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How To Give Your Home a Vintage Touch

3 minutes
This type of decoration involves incorporating components that recall the past without making the home feel outdated.
How To Give Your Home a Vintage Touch
Last update: 23 March, 2021

We all know that in the world of decoration there are different procedures to develop an aesthetic that suits your tastes. Nowadays, you can combine styles and make use of different resources to give your home a vintage touch.

These days people tend to choose contemporary designs that are typical of the new approaches offered by interior designers. Of course they’re a good bet, but you can also develop other formulas that are attractive and interesting.

It’s time to look at the past, analyze it and extract everything that really pleases you. Basically, this is a way of giving your home a personality of its own, being original and at the same time sophisticated. It’ll also provide a certain sense of elegance but with a special meaning.

What does “vintage” mean?

Some figure
This concept refers to everything old; a vision of the past with a certain aged feeling. A nostalgic and pleasant perspective also blends into the background, and the aesthetic takes on principles that are already familiar.

You shouldn’t make your home look old-fashioned; in fact, a classic or traditional environment doesn’t mean a strictly old-fashioned look. The idea isn’t to create an old-time feel but to work on a reinterpretation of new concepts.

By adding vintage touches you’re not going to create an old, out-of-date feel. The objective is to work in such a way that you can unify modern ideas with others from the past.

It can be hard work, but the results will surprise you.

Giving your home a vintage touch

So, how can you develop this decorative style? You need to take into account that objects, furniture, colors and distribution have a significant impact. In other words, look at the decoration and the interior design itself according to some defined precepts. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Old furniture that’s deteriorated can be reused. To do this, you have to restore it and bring out a worn appearance that reflects the passage of time, but without leaving the material in poor condition.
  • Armchairs with armrests that have a padded seat and backrest are a good bet. In addition, they often have patterned upholstery that’s lively and uses eye-catching shades.
  • Brass or Tiffany table lamps recall the modernism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They help produce a striking visual and aesthetic effect, offering an more interesting, colorful and sparkling appearance.
  • The use of certain resources, such as vases, black and white photographs or framed pictures, gives the space a more colorful and bright feel. 

How to use floors to give your home a vintage touch

Some figure

It’s important that the floors are eye-catching. Nowadays, they tend to remain in the background where functionality is key; however, there are other possibilities that can be particularly attractive.

One idea is hydraulic tiles for rooms such as the bathroom or kitchen; however, a trend of decorating living rooms with this type of material is beginning to take hold. You could also use combinations of porcelain tiles.

In addition, don’t forget another solution that can be very effective: carpets to make the floor look good and offer comfort. On top of this, you can make use of a defined and striking design, such as the Persian style.

Decoration with a vintage character adds a picturesque touch.

Colors – making the right choice

When it comes to colors, there’s no need to be afraid of the choice you make. In fact, you should be aware of the elements that you’re going to include in the decoration and, from there, choose shades that interest you.

Generally, neutral shades are more common, but don’t forget that other colors such as turquoise, maroon or dark blues were used a lot in the past.

In short, to give your home a vintage touch, you have to pay attention to the designs of the past but incorporate these into a modern aesthetic; in this way, you’ll be able to achieve a vintage feel.

We all know that in the world of decoration there are different procedures to develop an aesthetic that suits your tastes. Nowadays, you can combine styles and make use of different resources to give your home a vintage touch.

These days people tend to choose contemporary designs that are typical of the new approaches offered by interior designers. Of course they’re a good bet, but you can also develop other formulas that are attractive and interesting.

It’s time to look at the past, analyze it and extract everything that really pleases you. Basically, this is a way of giving your home a personality of its own, being original and at the same time sophisticated. It’ll also provide a certain sense of elegance but with a special meaning.

What does “vintage” mean?

Some figure
This concept refers to everything old; a vision of the past with a certain aged feeling. A nostalgic and pleasant perspective also blends into the background, and the aesthetic takes on principles that are already familiar.

You shouldn’t make your home look old-fashioned; in fact, a classic or traditional environment doesn’t mean a strictly old-fashioned look. The idea isn’t to create an old-time feel but to work on a reinterpretation of new concepts.

By adding vintage touches you’re not going to create an old, out-of-date feel. The objective is to work in such a way that you can unify modern ideas with others from the past.

It can be hard work, but the results will surprise you.

Giving your home a vintage touch

So, how can you develop this decorative style? You need to take into account that objects, furniture, colors and distribution have a significant impact. In other words, look at the decoration and the interior design itself according to some defined precepts. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Old furniture that’s deteriorated can be reused. To do this, you have to restore it and bring out a worn appearance that reflects the passage of time, but without leaving the material in poor condition.
  • Armchairs with armrests that have a padded seat and backrest are a good bet. In addition, they often have patterned upholstery that’s lively and uses eye-catching shades.
  • Brass or Tiffany table lamps recall the modernism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They help produce a striking visual and aesthetic effect, offering an more interesting, colorful and sparkling appearance.
  • The use of certain resources, such as vases, black and white photographs or framed pictures, gives the space a more colorful and bright feel. 

How to use floors to give your home a vintage touch

Some figure

It’s important that the floors are eye-catching. Nowadays, they tend to remain in the background where functionality is key; however, there are other possibilities that can be particularly attractive.

One idea is hydraulic tiles for rooms such as the bathroom or kitchen; however, a trend of decorating living rooms with this type of material is beginning to take hold. You could also use combinations of porcelain tiles.

In addition, don’t forget another solution that can be very effective: carpets to make the floor look good and offer comfort. On top of this, you can make use of a defined and striking design, such as the Persian style.

Decoration with a vintage character adds a picturesque touch.

Colors – making the right choice

When it comes to colors, there’s no need to be afraid of the choice you make. In fact, you should be aware of the elements that you’re going to include in the decoration and, from there, choose shades that interest you.

Generally, neutral shades are more common, but don’t forget that other colors such as turquoise, maroon or dark blues were used a lot in the past.

In short, to give your home a vintage touch, you have to pay attention to the designs of the past but incorporate these into a modern aesthetic; in this way, you’ll be able to achieve a vintage feel.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Emma, Callery: Enciclopedia práctica de la decoración, Everest, 2001.
  • Wilson, Judith: La casa vintage: tesoros con estilo para un hogar muy chic y actual, Océano Ámbar, 2009.