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Original Shelves for Decoration

3 minutes
To make your home more unique, consider different types of shelves for your interior decoration.
Original Shelves for Decoration
Last update: 05 July, 2020

When decorating a house or a room, you want to make your space unique. However, it can be difficult to do this. So we’ll show you some options for original shelves you can use in your home.

Shelves are a resource for storage. However, they can also help bring personality to any wall in your home. They can allow you to reinvent a room and clean up messy, cluttered spaces.

This is not just an essential element for incorporating different decorative elements into your home. However, it’s also a way to add some elegance and class.

Original shelves – geometric modules

Some figure

There’s nothing like a geometric design to create a modern, contemporary interior. What better way to do this than geometric shelving? These types of shelve create an eccentric, original space through a simple, elegant design.

Geometric shelves are great display pieces. They offer an artistic, functional way to display books, collections of trinkets, art pieces, or other items.

The variety of geometric shapes you find on the market is vast. As a result, it’s almost impossible not to find a design that suits your style or space.

  • Box-shaped modules are very versatile and practical. They allow you to highlight the elements you display. Also, you can place objects on top of them. With these original shelves, you can create an open, airy style.
  • Another interesting option is to combine different geometric shapes, such as hexagons, squares, rectangles, and even circles. By relating them to each other, you can create a wall full of movement.
  • An alternative is to build a set of shelves or wall unit that features color. You can combine modules of different designs and shades to create a contrast of tones and shapes.

Love color. Take risks. Stay curious.

-Kelly Wearstler-

Recycled ladder

Some figure

If you have an old ladder collecting dust, consider reusing it! You can give this piece a second life. Transform it into a new decorative element by using it as a shelf.

Antique ladders have unique charm that adds a vintage touch to your home.

A ladder the perfect way to personalize your home office or reading corner. All you have to do is incorporate wooden supports to create a shelf on the steps of the ladder. This way you can create extra space of storage. At the same time, you can create a unique and cozy corner.

There are a wide number of ways to incorporate this resource into your home. However, we recommend that you look at the type of objects you want to place on the ladder and make sure they fit well.

  • You can combine several ladders to completely cover one wall.
  • Another option is to install the ladder untreated. No need to paint! This way, you can create a warm, natural effect.
  • However, if you’re a lover of shabby chic, you can add a coat of paint in a pastel tone to create a youthful, cheerful effect.

Original shelves with pyramid shapes

Some figure

When talking about bookshelves, we almost always think of horizontal structures. However, in the interior design world, you can find original shelves in all kinds of shapes. For example, some original shelves are pyramid-shaped bookshelves.

This furniture is usually made up of boards that form a triangle shape. Then, different length boards form the horizontal shelving. The unique design divides the shelves and creates a unique frame for your objects, books, and documents.

This striking piece can become the focal point of a room. Or you can use it to separate spaces as if it were a screen. On the other hand, if you want to create a minimalist, clean, and refined space, you can place it up against a wall.


When decorating a house or a room, you want to make your space unique. However, it can be difficult to do this. So we’ll show you some options for original shelves you can use in your home.

Shelves are a resource for storage. However, they can also help bring personality to any wall in your home. They can allow you to reinvent a room and clean up messy, cluttered spaces.

This is not just an essential element for incorporating different decorative elements into your home. However, it’s also a way to add some elegance and class.

Original shelves – geometric modules

Some figure

There’s nothing like a geometric design to create a modern, contemporary interior. What better way to do this than geometric shelving? These types of shelve create an eccentric, original space through a simple, elegant design.

Geometric shelves are great display pieces. They offer an artistic, functional way to display books, collections of trinkets, art pieces, or other items.

The variety of geometric shapes you find on the market is vast. As a result, it’s almost impossible not to find a design that suits your style or space.

  • Box-shaped modules are very versatile and practical. They allow you to highlight the elements you display. Also, you can place objects on top of them. With these original shelves, you can create an open, airy style.
  • Another interesting option is to combine different geometric shapes, such as hexagons, squares, rectangles, and even circles. By relating them to each other, you can create a wall full of movement.
  • An alternative is to build a set of shelves or wall unit that features color. You can combine modules of different designs and shades to create a contrast of tones and shapes.

Love color. Take risks. Stay curious.

-Kelly Wearstler-

Recycled ladder

Some figure

If you have an old ladder collecting dust, consider reusing it! You can give this piece a second life. Transform it into a new decorative element by using it as a shelf.

Antique ladders have unique charm that adds a vintage touch to your home.

A ladder the perfect way to personalize your home office or reading corner. All you have to do is incorporate wooden supports to create a shelf on the steps of the ladder. This way you can create extra space of storage. At the same time, you can create a unique and cozy corner.

There are a wide number of ways to incorporate this resource into your home. However, we recommend that you look at the type of objects you want to place on the ladder and make sure they fit well.

  • You can combine several ladders to completely cover one wall.
  • Another option is to install the ladder untreated. No need to paint! This way, you can create a warm, natural effect.
  • However, if you’re a lover of shabby chic, you can add a coat of paint in a pastel tone to create a youthful, cheerful effect.

Original shelves with pyramid shapes

Some figure

When talking about bookshelves, we almost always think of horizontal structures. However, in the interior design world, you can find original shelves in all kinds of shapes. For example, some original shelves are pyramid-shaped bookshelves.

This furniture is usually made up of boards that form a triangle shape. Then, different length boards form the horizontal shelving. The unique design divides the shelves and creates a unique frame for your objects, books, and documents.

This striking piece can become the focal point of a room. Or you can use it to separate spaces as if it were a screen. On the other hand, if you want to create a minimalist, clean, and refined space, you can place it up against a wall.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Ventura, Anna: 1000 ideas prácticas en decoración del hogar, Universe Publishing, 2003.