How to Redecorate Your Home After A Breakup
A breakup can often leave us feeling in need of a fresh start, and it’s normal for people to look for new and exciting ways to reinvent themselves and their surroundings. How strongly you feel this need for change will largely depend on how the relationship ended. But whether it ended on bad or good terms, redecorating after a breakup is a great way to help you start to move on.
The whole process of rearranging your home and giving it a new look can be really therapeutic, giving you a cathartic outlet for your emotions, and helping you get your head in order. But what’s the best way to do it? And where should you start?
Take a deep breath. We’re going to talk you through it step-by-step, so that you can get back on your feet, and discover the new you.
Redecorating your home after a breakup – start your emotional detox
Your immediate reaction might be to erase any trace of your ex from your home, and start completely from scratch. However, it might be a good idea to pack anything of theirs away for the moment, and wait until things are less painful before you make any final decisions.
If there are children involved, it’ll be important for them to have keepsakes such as photographs. No matter what’s gone on between you and your partner, your children need to know that you’re still a family. Even if you’d rather they kept them in their own bedrooms rather than up on the walls, having these mementos will help give them some peace of mind.
Rearranging your home
One of the easiest ways to give your home a new look is to rearrange the furniture. Even a small change like this can help make things a little less painful.
Start by making a few changes. Why not move your couch from one wall to another and buy some new cushions? This will help give your sofa more prominence, and create a new focal point for your living room.
This might also be a good time to give your home a more personal touch. Now that you’re single again, you no longer have to make compromises when it comes to the decor. In fact, redecorating after a breakup can be really empowering.
If there’s an armchair your partner really loved, or one particular piece of furniture that reminds you of them, it might be best to get rid of it to stop you from getting too nostalgic.
Bedrooms – the most important room to redecorate after a breakup
If there’s one room that will need all your attention, it’s the bedroom you shared with your ex. Bedrooms are some of the most personal spaces in any home, and are likely to contain the most painful reminders of your relationship. So, let’s take a look at some of the different ways you can reclaim your bedroom, and create your own private sanctuary.
According to many therapists, the emotional baggage associated with our bedrooms can often be overwhelming. As such, they recommend thinking very carefully about the changes you want to make.
Heighten your senses
Our senses have a direct connection to how our brains perceive the world. Believe it or not, one of the best ways to improve the mood in your home is through the color scheme.
Painting the walls is the ideal option. You can go for some pretty radical changes here, maybe even hanging wallpaper to create a fantastic feature wall.
From there, you’ll be able to play around with the rest of your color palette, using the bed sheets, comforters, curtains, pillows, cushions… Don’t be afraid to let your creative juices flow.
Choosing new home fragrances is another interesting way to change things up a bit. Studies say that our sense of smell is closely linked with memory, so much so that certain scents can actually evoke specific memories. Place vases of fresh flowers here and there, or decorate your nightstand with bunches of dried cinnamon and lavender. Citrus scents can also be a great option.
Touch is another important sense to consider. There’s nothing more relaxing than the feel of soft, warm materials. Think carefully about the fabrics you choose for your bed, and try to make sure they’re made of natural fibers.
Feng Shui
By now, we’re sure you’ve heard all about this thousand-year-old philosophy, which focuses on how we can use the materials, colors and layout of our home to channel energy. This ancient Chinese art form also proposes techniques to enhance your inner peace, and help you to stay balanced.
One such technique is to make sure you have two nightstands in your bedroom, in order to achieve perfect harmony. Here you’ll find another of our articles, in which we show you some of the different ways you can use Feng Shui to Harmonize your Relationship…Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be ready to start believing in love again.
Get motivated
Redecorating your home after a breakup is never easy. There are a lot of emotions to work through, especially when it comes to tackling the bedroom. It’s normal to feel down now and then, and to have days where it seems like your whole world is falling apart. Filling your home with bright colors and hanging beautiful pictures on the walls can make it that little bit easier to get out of bed in the morning.
The important thing to remember after a breakup is to give yourself time to mourn. We hope these tips and tricks for redecorating your home will help you adapt to this new stage in your life.