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Learn What You Need to Deal with Torrential Rain

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Be sure your home is protected against severe weather.
Learn What You Need to Deal with Torrential Rain
Last update: 25 October, 2020

Severe weather and torrential rain can cause damage to homes. To prevent this, it’s best to have effective resources that protect in intense weather.

Inclement weather can generate serious consequences for homes, especially those that aren’t modernized.  That’s why you’re going to learn about some resources to deal with torrential rain.

Currently, builders use all types of materials in construction that can resist any type of issue. However, some buildings lack protection against the weather.

One aspect that you should take into account is the condition of a house. Do you really know the state that it’s in? And do you know what materials that it’s made of? It’s a good idea to find out about these details of your house instead of risking and enduring disastrous consequences.

Protecting the walls against torrential rain

Some figure


Depending on the location of the house and its orientation, it can suffer in downpours. Due to this a house may have leaks and be damp inside. If not repaired correctly, you’ll have these issues every year.

The exterior of many houses tends to be masonry, being stone, or brick. In order to treat this, there is a protective impermeable coating. By using this on the surface, it will penetrate the walls and leave no trace within 24 hours.

What does this protective coating do? It repels water and avoids soaking the exterior. Mainly, it blocks damp and allows the walls to sweat in a natural way. At the same time, it keeps heat in.

  An effective resource that guarantees the safety of the house for many years.

4 Resources to protect the roof from torrential rain

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Image: Onduline/pinterest.es

Naturally, the roof is the part of a house that takes the worst beating from torrential rain. Without a good protection system, it’s only a question of time before all kinds of problems occur. Let’s look at 4 useful resources:

1.The onduline system under a roof is one of the most popular resources. It’s useful for any type of roof material, being waterproof and preventing condensation. In addition, it has a corrugated system that adapts very well to roofs and lasts up to 30 years.

2. On the other hand, waterproof self-adhesive laminate is excellent as well. To explain, this is a self-adhesive malleable product that adapts to the surface of the roof. Basically, it’s like an asphalt fabric that insulates perfectly, even though it’ll take a few years to renovate.

3. Paint as a preventative, made up of pigments, resins and other mineral additives can help to boost thermal insulation and prevent moisture problems. Also, it’s beneficial to apply a finishing layer of polyurethane.

4. Heavy rain or the wind can move tile and they must stay affixed to the roof. Fortunately, there are anchoring systems that can withstand any type of inclement weather. That’s why, it’s not only important to pay attention to the interior, but also to take care of the exterior of your home.

Gutters that withstand torrential rain

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One of the problems that you may have is the drainage process. For this, it’s vital that you have sufficient gutters to be able to flush out the water from the roof. In addition, the gutters should consist of resistant and durable material.

In general, PVC is the most common material because it’s efficient, and over all it’s easy to work with, even though stainless steel is being used more and more. At the same time, it doesn’t show signs of wear or corrosion, and of course it’s not immune from harsh weather.

It’s imperative that gutters can withstand rain at any time of year and not be damaged by heat or low temperatures.

Water chains  – an aesthetic touch for your facade

Some figure

Image: pinterest.es

Once you have set up a good drainage system, you can direct the water to the ground by means of a Japanese technique – rain chains. These are made of pieces of wrought iron that create an aesthetic effect.

Using the chain, the water descends faster, protecting the facade without splattering, and producing an attractive visual. In reality, we’re talking about an aesthetic resource that has a functional component.



Severe weather and torrential rain can cause damage to homes. To prevent this, it’s best to have effective resources that protect in intense weather.

Inclement weather can generate serious consequences for homes, especially those that aren’t modernized.  That’s why you’re going to learn about some resources to deal with torrential rain.

Currently, builders use all types of materials in construction that can resist any type of issue. However, some buildings lack protection against the weather.

One aspect that you should take into account is the condition of a house. Do you really know the state that it’s in? And do you know what materials that it’s made of? It’s a good idea to find out about these details of your house instead of risking and enduring disastrous consequences.

Protecting the walls against torrential rain

Some figure


Depending on the location of the house and its orientation, it can suffer in downpours. Due to this a house may have leaks and be damp inside. If not repaired correctly, you’ll have these issues every year.

The exterior of many houses tends to be masonry, being stone, or brick. In order to treat this, there is a protective impermeable coating. By using this on the surface, it will penetrate the walls and leave no trace within 24 hours.

What does this protective coating do? It repels water and avoids soaking the exterior. Mainly, it blocks damp and allows the walls to sweat in a natural way. At the same time, it keeps heat in.

  An effective resource that guarantees the safety of the house for many years.

4 Resources to protect the roof from torrential rain

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Image: Onduline/pinterest.es

Naturally, the roof is the part of a house that takes the worst beating from torrential rain. Without a good protection system, it’s only a question of time before all kinds of problems occur. Let’s look at 4 useful resources:

1.The onduline system under a roof is one of the most popular resources. It’s useful for any type of roof material, being waterproof and preventing condensation. In addition, it has a corrugated system that adapts very well to roofs and lasts up to 30 years.

2. On the other hand, waterproof self-adhesive laminate is excellent as well. To explain, this is a self-adhesive malleable product that adapts to the surface of the roof. Basically, it’s like an asphalt fabric that insulates perfectly, even though it’ll take a few years to renovate.

3. Paint as a preventative, made up of pigments, resins and other mineral additives can help to boost thermal insulation and prevent moisture problems. Also, it’s beneficial to apply a finishing layer of polyurethane.

4. Heavy rain or the wind can move tile and they must stay affixed to the roof. Fortunately, there are anchoring systems that can withstand any type of inclement weather. That’s why, it’s not only important to pay attention to the interior, but also to take care of the exterior of your home.

Gutters that withstand torrential rain

Some figure

One of the problems that you may have is the drainage process. For this, it’s vital that you have sufficient gutters to be able to flush out the water from the roof. In addition, the gutters should consist of resistant and durable material.

In general, PVC is the most common material because it’s efficient, and over all it’s easy to work with, even though stainless steel is being used more and more. At the same time, it doesn’t show signs of wear or corrosion, and of course it’s not immune from harsh weather.

It’s imperative that gutters can withstand rain at any time of year and not be damaged by heat or low temperatures.

Water chains  – an aesthetic touch for your facade

Some figure

Image: pinterest.es

Once you have set up a good drainage system, you can direct the water to the ground by means of a Japanese technique – rain chains. These are made of pieces of wrought iron that create an aesthetic effect.

Using the chain, the water descends faster, protecting the facade without splattering, and producing an attractive visual. In reality, we’re talking about an aesthetic resource that has a functional component.



All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Rougeron, Claude: Aislamiento acústico y térmico en la construcción, Barcelona, Editores técnicos asociados, 1977.