must choose a decorative style, a color palette, furniture, ornaments, paintings, lighting and so much more. There are so many details that must be taken into account.

The problem is that what you once loved no longer brightens your day. This isn’t the time to throw in the towel, you just need to make a few changes and you’ll soon regain the magic.

The main role

It’s likely that over time, you’ve been gathering furniture and accessories without much conviction. How about sorting through these and keeping only the ones you like the most?

We also propose that you complete a fully-fledged Marie Kondo process. If something makes you happy, you should keep it and if not…you know what to do! When you focus your attention only on those pieces that you really love, the perspective changes and you’ll be able to see your home with different eyes.

Fall in love with your home and seek inspiration

While it’s true that we all want a vivid, real and perfect home, it doesn’t hurt to look for some inspiration in decorating magazines. Pay attention to how they place the cushions on the sofas or the position of the coffee tables.

Recreate desirable places with which you’ll find love at first sight. You can try to make your bed as they do in hotels and cover it in beautiful cushions.

Change always makes you fall in love

If you’re not convinced by what you have, you can always change it. Try to move your furniture, wall paintings, and decorative items on your shelves. Many of them will regain their lost prominence and you’ll have new parameters in your decor.

By the way, you can take this opportunity to remove all those little things that you’ve been accumulating. This may include bills, pencils, scrap pieces of paper, notebooks and receipts, and so on. Organize a special space to keep these items or even invest in some boxes to store everything.

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Fall in love with your home by making it yours

What does this mean? Simply put a lot of yourself in every corner. Forget about impersonal spaces and add flowers, your travel memories, or framed photos. Only then will you capture that feeling of warmth.

Plants are also great allies when it comes to adding personality to your home. There are many species that are easy to care for, so you have no excuses.

Use your best weapons to make up for lost time

You’ll have to do your part if you want to regain the lost love for your home. At this point, you have to take a risk and dare to try new things to fan the spark.

Try painting your walls a different color and combine it with a sofa that attracts attention. Another thing you can experiment with is combining your rugs.

Pamper your home to fall in love again

Finally, there’s nothing more seductive than filling the object of your desire with attention. Do some deep cleaning, add fragrances to your home that fill you with calm, update your lighting…only you know what your home needs.

Laziness doesn’t let you see clearly, but you do need to reconnect with your home. So look at it carefully and attend to all those corners that you’ve left unloved and abandoned.

You’ll soon see how you feel full and happy again whilst you’re at home. You just need some dedication and the intention to return things to the way they were before.