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Sophisticated Seating - the Lounge Chair and Ottoman

4 minutes
Choosing interior decor that stands out is a great way to show off your true character and personality. If this is what you're trying to achieve in your home, a lounge chair and ottoman is a really interesting option. 
Sophisticated Seating - the Lounge Chair and Ottoman
Last update: 25 August, 2020

When it comes to choosing the furniture for our homes, it’s important to make the right choice. Generally speaking, we tend to settle for functional, practical furniture, rather than looking for something a little more out there. But why not look for elements that offer a sense of elegance and individuality? With this in mind, we want to show you the lounge chair and ottoman.

Originality is a concept that many of us want to bring to our homes. However, this is often easier said than done. As a general rule, your interior decor should be made up of innovative and sophisticated elements that help to create a certain visual appeal.

Chairs are a fundamental part of any home. They often perform a pivotal role within our spaces. As such, you need to be careful when it comes to choosing the color and shape of your chairs, as well as how you position them.

The lounge chair and ottoman

Some figure

In terms of appearance, the lounge chair and ottoman combo are very different from other, more commercial armchairs on the market. As the name suggests, they’re made up of two distinct pieces: an armchair with a fixed 5-star base, and a matching ottoman footrest.

These two parts are usually completely separate from one another, and not attached in any way. However, it’s only when they come together that these two pieces make sense. They have a direct connection to one another, which helps to establish a sense of aesthetic coherence.

This design was first inspired by the armchairs of the 1950s, which is where they get their luxurious, classical feel. Their unique, eye-catching appearance will enrich any space, and enhance the silhouette of anyone lucky enough to sit in them.

These armchairs are full of elegance, charm and character.

The lounge chair and ottoman – main characteristics

Some figure

Now that you know a little more about the aesthetics of the lounge chair and ottoman, it’s time to look at the typical structure and materials. Their characteristics are unique, giving them a sense of identity that’s new to the world of interior design.

  1. Comfort is one of the many virtues of the lounge chair and ottoman. The chair is tilted slightly backward for maximum comfort. Everything about this chair is designed to promote relaxation. So, if you were planning on using it for work, you might want to think again…
  2. When you sit down, you’ll find that the lounge chair is made up of three padded foam sections: the seat itself, a backrest for lumbar support, and a headrest.
  3. The footrests are generally fairly simple in terms of design, serving as a complement to the armchair. Together, they create the perfect place to sit back, relax, put your feet up, and switch off from reality.
  4. When it comes to the materials, wood is typically used to form the structure of the seat, while aluminum is used for the springs and base, giving the chair greater strength and stability. They’re often upholstered with fabric or black synthetic leather, giving them a soft, smooth appearance.
  5. This ergonomic design can be adapted to suit anyone and everyone. Even the armrests can be adjusted, allowing you to raise or lower them whenever you want. With a lounge chair and ottoman, you’ll have full support from head to toe.

Where to place your lounge chair

Some figure

When it comes to incorporating lounge chairs into your home, choosing the right place to put them is essential. These chairs are attractive and eye-catching, so it’s important to think about this carefully.

Corners are a good option here, helping to create a unique and personal look. If you’re looking for something a little formal, however, try placing your lounge chair in your home office. There, it will take on a more solemn and sophisticated feel.

It’s important to bear in mind that these chairs aren’t meant to be purely decorative. They’re designed to be used regularly, promoting comfort and well-being.

Which style works best?

When it comes to the lounge chair and ottoman, it’s not easy to pinpoint one particular style. There’s a wide range of different options available. The design you choose will largely depend on the overall style of your home. It’s important to know how to find the right decorative elements for your interior, choosing those that can help to establish a sense of harmony.

Alternative and industrial style furniture offers so much potential. Their unique aesthetic means that they can work well in both classical-style homes, and avant-garde houses typical of the twentieth century.

In short, the dialogue you create between the furniture and the rest of your decor plays a fundamental role in determining the overall style of your home. This is particularly true when it comes to the color scheme. Neutral and warm tones can be a great option, helping to establish a sense of harmony throughout.

When it comes to choosing the furniture for our homes, it’s important to make the right choice. Generally speaking, we tend to settle for functional, practical furniture, rather than looking for something a little more out there. But why not look for elements that offer a sense of elegance and individuality? With this in mind, we want to show you the lounge chair and ottoman.

Originality is a concept that many of us want to bring to our homes. However, this is often easier said than done. As a general rule, your interior decor should be made up of innovative and sophisticated elements that help to create a certain visual appeal.

Chairs are a fundamental part of any home. They often perform a pivotal role within our spaces. As such, you need to be careful when it comes to choosing the color and shape of your chairs, as well as how you position them.

The lounge chair and ottoman

Some figure

In terms of appearance, the lounge chair and ottoman combo are very different from other, more commercial armchairs on the market. As the name suggests, they’re made up of two distinct pieces: an armchair with a fixed 5-star base, and a matching ottoman footrest.

These two parts are usually completely separate from one another, and not attached in any way. However, it’s only when they come together that these two pieces make sense. They have a direct connection to one another, which helps to establish a sense of aesthetic coherence.

This design was first inspired by the armchairs of the 1950s, which is where they get their luxurious, classical feel. Their unique, eye-catching appearance will enrich any space, and enhance the silhouette of anyone lucky enough to sit in them.

These armchairs are full of elegance, charm and character.

The lounge chair and ottoman – main characteristics

Some figure

Now that you know a little more about the aesthetics of the lounge chair and ottoman, it’s time to look at the typical structure and materials. Their characteristics are unique, giving them a sense of identity that’s new to the world of interior design.

  1. Comfort is one of the many virtues of the lounge chair and ottoman. The chair is tilted slightly backward for maximum comfort. Everything about this chair is designed to promote relaxation. So, if you were planning on using it for work, you might want to think again…
  2. When you sit down, you’ll find that the lounge chair is made up of three padded foam sections: the seat itself, a backrest for lumbar support, and a headrest.
  3. The footrests are generally fairly simple in terms of design, serving as a complement to the armchair. Together, they create the perfect place to sit back, relax, put your feet up, and switch off from reality.
  4. When it comes to the materials, wood is typically used to form the structure of the seat, while aluminum is used for the springs and base, giving the chair greater strength and stability. They’re often upholstered with fabric or black synthetic leather, giving them a soft, smooth appearance.
  5. This ergonomic design can be adapted to suit anyone and everyone. Even the armrests can be adjusted, allowing you to raise or lower them whenever you want. With a lounge chair and ottoman, you’ll have full support from head to toe.

Where to place your lounge chair

Some figure

When it comes to incorporating lounge chairs into your home, choosing the right place to put them is essential. These chairs are attractive and eye-catching, so it’s important to think about this carefully.

Corners are a good option here, helping to create a unique and personal look. If you’re looking for something a little formal, however, try placing your lounge chair in your home office. There, it will take on a more solemn and sophisticated feel.

It’s important to bear in mind that these chairs aren’t meant to be purely decorative. They’re designed to be used regularly, promoting comfort and well-being.

Which style works best?

When it comes to the lounge chair and ottoman, it’s not easy to pinpoint one particular style. There’s a wide range of different options available. The design you choose will largely depend on the overall style of your home. It’s important to know how to find the right decorative elements for your interior, choosing those that can help to establish a sense of harmony.

Alternative and industrial style furniture offers so much potential. Their unique aesthetic means that they can work well in both classical-style homes, and avant-garde houses typical of the twentieth century.

In short, the dialogue you create between the furniture and the rest of your decor plays a fundamental role in determining the overall style of your home. This is particularly true when it comes to the color scheme. Neutral and warm tones can be a great option, helping to establish a sense of harmony throughout.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Parodi, Aníbal: Puertas adentro: interioridad y espacio doméstico en el siglo XX, Barcelona, UPC, 2005.