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Top Tips for Avoiding Moving Day Chaos

4 minutes
Don't stress out about moving day. The trick is to work slowly and methodically, and to have a clear idea about how you want to organize your new home.
Top Tips for Avoiding Moving Day Chaos
Last update: 28 January, 2021

For many people, packing is the worst part about moving house. You want to take everything with you, but you soon find you have many things you don’t really need. All the boxes start to get in the way, and you don’t know where to put anything. So how can you avoid all this moving day chaos?

Sometimes, moving house can be a real nightmare, causing a whole load of unnecessary stress, which could easily be avoided. You just need to be organized, patient and methodical.

In this article, we’ll give you a few simple tips for organizing all your appliances, clothes, personal items and decorative elements, so that moving day run will run like clockwork.

Moving day, step one: identify the things you no longer use

Moving house can be the ideal opportunity to get rid of all the things you no longer use, as well as things that are simply too difficult to transport. After all, you don’t need to take everything with you to your new home.

Some figure
  • Take a walk around your house and look at all the objects in each room, including the appliances, furniture and decorative elements.
  • Think about how useful each one of these items actually is. It’s important to remember that not all your possessions are essential.
  • Get rid of anything you don’t really need. Not only will you free up box space, but it will actually make you feel better. This is a great way to declutter your life, and clear your head.

– The real clumsiness of the mind is its lack of self-criticism.

David H. Lawrence

Step 2: organize your possessions

Next, it’s time to start organizing the important items. Whether it be a painting, a vase, the tv, radio, radio, lamp or bookshelf, you’ll know yourself which items you really need.

When people move house, they often take every single one of their possessions with them. While there is always the odd thing to throw out, they usually simply pack up everything they own, without giving it a second thought.

It is at this stage that you need to start dividing up your possessions and organizing them so that they are ready to pack into boxes. Think carefully, and try to be methodical. This will make it easier to unpack later.

Moving day, step 3: organizing your boxes

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Don’t just start throwing stuff into the first box you find. If you organize your boxes by room and function, you can make the whole process a lot easier:

  • Place a few boxes in every room, and start filling them with your newly organized possessions, leaving any fragile items to one side.
  • Fragile items should be placed in their own special box. Wrap them in protective material such as foam or bubble wrap to keep them safe.
  • Don’t overfill your boxes. It’s best to distribute everything evenly. This will mean you end up with more boxes, but they will be lighter and easier to carry. This will prevent things getting dropped, damaged and broken.
  • At the end of the day, you’ll find you’ve managed to do the impossible, and all your things will be neatly packed away.

Bring order to the chaos.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Step 4: be careful when transporting your items

You have to be really careful not to drop your boxes when carrying them to the moving van, and try not to place heavy boxes on top of fragile items. Organizing your boxes as you place them in the van will make things a lot simpler.

  • Heavier boxes should be placed on the bottom, while fragile items should be placed on top.
  • Make sure everything is secure, and won’t move around in the back of the truck. This will help avoid breakages.
  • If possible, try to organize everything by room. This will make things easier when it comes to taking everything into your new house.
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Final step: arrival and organization

If you take the time to plan and organize everything from the beginning, moving day will be far from chaotic. If you find there’s no longer any space for some of your things, you can either put them in storage, or recycle them.

Although you can arrange your new home in a similar way to your old home, don’t be afraid to change things up a little to create new combinations and layouts.

For many people, packing is the worst part about moving house. You want to take everything with you, but you soon find you have many things you don’t really need. All the boxes start to get in the way, and you don’t know where to put anything. So how can you avoid all this moving day chaos?

Sometimes, moving house can be a real nightmare, causing a whole load of unnecessary stress, which could easily be avoided. You just need to be organized, patient and methodical.

In this article, we’ll give you a few simple tips for organizing all your appliances, clothes, personal items and decorative elements, so that moving day run will run like clockwork.

Moving day, step one: identify the things you no longer use

Moving house can be the ideal opportunity to get rid of all the things you no longer use, as well as things that are simply too difficult to transport. After all, you don’t need to take everything with you to your new home.

Some figure
  • Take a walk around your house and look at all the objects in each room, including the appliances, furniture and decorative elements.
  • Think about how useful each one of these items actually is. It’s important to remember that not all your possessions are essential.
  • Get rid of anything you don’t really need. Not only will you free up box space, but it will actually make you feel better. This is a great way to declutter your life, and clear your head.

– The real clumsiness of the mind is its lack of self-criticism.

David H. Lawrence

Step 2: organize your possessions

Next, it’s time to start organizing the important items. Whether it be a painting, a vase, the tv, radio, radio, lamp or bookshelf, you’ll know yourself which items you really need.

When people move house, they often take every single one of their possessions with them. While there is always the odd thing to throw out, they usually simply pack up everything they own, without giving it a second thought.

It is at this stage that you need to start dividing up your possessions and organizing them so that they are ready to pack into boxes. Think carefully, and try to be methodical. This will make it easier to unpack later.

Moving day, step 3: organizing your boxes

Some figure

Don’t just start throwing stuff into the first box you find. If you organize your boxes by room and function, you can make the whole process a lot easier:

  • Place a few boxes in every room, and start filling them with your newly organized possessions, leaving any fragile items to one side.
  • Fragile items should be placed in their own special box. Wrap them in protective material such as foam or bubble wrap to keep them safe.
  • Don’t overfill your boxes. It’s best to distribute everything evenly. This will mean you end up with more boxes, but they will be lighter and easier to carry. This will prevent things getting dropped, damaged and broken.
  • At the end of the day, you’ll find you’ve managed to do the impossible, and all your things will be neatly packed away.

Bring order to the chaos.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Step 4: be careful when transporting your items

You have to be really careful not to drop your boxes when carrying them to the moving van, and try not to place heavy boxes on top of fragile items. Organizing your boxes as you place them in the van will make things a lot simpler.

  • Heavier boxes should be placed on the bottom, while fragile items should be placed on top.
  • Make sure everything is secure, and won’t move around in the back of the truck. This will help avoid breakages.
  • If possible, try to organize everything by room. This will make things easier when it comes to taking everything into your new house.
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Final step: arrival and organization

If you take the time to plan and organize everything from the beginning, moving day will be far from chaotic. If you find there’s no longer any space for some of your things, you can either put them in storage, or recycle them.

Although you can arrange your new home in a similar way to your old home, don’t be afraid to change things up a little to create new combinations and layouts.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Garrido Gil, Pablo: Educar en el orden, Ediciones Palabra, 2015.