How to Disinfect Your Home Without Harming the Decor

In order to enjoy your home, you should completely disinfect it. If you do this, areas will be safe to use and you’ll avoid germs.
The home should be a healthy place, and everything should be in perfect condition and absolutely clean. So let’s look at the different ways to clean without harming the furnishings.
Often we make mistakes when choosing cleaning agents. Some are very harsh and ruin surfaces, while others don’t eliminate germs and at the same time can be damaging.
Enjoying your home freely doesn’t have a price. When you want to have a feeling of well being and tranquillity, it’s beneficial that you evaluate the best ways to make your home a safe place to live.
Main advantages of disinfecting your home
It seems unlikely that a private home could be a risky place. This is because contamination and infections usually occur in a public space. However, this isn’t always the case.
In order to achieve your goal, you should disinfect your decor. This includes your furniture, miscellaneous items in the house, fabrics, floors, etc. This means that anything that comes in contact with people needs to be treated without causing harm to anything.
Today, the contagions that exist, such as viruses, bacteria, and all kinds of pathogens, can be on any surface. Although no area is free of these, you can make your home a safe place for the entire family.
It’s up to you to make your home a place that’s free of germs
4 Products to disinfect your home

When choosing products, you should be clear about what materials you’re going to use. For instance, what you use on wood isn’t the same as what you use on tiles. Each one has some characteristics that you need to understand to avoid potential damage. Let’s look at the 4 basics:
- Bleach is a substance that is considered the best way to destroy any organisms. Use bleach for impermeable surfaces such as ceramic, metal, stone, brick, plastic, etc. It’s very important to use gloves to prevent harm to the skin and not to mix it with ammonia.
- Fabric items (curtains, pillows, rugs, etc.) need to be washed with detergent and baking soda. After doing this, dry in the sun since ultraviolet rays have disinfectant properties. Never use bleach or ammonia.
- Appliances and other items that the entire family use should be disinfected with disinfectant gel or 96 % alcohol. Experts recommend that you do this daily for sterilization purposes.
- A wood floor is probably what should receive the most care. Walking on it does harm. That’s why it’s important that you clean it with vinegar and water. This way it’ll stay clean.
Remember that it’s very important not to mix disinfectants together since they can be very dangerous to your health. This is evidenced by experts at the University of Costa Rica who have carried out an experiment on this topic.
Disinfect your decor and other surfaces

Kitchen countertops are surfaces that need serious attention since we put food on them and we handle all kinds of objects on the counters. It’s vital to wash the counter with soap and water daily and clean with bleach once in a while.
Door knobs propagate viruses. Since they’re normally made of metal, you can use any cleaner that is effective. Equally important are the light switches, chairs and tables that everyone uses. This is why they also require weekly cleaning to keep these areas safe.
There’s true safety in prevention
Making homemade disinfectants for delicate surfaces

You can make your own homemade disinfectant. In the first place, you’re going to need about 2 cups of water. Then add a half cup of white vinegar, which is very effective to remove dried-on stains, to protect wood and other delicate surfaces.
After this, add half a cup of 96% alcohol. This way you’ll be sure that the germs and virus are completely destroyed. Finally, so that it has a nice fragrance, use a liquid aroma.
When applying this, you can use a spray bottle. This way you’ll spread the disinfectant on the surface using a cloth, and it’ll stay more hygienic.
In order to enjoy your home, you should completely disinfect it. If you do this, areas will be safe to use and you’ll avoid germs.
The home should be a healthy place, and everything should be in perfect condition and absolutely clean. So let’s look at the different ways to clean without harming the furnishings.
Often we make mistakes when choosing cleaning agents. Some are very harsh and ruin surfaces, while others don’t eliminate germs and at the same time can be damaging.
Enjoying your home freely doesn’t have a price. When you want to have a feeling of well being and tranquillity, it’s beneficial that you evaluate the best ways to make your home a safe place to live.
Main advantages of disinfecting your home
It seems unlikely that a private home could be a risky place. This is because contamination and infections usually occur in a public space. However, this isn’t always the case.
In order to achieve your goal, you should disinfect your decor. This includes your furniture, miscellaneous items in the house, fabrics, floors, etc. This means that anything that comes in contact with people needs to be treated without causing harm to anything.
Today, the contagions that exist, such as viruses, bacteria, and all kinds of pathogens, can be on any surface. Although no area is free of these, you can make your home a safe place for the entire family.
It’s up to you to make your home a place that’s free of germs
4 Products to disinfect your home

When choosing products, you should be clear about what materials you’re going to use. For instance, what you use on wood isn’t the same as what you use on tiles. Each one has some characteristics that you need to understand to avoid potential damage. Let’s look at the 4 basics:
- Bleach is a substance that is considered the best way to destroy any organisms. Use bleach for impermeable surfaces such as ceramic, metal, stone, brick, plastic, etc. It’s very important to use gloves to prevent harm to the skin and not to mix it with ammonia.
- Fabric items (curtains, pillows, rugs, etc.) need to be washed with detergent and baking soda. After doing this, dry in the sun since ultraviolet rays have disinfectant properties. Never use bleach or ammonia.
- Appliances and other items that the entire family use should be disinfected with disinfectant gel or 96 % alcohol. Experts recommend that you do this daily for sterilization purposes.
- A wood floor is probably what should receive the most care. Walking on it does harm. That’s why it’s important that you clean it with vinegar and water. This way it’ll stay clean.
Remember that it’s very important not to mix disinfectants together since they can be very dangerous to your health. This is evidenced by experts at the University of Costa Rica who have carried out an experiment on this topic.
Disinfect your decor and other surfaces

Kitchen countertops are surfaces that need serious attention since we put food on them and we handle all kinds of objects on the counters. It’s vital to wash the counter with soap and water daily and clean with bleach once in a while.
Door knobs propagate viruses. Since they’re normally made of metal, you can use any cleaner that is effective. Equally important are the light switches, chairs and tables that everyone uses. This is why they also require weekly cleaning to keep these areas safe.
There’s true safety in prevention
Making homemade disinfectants for delicate surfaces

You can make your own homemade disinfectant. In the first place, you’re going to need about 2 cups of water. Then add a half cup of white vinegar, which is very effective to remove dried-on stains, to protect wood and other delicate surfaces.
After this, add half a cup of 96% alcohol. This way you’ll be sure that the germs and virus are completely destroyed. Finally, so that it has a nice fragrance, use a liquid aroma.
When applying this, you can use a spray bottle. This way you’ll spread the disinfectant on the surface using a cloth, and it’ll stay more hygienic.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Rognoni, Patrizia: La limpieza integral de la casa, Barcelona, De Vecchi, 2012.