How to Keep Your Home Cool

You can often feel the high summer temperatures inside your home. Heat can indeed be overwhelming and affect you both physically and psychologically. Therefore, it’s a good idea for you to know how to keep your home cool.
Orientation is very important in homes, as it allows you to enjoy more or fewer hours of sunlight. It also heats the different spaces of your home. However, at some times of the year, this heat can become a bit excessive.
But don’t fret! Different tricks can help you enjoy a more comfortable climate in your rooms and keep your house cool. Of course, air conditioning is the most effective method. However, not everyone has access to this to solve their problems.
Ventilation first thing in the morning

It’s very important to ventilate your house in the early hours of the day, mainly because it allows you to enjoy fresher and purer air. This way, you oxygenate your spaces and the air currents eliminate the feeling of heaviness that’s present in your home.
Airing your house every morning gives you a feeling of well-being. You can even feel this in your breathing. Also, it’s a good idea to do it a few minutes before bed. It’s a great way to avoid night sweats!
Remember that the goal is to keep your home properly accimatized to your needs.
How to keep your home cool by reducing light

One factor to take into account is the amount of natural light that enters your home through the windows. This creates a clear warming process, as the solar radiation during the summer is quite strong and there’s more light than other seasons of the year.
For this reason, it’s a good idea to know some tricks you can put into practice without the need to waste energy:
- Study the orientation of your house and check the hours when the light hits it directly. There’s evidence that the streets are warmer at noon. Therefore, you need to keep everything tightly closed at that time.
- At mid-morning, the sun gains height, and the intensity of the heat increases. Thus, experts recommend keeping the blinds at a medium height from 12 noon to mid-afternoon to reduce the brightness.
- Another possibility is installing day and night blinds that you can open and close as you wish. They can filter the light and, also, you can leave them more or less open, as you wish.
An awning to keep your home cool

Awnings on terraces and porches are very practical. They help you prevent your home from getting too much sun exposure and you can install them in different ways.
They aren’t only used during the summer. In fact, they’re useful in the rainy season as they can help avoid direct exposure to possible inclement weather and prevent water from damaging the terrace.
You mustn’t forget that thanks to an awning, you can enjoy the terrace more since it provides you with shade whenever you want it. It’ll allow you to cool down spaces and considerably reduce heat during the most intense hours.
This is a very easy to install and truly functional resource.
Thermal insulation to keep your home cool

Construction materials have a direct impact on keeping a house cool. Correct insulation favors internal protection. In the past, people used adobe (dried mud) to keep places cool during the summer and warm during the winter. But what options exist today?
It’s essential to use top quality materials. Brick and concrete are popular choices. Nevertheless, you also have the option of using insulating materials that protect your home. They’re usually placed on ceilings and floors.
The most widely used are polystyrene, polyurethane, and glass wool. But you have to make sure that they’re quality products so they give good results.
You can often feel the high summer temperatures inside your home. Heat can indeed be overwhelming and affect you both physically and psychologically. Therefore, it’s a good idea for you to know how to keep your home cool.
Orientation is very important in homes, as it allows you to enjoy more or fewer hours of sunlight. It also heats the different spaces of your home. However, at some times of the year, this heat can become a bit excessive.
But don’t fret! Different tricks can help you enjoy a more comfortable climate in your rooms and keep your house cool. Of course, air conditioning is the most effective method. However, not everyone has access to this to solve their problems.
Ventilation first thing in the morning

It’s very important to ventilate your house in the early hours of the day, mainly because it allows you to enjoy fresher and purer air. This way, you oxygenate your spaces and the air currents eliminate the feeling of heaviness that’s present in your home.
Airing your house every morning gives you a feeling of well-being. You can even feel this in your breathing. Also, it’s a good idea to do it a few minutes before bed. It’s a great way to avoid night sweats!
Remember that the goal is to keep your home properly accimatized to your needs.
How to keep your home cool by reducing light

One factor to take into account is the amount of natural light that enters your home through the windows. This creates a clear warming process, as the solar radiation during the summer is quite strong and there’s more light than other seasons of the year.
For this reason, it’s a good idea to know some tricks you can put into practice without the need to waste energy:
- Study the orientation of your house and check the hours when the light hits it directly. There’s evidence that the streets are warmer at noon. Therefore, you need to keep everything tightly closed at that time.
- At mid-morning, the sun gains height, and the intensity of the heat increases. Thus, experts recommend keeping the blinds at a medium height from 12 noon to mid-afternoon to reduce the brightness.
- Another possibility is installing day and night blinds that you can open and close as you wish. They can filter the light and, also, you can leave them more or less open, as you wish.
An awning to keep your home cool

Awnings on terraces and porches are very practical. They help you prevent your home from getting too much sun exposure and you can install them in different ways.
They aren’t only used during the summer. In fact, they’re useful in the rainy season as they can help avoid direct exposure to possible inclement weather and prevent water from damaging the terrace.
You mustn’t forget that thanks to an awning, you can enjoy the terrace more since it provides you with shade whenever you want it. It’ll allow you to cool down spaces and considerably reduce heat during the most intense hours.
This is a very easy to install and truly functional resource.
Thermal insulation to keep your home cool

Construction materials have a direct impact on keeping a house cool. Correct insulation favors internal protection. In the past, people used adobe (dried mud) to keep places cool during the summer and warm during the winter. But what options exist today?
It’s essential to use top quality materials. Brick and concrete are popular choices. Nevertheless, you also have the option of using insulating materials that protect your home. They’re usually placed on ceilings and floors.
The most widely used are polystyrene, polyurethane, and glass wool. But you have to make sure that they’re quality products so they give good results.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Greer, Beth: La casa natural: mejora tu salud, tu hogar y el planeta, habitación por habitación, Zenith, 2018.