Types of Light Bulbs and Where to Put Them

You must study your house to plan its lighting. Only this can achieve spatial transparency and avoid gloomy rooms. So stick around, as today we’ll analyze the different types of light bulbs and their position in the home.
Of course, natural light is essential to achieve noticeable energy savings. However, artificial lighting has a presence and you should direct it towards strategic points so all corners are well lit.
For this, you should study the types of light bulbs the market has to offer. From there, you can work on their positioning, if you want warm or white light, the intensity, the voltage, etc. All this will depend on the functionality of the room itself.
Focal lighting and the benefits it provides

Spotlights are different from lamps. There’s a clear difference between the two types of lighting, especially since the former has one feature in particular – focusing. With a spotlight, you can highlight an accessory or create a more sophisticated environment.
Museums and art galleries often use this type of focal lighting, as do some clothing stores, as it can help direct the eye towards a focal point.
At home, you can similarly apply this type of light. If you want to highlight a certain point or any decor item, it’s best to use a spotlight. And this lighting can be combined with lamps.
– Select your home lighting according to the aesthetic effect you want to achieve.-
Three popular types of light bulbs

You’ll find a large number of bulbs on the market. The most important thing is to distinguish those that are good quality from those that are short-lived. We’re going to analyze the three types of lightbulbs that are most popular:
- Recessed ceiling spotlights are the most common. They’re small but powerful. Also, people usually place them consecutively one after the other in a row, directing the light vertically and producing an aesthetic effect as a light curtain.
- Another option is external spotlights arranged individually or in groups of three on wooden bases. They’ll be on the ceilings, but you can orient them towards specific points. They tend to energize the atmosphere.
- Another bulb is a projector spotlight used to light garden paths and low to medium height areas. People usually only use these at night as they produce an interesting aesthetic effect and beautify exteriors.
Where to put bulbs

Placing lightbulbs within the home can be somewhat complex. It’s not necessary to fill all the rooms with spotlights. It’s better that there’s diversity and that you install different types of lighting according to your needs.
Hallways are often good spaces for lighting. In addition to brightening decorative wall fixtures, they also produce a peaceful setting, especially when using warm light.
And, if you want to enhance a certain sculpture or decorative object in the living room or dining room, you can opt for a lightbulb that shines on it.
Warm or white light bulbs?

Depending on how you’re going to use the lighting, you can choose either warm or white lights. Small white light bulbs are good for kitchen hoods since you’ll be performing functional tasks.
On the contrary, lightbulbs to create ambiance in a room should be warm. If you want to generate a relaxed character in the bathroom or kitchen, you can also do this with led lights.
Thanks for reading.
You must study your house to plan its lighting. Only this can achieve spatial transparency and avoid gloomy rooms. So stick around, as today we’ll analyze the different types of light bulbs and their position in the home.
Of course, natural light is essential to achieve noticeable energy savings. However, artificial lighting has a presence and you should direct it towards strategic points so all corners are well lit.
For this, you should study the types of light bulbs the market has to offer. From there, you can work on their positioning, if you want warm or white light, the intensity, the voltage, etc. All this will depend on the functionality of the room itself.
Focal lighting and the benefits it provides

Spotlights are different from lamps. There’s a clear difference between the two types of lighting, especially since the former has one feature in particular – focusing. With a spotlight, you can highlight an accessory or create a more sophisticated environment.
Museums and art galleries often use this type of focal lighting, as do some clothing stores, as it can help direct the eye towards a focal point.
At home, you can similarly apply this type of light. If you want to highlight a certain point or any decor item, it’s best to use a spotlight. And this lighting can be combined with lamps.
– Select your home lighting according to the aesthetic effect you want to achieve.-
Three popular types of light bulbs

You’ll find a large number of bulbs on the market. The most important thing is to distinguish those that are good quality from those that are short-lived. We’re going to analyze the three types of lightbulbs that are most popular:
- Recessed ceiling spotlights are the most common. They’re small but powerful. Also, people usually place them consecutively one after the other in a row, directing the light vertically and producing an aesthetic effect as a light curtain.
- Another option is external spotlights arranged individually or in groups of three on wooden bases. They’ll be on the ceilings, but you can orient them towards specific points. They tend to energize the atmosphere.
- Another bulb is a projector spotlight used to light garden paths and low to medium height areas. People usually only use these at night as they produce an interesting aesthetic effect and beautify exteriors.
Where to put bulbs

Placing lightbulbs within the home can be somewhat complex. It’s not necessary to fill all the rooms with spotlights. It’s better that there’s diversity and that you install different types of lighting according to your needs.
Hallways are often good spaces for lighting. In addition to brightening decorative wall fixtures, they also produce a peaceful setting, especially when using warm light.
And, if you want to enhance a certain sculpture or decorative object in the living room or dining room, you can opt for a lightbulb that shines on it.
Warm or white light bulbs?

Depending on how you’re going to use the lighting, you can choose either warm or white lights. Small white light bulbs are good for kitchen hoods since you’ll be performing functional tasks.
On the contrary, lightbulbs to create ambiance in a room should be warm. If you want to generate a relaxed character in the bathroom or kitchen, you can also do this with led lights.
Thanks for reading.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Sudjic, Deyan: La luz y el color en la decoración, Folio, 1992.